This pilot makes the show look promising!
But there was one thing I did not understand... From what I could tell, hosts need to die for travelers to transfer their consciousness to them (right before they die). Then how did the FBI agent become a host for a traveler, since he was saved from death?

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@misnomer As far as I could tell, the hosts must not die in order for the travelers to transfer their consciousness. Since they know exactly when and where their potential hosts die, it looks like they intervened and kept them from dying so that they can take control of their minds (while feeling morally superior because, well, they'd have died anyway). Which is why that detective didn't make a viable host (even though he was originally supposed to become one), with his heart attack having been an inevitable cause of death.


OPReply by kinky

@kazekira that does make sense, but what I got from the rest of the show is that they only take the body of those whose death is assured. That FBI agent's death was not assured, since he was saved from it, he wouldn't have died anymore, so there would be no reason for them to take his body. Maybe I got it wrong. Anyway, this was probably the only "death" that didn't make sense to me. The whole season is great, enjoy it!

@misnomer Well, in theory, every one of those people could have been saved by another traveler who knew they would die, but the travelers need hosts, and people dying of cancer or old age aren't particularly useful in that scenario, so the best they can do is use people who (would have) died violently and justify not saving their lives with the mission to save the world.
