I'm a simple man. I see Picard's Ressikan Flute, I cry.

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Neo-Constitution Class? oh my word

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After the bad first season and an ok second season the third season start was surprisingly good. A little slow paced but I'm fine with it. Can't wait for the next episode(s).

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Best part of the episode: no Will Wheaton!

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Maybe this season won’t suck completely and we can pretend S1 and S2 never happened? Is that too much to ask?

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It only took two season and 20 episodes but we finally have a fantastic episode . It’s great to see the old gang back together

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This is the start we should have had at the beginning of Season 1.

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Must say I love the nostalgic music and feel of episode one. One moment reminded me of Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan. Loving this season so far.

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Am I the only one who wants Star Trek Riker?

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Grumpy old men in space! :rofl: Loved it, but I didn’t like the awkwardly stupid way Raffi’s subplot was set up. Maybe her faculties were dulled by distractions, but then, boom! She (and we) get it. I’m in! I cannot wait for the next episode.

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Seven is looking GOOD in the Captain's chair. And we even got a Janeway shout out :hearts:
Decent opening episode. Seems they're leaning full tilt into Next Gen now. It's a shame Captain Shaw is unlikeable for being by the book coz it's not a bad way to be... Maybe if he wasn't such a dick about it!

The 'For Annie' at the end :cry:

P.S. Pretty sure Wesley didn't have a brother in TNG and he looks young enough to be post show... Surprise Picard offspring? Is that why Beverly dropped off the radar?

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Great start to a final Picard chapter!) I too second for a Capt Riker and 7of9 as #1 spin-off let's keep our

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Aaaaand we're back at warp speed! This season opener is bittersweet and beautiful! Knowing it'll be the last of an era... Picard's (and TNG) legacy.

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Bravo! If this episode is anything to go by, the season is going to be fantastic...

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3 minutes in and all I can think is that this is really hard to watch after Andor… Everything down to the soundtrack is a knock-off of the best of Star Wars.

That said, I’m going to watch every episode.

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Okay, the first episode was pretty awesome. I still don’t get it why they had to put money in Star Trek, but that’s just one complaint. That reload of that one gun like a pump gun was also weird…

But by far much better than the pretty bad season one and the horrible season two.

I just hope future Star Trek will be more like this season 3 and Lower Decks and much much much less than Discovery, season 1 and 2 of Picard and all the Abrahams movies. Just give us a new show with the Enterprise F and GOOD characters in the spirit of Picard season 3, please!

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Shout by Ana

Loved seeing that Seven has finally joined Starfleet! Though she should have been the captain instead of that unpleasant and unlikable Shaw. The guy had two short scenes, but he managed to get on my nerves. What is his problem?! Also, as someone here said, she finally seems like Seven from Voyager, the posture, the mannerism, the way she talks. Looking forward to seeing more of her. Hopefully she'll get her own command and the show. :smile:

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Good start so far, interested to see more. Skipped S2, but so far the show seems to pretend that it didn't exist.

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Thank god, it finally feels like Star Trek! This was fantastic, this is exactly what I wanted out of this show the whole time! Seasons 1 and especially 2 feel like such a waste when this is what we could've had. Very much looking forward to the rest of the season if it looks anything like this episode.

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Now that's what I'm talking about,
this was definitely the best start to a season of
STP. S1 and S2 were so piss-poor to the point of
unwatchable but just from how Awesome this season began hopefully they've stopped
all that SJW Woke Bull-crap
and just going to concentrate of giving
the people what they want,
The TNG family 30+ years later
later with everything that's
put it close to our hearts.
I forgot I was watching an
actual episode, it was that
Good it felt I was watching a
Trek Movie.
Outstanding Performances
Great story telling
Phenomenal VFX and a
Bloody interesting story
that I'm super invested
to know more.
Capt Shaw is a complete
Dick, he needs shooting out of an airlock,
what a tool.
I can't believe I'm going
to say this but I'm
Super onboard
and excited for this
Third and Final
Season Of
Star Trek Picard.

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Oh, this had me grinning at the signature that reminded me of the music of First Contact - which then at main credits solidified. But most of all, I love the old dynamics between Riker and Picard which were also (apart from the interaction between Picard and Data) at the heart of season 1 - this brings back all the good TNG-feelings. And Beverly had another son... presumably Picard's? But why would she just leave?

That Titan captain Shaw is a jerk, I guess who knows whom he'd lost against the Borg, still, forcing Seven to call herself Hansen, calling Picard a former Borg?

The hints at a plot seem interesting enough. I hope Laris's going to return... and since this is, supposedly, the last season of Picard, I also hope we'll see Soji again if they'll bring back other TNG-characters/references back.

So, I'm happy so far - but I'm a bit wary as well since seasons 1 and 2 opened strong as well and then deteriorated (especially season 2).

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Yeah this is more like what I was hoping from the show since day 1. Picard actually on an Enterprise and musical scores similar to the moves.

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Shout by C

let's just pretend season 1 and 2 were just halo stories and the show has only just begun. :thumbsup::heart:

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Now I want a Quark Industries TV show!

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Loved the tribute they had at the end credits. I'm pleased!

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Best opener of the three seasons! Enough with the personal drag and drama, and, back to "going boldly" where we all wish to go. The new captain will either continue to be a Class A prat, or expediently decide that being "one of you fellows" rather than continuing to waddle around with a Ressikan Flute firmly ensconced in his nether regions might be the more intelligent play. Good to see Seven continuing to mature, grow, and learning to follow her gut instincts, rather than her former hive mind.

Damn Starfleet, has someone leaked all the shield frequencies, for all the good they seem to do thus far! LMAO at the pump action "phaser" shottys (budget cuts?) and "full auto" weapons making machine gun sounds rather than electronic ones. Large scale transporter type weapons gonna be the new big bad? Loving Amanda Plummer as the new arch nemesis. She has always played "cray cray" exceptionally well, especially when in "we're gonna execute every last one of you" mode! This could get interesting.

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I watched very little of season two because of the repulsive Borg theme, and decided it wasn’t worth my time. So I’m happy to have done that, and now find myself in season three. The debut is full of all I have been missing - BRAVO!

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I don't know who Annie is, but that clinched it for me.
I was also tearing up as the Titan left space dock.
Then there was all the MILF's.

EDIT: I did hear about Annie Wersching, but forgot the name. Thank you, @van-nyx

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After the great first season and the abysmal second season I was hesitant they would finish this of in style but the trailers was really intriguing. This first episode really gives me hope. Glad to see that Seven and Raffi is back!

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Come on man how are you gonna end the episode like that. I don't know who's right and pretty shows now but it started out so slow and then it gets good and then they end itI don't know who's writing for these shows now but it started out so slow and then it gets good and then they ended. smh

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