Fantastic episode. I especially love Captain Vadic, seems like Amanda Plummer had a lot of fun playing that role.

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Hard to believe Beverly would do that to Picard, will be interesting to hear the explanation for that.

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Did an AI write this?

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For a moment I thought Vadic was going to quote from Shakespeare in its original Klingon form

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Solid. Dark. Classic Star Trek story: the forgotten Captain's son, a criminal fugitive, asks for protection aboard a Federation vessel. It's a dilemma. What to do?

Still don't know whether I like the B-plot with Raffi. Let's see. And I still don't understand why the events from season two seem totally unconnected to this season.

Best scene: Beverly tells Picard non-verbally why they broke up and what Jack had to do with it.

PS: Cpt. Vadic and her chair remind me of Dr. Evil's trusted assistant Greta Farbissina. She totally needs a white cat.

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Ahhhh Worf. Captain Vadic is shaping up to be a worthy adversary. Loving getting to see Ed Speleers on this show.

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Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan redux, with Amanda Plummer filling in nicely for Ricardo Montalban. Disembodied computer handler transmogrifies, and does the last minute calvary thing with the new "Bat'Leth Veg-O-Matic". Titan Captain was either gonna have to go along with the "so called heroes" or get tossed out of an airlock, so, I think he made the correct choice.

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Yeah this is better, it's a bit like TOS in a way. I notice they cut the number of producers from 26 down to 18. Clearly still a money laundering scheme.

"The boy stays here!"

Jean-Luc, he's 34...

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What a world of difference decent writing can make. Also finally liking Raffi as a character. Also WORF!!!! :heart:

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So far it's much better than the abysmal season 2. That doesn't mean it's great but at least watchable.

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Now this is Star Trek. Star Trek Discovery should take notes as well. God knows why they didn’t just take this approach from the start.

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Worf appearing was the best part. Vadic is a little bit crazy

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..."Any of you Federation officers move, and I'll execute every Mother Flying last one of you !"

Cue the TNG theme performed on surf guitar.

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Well... I called it. Picard offspring confirmed! They really played their hand early in this episode too. Glad that the actual 'reveal' only needed a look between Picard and Beverly. Shaw was much more bearable this episode but the new villain is very hammy! Almost cartoonish!

Absolutely could not care less about the Raffi B-plot.

P.S. The noise that ship made gave me goosebumps coz it reminded me of the sound of the Reaper ships in Mass Effect 3. Not the first time I've made comparisons that game when commenting on this show!

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The whole “you have one hour or hand him over” trope is a tad convenient isn’t it? What possible reason could Vadic have for giving them so much time to give her Crusher.

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Honestly, Gates McFadden is a beautiful women, why did they portray her in such an ugly light? I like the twist with Jack Crusher. All in all, its starting to look really good.

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Those weapons on the enemy ship!!! Loving all this!

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Shout by Ana

It looks like Shaw has some psychological issues, he seemed so scared, and it makes me wonder how he even got a command.

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How the Hella is this final season
so fcuking
Awesome, thrilling
and exciting but
Season 1 and 2
are so woke go broke
Why did they not
have the previous seasons
as great as this season.
Star Trek Discovery
is my absolute favourite
Trek show It's just a
Flawless Masterpiece,
but Star Trek Picard is
definitely got me hooked
Good and proper for this
(I'll just pretend
season 1 n 2 never
existed and that STP is
a one season show)

I'm really impressed with
the quality of writing
this season, loving
Vadic, what a complete
Nut Job.
I absolutely love Vadic's
Ship The Shrike,
so scary the power
and weaponry she
(Love to see Vadic
Pick a fight with
Captain Burnham and
Her Ship

I'm really enjoying
Picard, Will and 7
hope we have more of
this trio throughout
the rest of the season.
Once again great
tension and great pacing.
What a crying damn shame
Season 1 and 2
weren't on this level,
This show would have
been truly phenomenal.
"Must See",
(super excited for ep3).

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Shout by Jim G.

Nothing like putting 500+ lives at stake just because you banged some stranger's mom decades ago. Still, this is tons better than last season so far and the Shrike captain is pure awesomeness.

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So we all in favour of pretending season one and two didnt happen and just roll with this season?

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Okay, the entire episode more or less is about whether Jack's Picard's son or not... which was obvious from the beginning. So, the writing's deteriorating again. Let's not forget the contrived Worf engages Raffi in some covert operations subplot. Urgh, I hope this isn't more of the same nonsensical writing that we had in season 2.

And please, let's get rid of that bounty hunter as soon as possible. This ain't Star Wars.

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Shout by Silrog

Raffi is as disturbing and annoying as always. Picard is lucky enough to be surrounded by emotional or incompetent people to remain kind of relevant.

Oh and what about the Titan getting immediately obliterated if they should dare to move?
Suddenly they figured out that the nearby nebulae could benefit them?

Gosh, that series still is so cheap and trashy.

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