Review by dunpealhunter

Sin City 2005

I am surprised that no one commented at this movie yet, in its genre (Neo-noir, a movie set in the 1940s or 1950s but with updated themes, content, style and technology) this is by far the best movie till date.

The movie has 3 short stories taken from the comics of Frank Miller (the same guy who wrote the movie 300 and RoboCop 2 and 3). The stories although all seperate are interwoven with each other. And every one of them is a work of art.

They all take place in the same place: Sin City. Sin City is a city corrupt to the bone. Senator Roark said it best, if he killed Hartigan (Bruce Willes from the first story "That Yellow Bastard") right there in that busy hospital no one would arrest him, everyone would lie for him to cover their own set of lies and deceit. If not, everything would fall like a deck of cards.

Everything in this movie works perfectly. From Rodriguez's editing and cinematography to the spot on casting. The main cast Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke and Clive Owen narrate the story in a style that makes it essential for the movie to work. Many times especially in case of Marv (a almost unrecognizable Mickey Rourke) it explains a lot of things and his psyche. I especially liked the one liners that this movie has to many to count off. It really gives off a vibe that this is one of those old defective movies from the 1940s and 1950s.

Sin City is dark, sexy, funny, exciting and a fast-paced action/crime thriller. There is a reason that this is R rated, without a doubt its one of the most violent and graphic blockbusters that has been released to a wide audience. I can highly recommend this movie to anyone (no kids though, they will definitely get nightmares for days), if you haven't seen it already go rent it, buy it or download it off the internet. You won't regret it.

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