Very good episode. I certainly enjoyed it. The scenery was amazing. That last scene was awesome. The symbolism with Daryl and the tiger was perfect. Grab tissues everyone, you'll need them. The meetings in TWD are always so touchy and heartbreaking...I just can't.

"You sick with that stick, man" Jerry is awesome. I'm afraid that teddy bear will bite the dust soon and I don't want him to. I want to see him on beast mode against the Saviors. He's like the Hurley from TWD. No matter what he does, we'll love him.

That metal walker has to be one of the most badass walkers ever. "The mouth of Sauron". He was certainly terrifying and that scene was amazing. Rick fighting him has to be my new wallpaper. And he just used a fucking keyboard? Rick "keyboard warrior" Grimes. I fully expect to see a meme for it soon. That might be the weirdest group they've found yet. The Trash People? The Junk Weirdos? Seriously, why are they so fucking weird? They live in a damn junk yard, have weird names and rules about interacting with others and that freaky haircut. And their survival tests: Defeat a trash spiked decorated walker. I don't want to see what they've prepared next. And their ideology? I'm confused: "We take, but we don't bother". So you just wait until someone steal something to steal from them, amiright? Having one group constantly performing Shakespeare was not enough. The Saviors shall feel thy wrath and thy junk.

Morgan lost his stick. Separation anxiety. And look at Father Gabriel. He's able to hold someone at knife point just to give a speech. I get the feeling that Richard is willing to Governor the situation.
Daryl to Carol: "Why'd you go?" Tears, tears all over. That hug. Great acting. It really felt like an orphaned kid. When Carol said "If I kill there'll be nothing left if me" Daryl knew it. Sparing her feelings was preventing her breakdown. It'll turn her Terminator.
That reference to Michonne's art cat from S3. My heart melted. It's like he won it at the fair.

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