Gotta love a good use of a great song.

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this is an absolute masterpiece!!!! and breathing is not allowed in the last five minutes

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This whole season has been fucking amazing but this episode stands out as one of the best imo.

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Yup! That's the power of Kate Bush

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What is this creature. Where did it come from? What does it want? What’s it after? So many questions. It’s like they picked a random creature & throw it into the story line. This season has some weak story writing.

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Same thing happens to me every time I listen to Kate Bush

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The buildup in this episode is incredible. The use of music on the show in general and for the plot is just pure genius.

Yes, some parts are slower and maybe a bit boring at time like the Russian/Hopper storyline but that comeback is going to be awesome… I feel it. Also, it can’t be too easy and it needs building.

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The Victor Creel flashback scene was better than the entirety of the third Conjuring film.

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Totally got caught off guard by how EMOTIONAL this episode has made me. Expected it to be a filler, didn't think I'd be WIPING TEARS AWAY FROM MY FACE. So far what's happening to Max is the only highlight of the season. Sadie was absolutely phenomenal here. I mean that scene of her reading the letter to Billy's grave? COME ON! I was gutted. ALSO, BILLYYYYYY!!! :cry:

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that was so fucking beautiful and precious y’all i can’t

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Wow, what an emotional episode. From Ep03 it just gets better and better!

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insanely good episode and the final sequence was a masterpiece. this season has absolutely shattered me so far

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This was a great episode.

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that final sequence was just marvelous. absolutely one of the best scenes in all of stranger things.
max running away from vecna as she gets flashbacks of her memories while running up the hill is playing ─ phenomenal. and sadie sink portrayed her character so well, she delivered an insanely good performance. she's definitely going to be winning some awards.

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this is so fucking sad and emotional

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Best of the season yet, though I've yet to be wowed by anything so far. The ending sequence was pretty great here, but pretty much everything else has just been alright imo.

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The anxiety while watching this episode is real

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bruh holy fucking shit those last five mins. ALSO FUCKING ROBERT ENGLUND??? SOMEBODY SEDATE ME

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I was eating a peanut butter sandwich when Hopper found his peanut butter and I've never felt more connected to somebody like that in my life. 10 out of 10. Would eat peanut butter with Hopper any day. Also...lets go KATE FREAKING BUSH. And don't even get me started on Robert Englund. This episode was banana pants awesome.

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The imagery in the final scene was literally unreal

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The ending sequence got me all emotional along with the credits music

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The last shot was just beautiful.

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The side stories just seem like a waste of time.

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That. Was. Amazing.

I had serious reservations when I found out the episode lengths to the episodes in this season. I really didn't think it was going to work at all but, weirdly, the time just flies. Somehow, the Duffer Bros. have created something new here, they've created almost a series of movies. How this works I don't get, but works it does.

4 episodes in and this is the best season since the first IMO and I think this episode is probably the best across the entire series.


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easily best episode and the last 5 minutes oh my god... with the build up as well, I mostly never worry for characters surviving because I know they won't die but this one was different.... I genuinely didnt know if she would make it which is partly why it's done so well. the last scene is an actual masterpiece, with running up that hill- the flashbacks- everything was perfect. One of my fav scenes of all timel

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OMG THE FLASHBACKS MADE ME THINK SHE WAS GOING TO DIE!! BUT SHE'S OKAY :hearts::hearts::hearts: Also, I'm kinda nervous to imagine that the one back is not fully Max (like Will was, when he was possessed). But I hope it's not the case. Amazing episode. Best one so far.

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max's flashback scenes and the ending to this episode were BEAUTIFUL.

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wow what an excellent episode, had me on the edge of my seat in distress. sadie sink we will get you your emmy

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Wow, they still got it. Great episode and a powerful final scene. So far this season proves it was worth the long wait.

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Best episode of this season so far. It was so emotional, so thrilling. Loved it!

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holy shirt!!! this is a masterpiece, especially that max running from vecna. that was the most intense scene this season so far holy mother of cow

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never thought i'd cry watching a stranger things episode... this was an incredible episode, in all senses.

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ROBERT FREAKING ENGLUND!!! On a side note I totally bought that Max was a goner.

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The finale of this episode will stand as one of the best moments in all of Stranger Things.
The visuals, the stakes, the music. What a brilliant composition.
Truly great work. That's before the shootout, the meeting with Victor and the Hopper subplot taking a nasty turn.
I need a break after this one :sweat_smile:

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Dang wtf I haven't cried for a tv series in a while tbh..... Only ones I can think of are Breaking Bad when Jesse was making his wooden box

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WOW best of the season yet! Hopper was such a badass during that fight scene with the russian. That shootout scene at the house was so good that police officer was something else taking down a whole military squad on his own. The ending scene was perfection the music, the emotions and the action was top tier. Also this is the best villain we've had yet I want to know why he's doing all this and what's his endgame.

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American cops are really super powered. Was Hopper always this strong ? After a year of torture and mistreatment and he still manages to overpower and kill two guards. And then he runs like a champ despite his broken bare foot.
Same with the kids' bodyguard, taking on several militaries with assault rifle with only a simple gun. Wow.

Hopper's escape was great, (and the betrayal too) but it looks like this storyline will be completely independent for a long while which is not really a good thing. Hawkins's storyline is what we're here for.

Didn't really get into Max's emotional bit... after all she said it herself, they hated each other.

Both the asylum and the final Max x Vecna parts were great. With Victor's story and the view into Vecna's world it's really looking more like American Horror Story than Stranger Things, but it works perfectly. Guess we learned that Vecna's curse works on guilt-ridden/suicidal people ?

I'm gonna take the fact that Victor is scratching into the table with his nails as a nod to Freddy Krueger :)

No Eleven though...

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Oh my word ! I am totally out of my words ! Hands down. Best epi of the series so far

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This is masterpiece. The emotions, the references to my favourite movies, the emotional ending.
It’s incredible how this season is able to keep being fresh and exiting.
This episode is a clear example of that evolution. No screen time for Eleven and you get an amazing episode

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I was kinda hoping Billy would come to Max's rescue, but that probably would've been cliche or something.

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if anyone reads the comments here before watching, trigger warning for icky eye stuff in one scene. (but tbh i have no idea if it was actually shown, i turned the volume down and covered my eyes lmao)

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And, just like that (awful show, I know, ahah!), Stranger Things corrected two of my complaints from the previous episode. Well done, show!

I wish they'd use Eddie more, though, as he's been this season's best addition, yet they're just keeping him in hiding. He reminds me a lot of RDJ, for some reason.

This was the first genuinely good episode of the season, so I hope it sets the new standard for the episodes to come.

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The best episode so far.
Well done Max and the rest of the team :thumbsup_tone1::thumbsup_tone1::thumbsup_tone1:

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Cheese Louise.

For a moment there I thought, maybe the letters will save her. As she’s in a way absolving herself off of her guilt, and Vecna so clearly ensnares people with their feelings of guilt. So if she can make up with herself, maybe he’d lose power over her.

The musical touch is nice too though. Music is important.

And I do love how smart the characters are, and able to put two and two together just as in the other seasons - one of the reasons I adore this show. In fact, the kids always seem to be much quicker than the adults :upside_down:

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Can't stop watching, This so freaking great

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yeah this is pretty good ! Some backstory, and you gotta love Robin in this one

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Not a fan of the boring Russian subplot.

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Kate Bush is literally the best thing to ever exist

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Shout by Raniella

If Robert Englund doesn’t win an Emmy for this istfg

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Ok people weren’t joking when they say this is one of the best episodes the show. Those last few minutes are mwah

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definitely crying T__T I fucking love Max' storyline

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Great to learn more about the demon and the backstory. Intense action. Glad Max won a small victory. Still into it.

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Oh my god, that final scene and those flashbacks made me so emotional:sob: Max is such a troubled character, who always bottles all of her feelings inside, but she truly deserves peace and happiness so much:pensive:

P.S. I actually really love Enzo, and I hope they will save him too!!

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Sadie really acted the hell out of this season. Insane.

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speaking with the insane in-prisoned guy who's been through it before is so super cliché and overdone at this point. YAWN. A bit sad the show had to do that as it's so well written otherwise. playing the woke victimized woman's card is also annoying. could the writers really not have had more imagination? however, the episode does redeem itself towards the end. damn was it a nail biter.

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Poor episode, too long. The ending was very bad with poor cgi thrown in. The only interesting part of this series has been in Russia. 3/10.

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yea, there's the Upside Down, demons, Russians, superpowered kids, but how on earth can they afford to move from a teardown wooden shack in the woods to a huge split level house in the LA suburbs??

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This may be one of the best episode on TV to date, full stop.

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one of the most epic episodes of the entire series

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Shout by BobDole12

so you're telling me Vecna, who can travel between dimensions with relative ease and controls some hellscape dimension also has the worst fuckin' aim known to demonkind. Dude had ~20 opportunities to squash Max with stalactites and went 0-for-20
I'm glad she survived but

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With all the hype I heard about that last scene, and the successful reemergence of “Running Up That Hill,” I expected all of it to be a liiiiiiittle more epic. Good scene for sure, but my expectations were very high.

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So Vecna is a demon that preys on on a victim’s past trauma/inner demons? That’s pretty hardcore.

Also I knew something was off about Yuri the minute he started speaking. Never trust a commie who cracks jokes.

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I wasn't interested in the Crusher Creel, er Victor Creed, er Victor Creel subplot for some reason, but since everything else was great, I have to rate appropriately.

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The episode was very emotional, especially the scene when Max reads her letter to her late brother Billy was quite moving. The ending was quite suspenseful, I was not sure whether Max would make it to the escape way in time, I thought that maybe the monster would catch her in the last moment or the escape window would close because the song ends or something to this effect. Luckily, the power of friendships wins over evil and I am really glad as Max is one of my favourite characters and it would be sad to see her go, especially in such a way. I wonder whether the monster can target her again or is it more of a hit-and-go thing for the big baddie?

The story of Victor Creel was creepy but sad and tragic too. Though there were funny moments in the episode as well, Robin convincing the professor to let them talk to Victor looked hilarious, and she did much better job than Nancy as she finally get them the meeting with Victor.

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wow pretty great season so far :) best show in 2022

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Shout by Eric

Best episode of the season but mostly because something finally happens instead of constant set up. I'm glad Max didn't die and this is the highlight moment for this character and I think she deserved it. The last 5 minutes are awesome and they are finally getting the group back together. The show really doesn't work with them all separated and funny but Eleven wasn't in the show and I didn't miss her for a moment. It was good to see the other characters start to shine. Mike actually being nice to Will was nice but did it really have to be that way? Maybe I am just too old to remember being a jerk teenager. I enjoyed Robert Englund as Creel.

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Friggin' Freddie Krueger! How is it possible that not more people mention this? First Dustin mentions him and then later, there he is!!

Great episode too!

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The only episode i care to remember the title. Powerfull stuff.

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[Rating: 9.5]
“Say, if I only could
Be running up that hill
With no problems”

SO POWERFUL. Sadie sink was great. What a performance!

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Jif peanut butter!?! We haven't seen Jif in quite awhile now so at least we know where all the Jif went to! LOL

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This chapter is a reminder that music is one of the most powerful things in Universe

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Masterpiece!!! This episode was everything

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A masterpiece. Nothing more to add.

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Shout by Deleted

The It vibes have morphed into carbon copies. There’s till something about this group of actors and storytellers that makes it feel loving instead of a ripoff.

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Shout by ShoMok

I fricking love that song. That finale got me at the edge of my seat and I really thought that it’s the end for Max which I would’ve hated. Speaking of Hate; hate that little girls death, no need to show her eyes, and hate these burning cradle scenes. Always a pleasure to see Robert Englund. That could’ve been an easy 4/5 but the things I hated plus the totally out of synch subplot russian sequences dragged it down to 2/5. That finale though raised it one star again.

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Shout by BaSsOo7

So she wrote all those letters for nothing? What a waste of paper.
Besides, all that reminiscing of happy moments with friends saves you and dandy bandy music is so cliché.

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Another solid episode. Good visuals and an impressive performance by the young actress who plays Max. THIS is the sort of outing that hooked me in season one.

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Wow this latest series is determined to make me cry

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Best episode so far. I thought Max wouldn't have survived cause I had the feeling that this episode was structured as a shocking moment of the season.

(And, maybe, it would've been better for getting us sentimentally involved with the show in such a strong way)

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One of the greatest episodes in TV history. An absolute Stranger Things classic.

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Best episode of this season so far!!!:raised_hands:

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what an episode ! it's so good ! excellent performance by Sadie Sink !

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Best episode of the entire show. Sadie Sink absolutely killed it.

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maybe this is knit-picky but
TLDR: in an effort to appeal to the American viewer who's looking for some nostalgia they overly Americanised the Russians and USSR.

USSR people probably wasn't going crazy over Jiff to illegally import it. i, living in a former-USSR country had never heard of Jiff until like a few years ago. my sister said "[why would they import Jiff when] they could import smth so much tastier". especially in a small town in Kamtchatka. These people don't need huge boxes of Jiff, they need good winter boots.

Also to have your name written on a poster on your wall is such an American thing (so is being comfortable talking to a camera / phone but it's besides the point). Yuri having one (above the couch) just seems unlikely and americanised.

Also also, Enzo is making way too many pop culture jokes. it's not really in the ex-ussr culture to make pop culture references/jokes. (well, now we do bc we're so heavily influenced by american culture that we unconsciously adopt some)

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Shout by Wayne Ward

It’s warming up :boom:

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That was fun! I’m hooked

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My heart came to my mouth. The desperation was very real. :sob: Not my Max!

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