finally 1 good episode, really liked this one after bad first 5 and the horrifying 6 ..

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I really don't understand what happened with this show. After initial setup and couple good episodes it is in total decline. This and previous episode are horrible waste of time.

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An actual good episode finally where some of the comedy landed. I have a feeling these last few episodes are going to be worth the watch.

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this episode is so fuuuuun

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This is one of the better episodes that is funny with the kind of humor I like from Peacemaker.

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Abomination kinda a good guy. Maybe cliché, and also a bit lazy to have her explore her character like this, I guess, but Jen/She-Hulk finally feels like an actual character now. I like that. We'll see what's up with the villain, so far it's kinda eh.

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Better episode, especially after the last week, which is probably the lowest point of the MCU so far. It's not must see TV, but I really enjoyed the Emil camp and the focus on Jen, rather than She-Hulk. The reveal at the end was good but the show is overall slow, unfocused and I thought Daredevil would be a mid season reveal.

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As someone (apparently) without any sense of good taste, I found this episode to be highly amusing and thoroughly enjoyable. Haters gonna hate.

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Even as someone who initially liked this series, these last few episodes have been painful to watch. Especially this one. It was only 30 minutes long and I still stopped halfway.

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This was refreshing especially the latter half compared to last week's wedding episode which to me felt like the low point of not just this show but all the MCU series so far, and I know many who share the same sentiment.

This one didn't exactly start strong with all the cringy texting stuff and honesty I was half expecting yet another terrible episode back-to-back and thankfully it wasn't.

The whole therapy sequence was heartwarming and while there wasn't much if any action it was enjoyable and funny at times. 7/10.

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This is bad… Very bad.

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Actually quite enjoyed this episode, I found it fun and heartwarming. Jen’s character development all season has been about learning how to accept She-Hulk, then accept Jennifer Walters, and now figuring out how to accept both. This episode laid some of that out plain and clear for anyone that wasn’t getting it before, and Jen had some good character growth this episode. I still have my issues with the show but this episode was one of the most enjoyable for me.

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I love this for Tatiana. She is amazing. If people could cut out the MCU from the show, you'd see the show is light, funny and cute.

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It's weird seeing people complain that this is just a filler episode. It puts a big twist on her relationship with Josh, furthers the plot of HulKing, advances or perhaps culminates the Blonsky thread, finally expresses a building part of Jen's identity struggle. And is a fantastic way to showcase some wild Marvel D-list villains. This was hilarious, heartbreaking, and so warmly goofy in how it explored sadness and growth.

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“Not a literal gang, make sure you make that clear to the parole board.”

Great episode about the duality of being a Marvel character!

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This is the biggest piece of trash ever.

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Poor Jen. The texting woes were painfully realistic. I was screaming at her to stop typing!
The retreat was really wholesome. Glad it helped being her some balance.

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Honestly this was an episode that just.... worked. I don't think I have any notes. It had guest features. A clean narrative with no floppy parts. It didn't have awful law scenes. The character motivations work. Even though I'm not a fan of Emile as fully rehabbed. The MCU seems to be taking it as serious and literal and it's not playing both sides. I respect that.

I feel for Jen finally meeting a guy interested in the person she is on the inside and then apparently nothing. I kept waiting for the reveal that he was kidnapped because he's dating a hulk. We do find out what happened to him and even that was handled well marrying to the original narrative rather than tacking on as a different narrative as what happened in the episode where she finally finalized Abomination's parole.

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Bwahahaha, Man-Bull, Porcupine AND El Aguila. So cool to see some of the more hilarious villains show up. Shame that the wrecking crew seems to have been just a brief cameo though, they were a big part of 80s Marvel.

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I’m really impressed about this show. Impressed how they manage to make every new episode so much worse than the crap from the week before.

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This might just be the worst piece of MCU content I have ever seen.

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I like this show but this episode was not good at all. Boring. I’ll chalk it up as a filler and move on

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the worst thing about this episode is Jen's place, complete lack of anything showing it's actually lived in by a human. spotless showhome, catalogue setpeice.

other annoyance. if she just hulked out she could have carried her car home with a few hulky jumps.

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By far the worst episode so far. hope it gets better

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This episode was much better. The therapy scene overstayed it's welcome a bit in my opinion, but I liked the interaction between Tatiana Maslany and Tim Roth. This show needs people like Roth to give back that familiar Marvel feeling.

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I kind of enjoyed this episode. But not a very good season overall.

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This Betta have daredevil in it

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Shout by Tshepiso

I love introspective character centric episodes (and superhero therapy). it really sold us on Jen and Josh's fling there was of much chemistry that hooked me in. So it's fallout was legit emotional. And this might just be my favourite episode it terms of Tatiana Maslany's performance. She absolutely sells her emotional turmoil and insecurities. You really feel for her here.

And to end it with a needle drop of one of my favourite Dua Lipa songs was just icing on the cake.

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What a weird show but I like the characters.

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Well,what can i say?This is a filler episode and you cant expect much from a filler episode.

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I started off absolutely hating this episode but somehow straight from the left field by the
end of it I found I really enjoyed it.
Caught me well off guard.
Second favourite one if the season
and my highest scored one.
Sadly it's all down hill from here straight
to the bottom,
With a bang.

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wild how the most grounded, actionless episode of this dang show is the best one so far

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Although it's certainly a bad episode, it's been pretty fun! There's unfortunately no Daredevil, but there's more Blonsky which was a plus! It felt a little more character-focused, wanting to put a little more spotlight on Jen as a character (take that as you will).

So, to summarise... This episode is bad with some really cringe-worthy writing and just weird characters. But, it's got a handful of decent jokes, it brings back Blonsky, and it focuses more on Jen as a character.

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Fuck Josh. Ghosting people is not cool.

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How predictable and cliché? :/ also it made me really mad that Jen was forced to forgive that guy who attacked her

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This episode was sweet :sparkling_heart:

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Shout by Deleted

This one felt a little like Marvel’s answer to Peacemaker. This team of weirdos really grow on you.

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This episode has been saved by the last scene. Somehow it put some sense in that (way too long) group therapy session, explaining Josh behaviour. Without it I was just wondering what was the point of the episode.

In any case Jen needs to woman up! Especially in the previous episode. She is Hulk for Christ sake!!

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I like this show but this episode was not good at all. Boring. I’ll chalk it up as a filler and move on

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literally fell asleep, slogged through the episode.. it was no fun at all

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Better than the previous one, better narrated, more interesting

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i hate (am jealous of) josh

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