turns out adding the best-written, most intriguing character in the mcu to the worst-written, dullest product in the mcu does not fix your product's endless list of problems.

all four of these points go to charlie cox. i think this is what superhero fatigue feels like.

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To save everyone the time for this abomination of a show (pun intended), this is the episode Daredevil shows up. The only episode worth watching

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Wow, a stratospheric episode. Jennifer + Matt :heart:
After a solid first episode the series had a sluggish middle part. A trend that was subverted by the last episode where among other things ghosting is portrayed very well.
Now I'm ready for a finale that promises to be heart-pounding!

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Don’t listen to the people saying DD is “ruined” from this episode, apparently they’ve never read the comics OR remember the show (or expect someone to dump all their trauma onto a character they just met in a legal comedy? Some people are really writing these reviews without a single actual critical lens).

This was a fun episode and I had a great time - though one of my biggest criticisms is the overarching plot that they’ve been trying to establish. It has a lot of potential, but the pacing of this storyline has been off for me the entire show. Besides the CGI it’s one of my biggest gripes, and I felt it again towards the end of this episode. There’s only one episode left and I really don’t know that it’s going to get concluded in a way I feel is satisfying, though that’s something I’ll have to wait until the finale to properly review.

Besides that though I had such a great time - it was SO great seeing Matt again and Leapfrog was a funny inclusion. Despite my above reservations I’m excited for the finale and seeing how this is going to go.

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Thanks to Daredevil this was a fairy watchable (7/10) episode. Despite that the 4th-wall breaks were still terrible and her deliveries were not funny at all cringey even. As we approach the finale this is just my opinion but as the main character she's been the weak point of the show.

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why is every dude bro in this comment section fucking butthurt? it's a funny goofy show, if it's not for you, then don't watch it!!!! matt and jen were everything i could've wished for, this episode was SO GOOD. i love jen with all my heart and she doesn't deserve every shitty thing she's got thrown her way!!!!

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They almost managed make Daredevil look bad.

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Great episode and easily the best of the Season (though the last 5 minutes were a bit silly). Great to have Daredevil back - Charlie Cox is the best. Hoping that we eventually go back to all red outfit thought. I know Yellow is a pivotal part of Daredevil's history, but I've got a Hot Toys figure to buy and I want all red DD. Yes, She-Hulk went savage but I'm honestly not sure where this show is going and we are one episode from the finale.

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Anyone still hating even after such a great episode has an agenda.

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this show is so good... and apparently so well managed that marketing department gets a bunch of Intelligencia boy to put low rating of this amazing show

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Please leave Charlie Cox out of this mess

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Better than previous episodes due to Daredevil's involvement, but still not good. This actually made me very nervous for future Daredevil content in the MCU - if the action sequences are gonna be like the ones in this episode, it will not be a good time.

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Man, even the music, amazing!

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How did daredevil throw the stick from the ceiling in the hallway if there’s no vent or hole there lol

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Daredevil's in this one. So this is the episode you want to watch from this season.

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WTF? Just because a woman does online dating, searching for companionship that doesn't make her a slut. Sure I be pissed if someone had broken my trust like that and publicly embarrassed me like that. But that only makes the idiots who did the deed make look more shady

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Great episode. Tat amazing as ever. Chemistry for DAYS with DD. And we got an attack on a superhero in a totally new way. Hulk rage worthy indeed!

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Cool episode. I didn't really like the fact they hook up so fast but the chemistry between the two actors is there. The fourth wall breaking moment are really hit or miss and I think they're just doing too much of them.

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They. Omg. They made him the dang butt of a joke. He was a cartoon character. Basically Clooney in Batman & Robin.

I don't care if it's comic accurate, that doesn't make him good. I just finished the third Daredevil season (an almost perfect season of TV)....and then Mr. Looney Tunes here.

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“You ever destroyed a parking lot before?”
“Oh crap. I’ll leave a note.”

“I can hear their heartbeat.”
“Oh you can hear their heartbeats? That’s a little far fetched.”
“I can hear yours too. it’s going a little fast :smirk:”
“What? No! I’m healthy!”
“Uhuh :smirk:”

Gosh I love them xD
This dare devil walk of shame was so great

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Would have been a 7.5
But that forth wall break at the end is just so forced and Jen thinks she's so cool doing it, just takes me straight out of the story and I use the
word story very very loosely.
DD was cool when it was him and
not this shows crappy cgi.
Can't wait for him to be back in his own show.

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I shouldn't have found DD's walk of shame so funny, but I did. And on a more serious note, Jen really isn't a very good lawyer if she set foot in court without having done the basic homework that would have told her about her client's fuel choices. That's just pure incompetence. Of course, she can always just break the fourth wall again and blame some bad writers...

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The best thing about this is that is only one horrible episode left. Yay!

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This is both the best and worst thing I’ve ever seen

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I am ashamed that it's the case but the episode I probably like the most is the one with some Marvel action.
I didn't even like the golden Daredevil outfit. But the banter was nice and there was actually something going on for once and some suspense. It even somehow worked that everything was comedic.

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The best episode of the season by far, let's hope that the next one, the end of the season, maintains the level, although I see it difficult because of how the season is going. That hall fight

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So nice to see the lighter side of Daredevil get celebrated by the same actor who breathed life into the role. I wonder how many Hulks will exist after the finale…

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That was a great episode. Nice! Unfortunately for she hulk, was it great only because daredevil was in it? Take him out of the equation it is no longer great, but still a good episode. I thought it was funny. Sidebar: I miss daredevil tv show.

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A backdoor pilot to Daredevil: Born Again isn't exactly what I was expecting, especially from the MCU. However, this episode delivers on being, well, an episode, while continuing to arc Jennifer's character AND having an interesting plot. So many things are done right here, particularly fight scenes and courtroom scenes, that make it even more baffling that the previous episodes were so bad. Even the final scenes, which don't have Matt Murdock in them, are pretty well done and have an interesting twist.

I will say that the acting from the side guest character feels weak, he overacted in a way I feel like didn't match the script he delivered.

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I think this episode was the best of all series (but still pretty mid) just bc we get to see more Daredevil than She-Hulk. Comedy aspect was still cringe, Matt and Jen fucking was awful and didn't even make sense. Most interesting points of this episode were that where we got to saw Daredevil alone without She-Hulk, that was very good, but unfortunately that was like 2 or 1 scene. And most satisfying scene was that gala at the end when they hacked Jen phone and showed everyone who she really is, o and they called her a slut, that was pretty good too, I had a good laugh at that scene.

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Though Daredevil acknowledged it, why was She Hulk so okay with property damage? That too not collateral one, she willingly causes so much damage. She is not a rage monster like Hulk, she makes conscious decision. Is it because this her first time? Why innocents suffer?

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An absolute treasure of a team-up, well worth the wait and still full of surprises.

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Shout by Hamadam
BlockedParent2022-10-06T12:14:39Z— updated 2022-10-31T20:26:15Z

Apart from the scenes with daredevil which I adored, Jen going mad and damage control showing up, this is the plot I root for on a super hero show, not some personal growth issues at a wedding...

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Shout by Tshepiso

All my apologies to Elektra Natchios but I've fully been converted to the church of matt/jen. I love this episode so much it feels EXACTlY like a one-shot crossover and Matt and jen's chemistry was absolute perfection.

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Shout by Kaito

Okay, I enjoyed Daredevil here definitely here but the ending was wack. Really, Intelligencia? This is what you come up with? The series is kinda wack when it tries to be serious like this.

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Solid episode, but I never wanna see Charlie Cox’s Daredevil CGI’d like that ever again.

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this would be an 8, maybe a 9, if not for that fourth wall break scene at the end of the episode

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Yeah, not a fan of the series, but this episode would have been a 9 if they just cut out that 4th wall scene and let things develop on their own.

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Daredevil is easily the best thing about this show. And it's not even close.

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Man, I know I joked about Disneyfying the Netflix characters for kids but I didn't actually expect it. This is dire

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i liked this episode so much :( i can't believe the finale is next week

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It's great to have Netflix's Daredevil apart of the MCU now.

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A smiling Matt Murdock is just...unsetting

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Shout by kinky

OK, Disney, the fan service was successful.

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Hey at least this time they RECOGNIZED how awkward the pacing was. It's taken us a while to get there but the backhalf is much better than the front half. Especially since they've completely given up on the "it's a legal show" aspect.

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calling it already, this is going to be the Daredevil episode

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