Shout by Felipe Ibañez

White Collar: Season 6

6x06 Au Revoir

I absolutely loved the ending. I knew Neal couldn't be dead - that pretty much ends residuals if people know he dies. The baby was adorable, Peter and El were so happy, Mozzie was still Mozzie and Neal was off on another adventure. I like to think he eventually does meet up with Peter again. The icing on the cake was the smile on Peter's face when he realizes Neal is really alive. Great Ending!

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@pipeinformatico I agree completely! My only thing is, how is Neil able to be happy on another adventure without his 2 best friends? I mean, what did he really have to fake his death and run from with Keller dead? I would've liked to have seen him carry out his sentence working with Peter and then have to choose what he was going to do when he was truly free, or see if the FBI were to offer his a job as a permanent CI or something. Oh, well!
