[7.2/10] Ahhh, the first instance of Ron and Tammy. I’m so used to their craziness at this point that I forget it’s a surprise in the early going. The Parks Dept.’s irrational hate for the library is a good strain of comedy, and Tammy 2 going from a perfectly reasonable-seeming person to crazy manipulative succubus mode is a nice little twist. Also, cheerful just-got-laid Ron is a fun presence as well. Frankly, not as fun a bit as I remembered, but the through-line of Leslie feeling like it’s good that she butted in to Ron’s personal life and then finding that she got way way more than she bargain for (replete with an “I Told You So” from Donna) was nice.

The B-story, with Mark trying to decide how to deal with Andy trying to get back together with Ann was fine, but nothing special. Chris Pratt is still amusing as heck, but it’s a fairly inert storyline that doesn’t get much time in the episode anyway. Though Ann’s reaction to the “Andy & Ann’s Family Shoeshine Stand” flyers is pretty amusing.

Overall, solid and amusing, but really only notable for introducing Tammy 2.

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