I’ve never seen riverdale but i imagine it’s kind of like this

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absolutely ADORE the rotating shot, right before revealing Vecna on the other side, so so good

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man the russian plot is really boring

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these episodes are super long to say that the story feels thrown together, i would’ve preferred shorter episodes with a more put together storyline

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I've enjoyed the watching experience, but the episodes are too long, and the Russian storyline is far too boring. Also I'm not sure what the end game is here.

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David Harbour is a great actor and his monologue was one of the best acted scenes of the season but this Russian subplot is still pretty boring

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Murray you beautiful idiot :smile:

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Elevens repeated "visions" are annoying af as is the damn NOISE in this season what is up with that!

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The Russian/Alaska storyline is boring. Pity.

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I don't understand either, Eleven. So I find it surprising the team didn't share the knowledge of how to escape the "trance" before you're broken to pieces and your eyes sucked in. Now another poor kid is dead. Probably no one would believe them if they did and they'd come off shady as shit but they could've at least tried. :/

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The Russian subplot is so boring, even Hopper would rather die than keep it going...

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Leave my Eleven alone!! Psychological torture I do not admit in here.

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Very intense episode. I don't really get the Vecna stuff yet and where it's leading.

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Mentioning Freddy Krueger in the episode after we are introduced to Victor Creel is just beautiful.

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Shout by Amarantha
BlockedParent2022-09-15T23:12:37Z— updated 2022-09-17T00:50:01Z

My goodness, writing is awful. Russian plotline, Eleven's memory stuff - oh look, papa is back now, comedy hour at Suzie's... And how the fuck do the cops let Jason speak at all?

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De-aging CGI is getting pretty good overall I'd say.

Useless Russia sub-plot is useless.

I feel the big baddie has been revealed far too early and his design kind of looks comical now.

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We needed a little breather from the intensity of the last one. The plot lines feel like they’re thinning out but similar to the duller moments of a vacation I’m still enjoying the time spent in this story.

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Shout by TIBS

Deepfake Eleven doesn’t look like a Beetlejuice shrunken head at all, nope, not one bit.

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Shout by Jim222001

Will wanting to tell Mike how he feels all season feels like a fan service. Is my only complaint. After all he has been through.
All he has to do is run around with some drawing or something that has to do with how he feels about Mike.
It’s like all the writers have for him after all he has been through, is him coming out of the closet. Which isn’t that interesting since it’s like every CW character in every CW show.
It reminds me of the fan service in IT chapter 2 teasing Richie and Eddie. To please the fans who shipped them. Despite Richie clearly checking out Beverly in Chapter 1.

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Where is this show going? This is some piss poor writing.

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They should have just left it as hopper dying in the last season. I really don’t care about this Russian part of the story

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Joyce and Murray are often so dumb and unserious, their scenes together get a little annoying after a while. Also, I’ve never been a fan of any of the Russian plotlines, so that combination makes their characters even more boring to me at the moment. At least I do really love Hopper, so he’s the only interesting part that’s left from that storyline! I like him best when he’s with Eleven though, so I hope they’ll be reunited soon and we’ll get to see their dynamic again <3

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This might be the most boring episode of the series. It's just too long. It didn't need to be 1 hour. Honestly, most of the episodes of season 4 don't need to be that long, but this one especially. Too much filler. Still love the Hopper monologue, that's the main takeaway from this episode for me.

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Losing interest in this. Real boring with these extra long episodes. Storyline is a mess. 2/10.

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just burn the whole fucking house down at this point. it's the only way

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Many a times has a person unknowingly given me a pen that didn’t work. Never questioned it. That, and Max’s crayon art seamlessly coming together to form the house, were a bit of a stretch.

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HOW THE FUCK IS DR. BRENNER STILL ALIVE?! And now you’re telling me we have to TRUST him to help El regain her lost powers even though all of this shit was HIS fault to begin with?!

Jesus did this episode know how to make you angry!!!

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