[7.2/10] It was definitely amusing seeing everyone trying to make up for the high school days by super inappropriately trying to relive and redo them in their late twenties with current high schoolers. I think my favorite of the mini-plots was Charlie’s, possibly because despite the fact that he buys underage kids a keg of beer and lets them drink underage, something about him getting so immersed in the school’s gossip and backing off for another high schooler to dance with his prom date while he jams solo to “Forever Young” is honestly kind of adorable.

Dee and Dennis’s bits were less sweet, but still entertaining. Dee dating a high school boy to make up for her own bad high school experience was funny in a gross sort of way. The storyline basically gets by on Dee being kind of pathetic. The same goes for Dennis, who’s being hit on by a high school girl (a young Lady Sif, for you Thor fans), and is super reluctant until he’s basically blackmailed into it, and being used to get her H.S. boyfriend (Dee’s date!) back anyway. Again, it’s a little uncomfortable, but the joke being on Dennis saves it reasonably well.

And Mac’s part in the proceedings is funny as well, with him still not being liked or invited to prom, and trying to go stag anyway. Again, the gang overall trying to redo their high school days is a solidly out there premise, and the episode stumbles in places, but it overall solidly amusing throughout despite the awkwardness of the subject matter.

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