Review by Nancy L Draper

The Big Bang Theory 2007

This is the #1 program in Canada (although American made), but has a tremendous international following. Who knew that a half hour show about a couple of socially awkward, yet off the scale brilliant, nerds would have garnered such success and such a faithful following. I think the appeal is that it resonates with everyone who has ever felt themselves to be an outsider (and haven't we all, at one time or another). Since the pilot, the regular cast has grown into a family of outcasts who's antics, interactions, romances and personal dilemmas never fail to draw us in. The writing is intelligent, ever creative (as demonstrated in their ability to keep it fresh for 10 seasons) and laugh out loud funny. The characters, always 3 dimensional, have grown into themselves, and have kept our attention, as we have cringed, laughed, cried and cheered them on. The actors, filling out their roles, are spot on! Between the 6th and 8th season I got sidetracked from keeping up with the show, and have this past week re-familiarized myself with the series and got caught up, and I must say its been a good week of viewing. I highly recommend this series, and give it a 9.5 (brilliant) maybe even 10 (classic) out of ten. Admittedly I'm a nerd, so I love the references and banter to all things SciFi, academic or nerd culture, and, yes, I've been known to pause the show to google people or references that I didn't quite get (so it's educational, too!) It's just a good time to which you should treat yourself. Dive in.

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