Shout by 1010011011

Breaking Bad 2008

Great series,

but ricin attacks started after this series. I guess making knowledge easily available for everyone is dangerous.

Just imagine if somebody would make a new series where someone used "Deadly Hemlock" to kill somebody? This weed grows on every square meter besides the road in WHOLE Europe and is several times more poisonous (and really deadly) than the seeds from the "Castor oil plant"

Also there is no antidote for coniine and death is gruesome and slow like with curare. The victim will be paralysed but fully conscious until it suffocates because the breathing will eventually stop. It has been told to take up to half an hour or more before death releases the victim of it's futile struggle to stay alive.

It should be considered a crime to share this information in films or on the internet. Back in the middle ages everybody knew their poisons and therefore it wasn't a very pleasant time to live in. Nowadays people don't know these things anymore and I see a huge difference in making it available while eating a cookie or going to the library or a book store and actually start reading a book or for that matter.

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