A decent ending to a long meandering season.

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That was awesome!

Yes, I'm crying, but as Kat once said, "Hey, I'm invested."

We love you, Q! And, The Travelers!

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It's finally over. I hope there won't be more picard season. Good borg, good Q, lesbian Seven on Nine... really?

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I would give this an 11 if I could...

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Much much better than the first season. And the ending wrapped up quite good - most questions answered. Didn't even feel rushed. I enjoyed it overall.

Wesley was just "fan service" I guess. No idea why Soong didn't have any backups.

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So we do have nice borg now?? Does that mean that all Borg episodes from TNG, Voyager and Star Trek 8 doesn‘t make sens anymore?

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Loved it tied up nicely and has left door open for spin-offs and further treks or seasons if JLP has got anymore in the legs etc.
nostalgia box ticked and how!!!

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[3.0/10] A bad end to a bad season. Q's plan makes no sense. The effect Picard and company had on the timeline makes no sense. But most importantly, the emotional connections make no sense. This season didn't do enough to earn the bonds between Picard and Tallinn/Laris, or really any of the other characters, to make the whole "We're a family" bit feel the least bit earned.

The only real sentiment this one can generate comes from the goodbye between Picard and Q, and the thrill of seeing Wesley Crusher again, which owe little, if anything, to this series as opposed to The Next Generation.

Season 2 was a failure on so many levels. The dialogue, the plotting, the misunderstanding of the show's title character, the cheap fan service that abounded from beginning to end. What a waste. In the end, it's the worst season of Star Trek since Enterprise, which is an ignoble achievement if there ever was one.

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I might have not liked the season overall, they have spent too much time in the past and the writing was very far from perfect, but this was a very enjoyable season finale.
The farewell of Q was surprisingly touching.
And the rehabilitation of the Borg is an interesting twist, which I don't think will last for long.
That anomaly will probably be the main plot of the third, and final season, I am looking forward for that story.

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  • Borg Face Reveal Challenge 2401 :rofl:
  • "That's a galactic event!" -- Rafi... Acting.
  • I did enjoy the Q stuff, but that could be because John de Lancie is great

I feel like there were plot points they had to hit in the writer's room, but forgot to put the plot points into a comprehensible package. This season of Picard is like fan fiction, but obviously wasn't written by a Star Trek fans. Star Trak fan fiction is actually written better than this... If you want a beautifully-written Star Trek episode that has similar plot points to this season, watch TOS's The City on the Edge of Forever instead.

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So many characters, all smiling and satisfied with the situation at the end. And none of them contributed anything of value through the complete season.

Ultimately the writers turned Agnes into a Borg, welcomed back old characters and introduced the nonsense apocalypse that will bother us in the next season.
Everything else that happened between Q snipping his fingers twice is irrelevant. So is this series.

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As soon as I saw him I immediately yelled "shut up, Wesley!". The writers sure know how to turn a mediocre show into a bad one. Also, nice and cooperative Borg? What the actual fuuuuck?!

Agree with most of the comments around here, it's a garbage nonsensical ending to a clusterfuck of a season. I will watch the third season for closure, only, since we know it'll be the last one.

In the wise words of Charlie Brown: good grief!

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Picard is a hollow shell of his former self and it isn't good. It’s clear Sir Patrick Stewart can’t even himself recall what the character stood for. Where’s the unwavering authority, the moral righteousness, and virtue that made Picard such a beloved captain? It’s a hollow ensemble of lifeless hollowed-out Star Trek characters, that are thrown together into a story that makes no sense and goes off on so many confusing tangents, that it makes Season 1 look well-written.” Hicks continues. “Character traits flip flop to further the inane script rather than for development. It’s a show that tries to be everything and ends up being nothing.

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Is this show bad? Absolutely.


Did the Space-Milfs give me everything I needed and more? Yes and yes. And that makes this season a 10/10 in my books. Emmys for all, quite frankly :sob:

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So much for not changing history. Oops. Beyond that, the fan service here is WAY too excessive, and the only thing missing is the cherry on top. Oh, and did I mention that bit about changing history? Oh, well.

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@alexlimberg PS: it's 2024 and they still don't do backups - let alone encrypt their data.
:joy::joy::joy: thought the exact same thing!

So anyone notice the file that Soong took out of drawer. “Khan”

So who is Khan?

Khan is the main antagonist in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "Space Seed", and was portrayed by Ricardo Montalbán, who reprised his role in the 1982 film Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

The role of Khan was later reprised by Benedict Cumberbatch in Star Trek Into Darkness (Nimoys Last film) quick toast to Spock ..

:champagne_glass: Live long and prosper :vulcan_tone1:

Is Khan going to be the main villain for season 3 or merely just an episode side story? Maybe Khan means something else entirely or maybe I am just looking into something that’s not really there????

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Star Trek Picard: Where Did It All Go Wrong?

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This should have been named “Farewell…and good riddance” can’t believe I’m finally at the end of this abysmal season, luckily series 3 can remain unmatched as the writers have achieved their aim of destroying another franchise spin off……. STAR TREK, this is definitely NOT

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What the hell was that?…

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What a childish writing dear god, they are really bad! In the end the Borg queen was just lonely and Q needed a hug, for crying out laud how stupid is their target audience? They just wasted a great cast in this unbearable story. They are just peddling their woke propaganda.

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So the whole season was Q making Picard deal with his issues so he could get with Laris?

At least we got Captain Seven in our future to make up for the mess. And a borg x Federation partnership. Though not the real borg... The buddy borg. Such a weird season. But damn if Seven didn't look amazing in those last scenes. Phaser holster slung low on the waist. Ooof!

Also, Wil Wheaton is a great guy and I've enjoyed seeing him be himself on shows like tabletop which is why it felt so jarring to see him essentially acting the same as Wesley/The Traveller. There is no line between them. Zero change in mannerisms and personality. Great guy but would have been nice to see actual character acting.

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All I can say is that I hope this was the last episode of this series and that it is all over now. No more nonsense! What a relief!

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glad I saw Patrick Stewart in something good this week but enough about Dr Strange multiverse of madness

what a hurried wet fart. this was it was atrocious . The writers obviously hate classic Trek with a passion

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Shout by scifygirl

WAIT! WHAT? We had to sit through 4 episodes of them in the past and Picard's adverse childhood experiences (also known as ACES and the newest buzz word in mental health industry) just to finally see that all the Borg wanted was to get some help protecting a world from some blast from a developing wormhole??? WHAT??? REALLY??? Was all that other stuff really necessary??? NO! OMG! What is happening in the writer's rooms back when these episodes were being written and filmed?? I suppose they wanted us to get to the heart of Picard's life and so they make 2 seasons to explain it all only to end with this? Geez...maybe a 2-hour mockumentary about the Man, the MYTH, the Legend, Picard would have been better.

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Themes this season: Love, redemption and forgiveness. It's been enjoyable, imperfect, of course... but still, quite enjoyable.

As a long time Star Trek fan, I never thought I'd see the day when the Borg would be welcomed into the federation. Wow, just... wow! That's growth and it's great!

Also, they CRUSHED this episode! Lol, good story, good times.

Art is always subjective and it is impossible to please everyone, but if you're lucky your positive impact will outweigh the negatives (like Jurati did for the Borg). ST: Picard is an acceptable TNG sequel I strongly believe all the original creators and cast would (and should) be proud of.

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Shout by Ana
BlockedParent2024-03-12T15:54:44Z— updated 2024-03-13T16:34:22Z

Rios staying in the past is idiotic. He will definitely affect the timeline cause he simply doesn't belong there. It's weird how everybody went along with it and were supportive, like sure buddy why not. Picard should have ordered him to return to the future. The rest was a bit predictable, but not bad. Though I am not sure what to think about the good Borg. That just doesn't seem right. They were always this most feared enemy of the Federation, and in my opinion it should have stayed that way. Maybe it will, time will tell.

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A brilliant end to a wonderful story arch. I was in tears for the last half. SO good. So Star Trek.

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Basically speed-watched this season just to get to season 3 since I keep hearing that it's good. This season, however, felt mostly like a big waste of time. Or maybe I just don't get it. Idk. Also still could not care less about Raffi or Elnor.

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A hot mess of an episode on top of a bigger hot mess of a season. At least I can finally say I’ve finished watching this mostly garbage show.

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IMO a stupid ending to a stupid second season. Sorry, but that's how I feel about it. The ending left e almost completely emotionless as I didn't care abut pretty much everything. The main exception are Teresa and Chris. I was happy that they got to stay together :)

Anyway, IMO S2 was at least a waste of time, the Star Trek universe, and the CGI.

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Season finale. Up to the hat of Picard's flashbacks, the plot doesn't make sense and doesn't fit. I was only interested in Rios and the doctor
If Rios and Agnes don't come back, they can't date in Season 1 or Season 2 since they're in the past. The Dr. Soon nonsense. Q's plan nonsense. Agnes can't be the Borg queen at the start or the pointless end. If the Borg changed 400 years ago, have they never fought humans? And the thing about putting Khan in, even worse

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And just make sure the finale surpasses the rest in crapiness they bring back the worst Star Trek character ever :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:.

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Overall not too bad. I think I liked the first season more although that didn't get good until the last few episodes or so. I enjoyed the last 15 more with Q and Picard. I cried.

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