Just stupid. I miss real Marvel.

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Wow, you could just have left the Episode out.

One of the worst season closers I have ever seen...

All they basically said was: Oh, men bad, testosterone bad, lets waste 30 minutes on that...
This neither closed open threads nor did it really set up for a season 2.

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What a train-wreck. This series was definitely not for me. I’m not sure who the targeted demographic was though.

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That K.E.V.I.N part was brilliant and on point

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Shout by ABSTRACTlegend
BlockedParent2022-10-14T07:03:06Z— updated 2023-07-27T03:49:53Z

This whole finale made the entire season pointless. I don’t get it

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Well, props for trying something. That something is ass though.

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I'd bet you anything if Deadpool did the same meta moment, dudebros would praise it.

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Shout by leean
BlockedParent2022-10-13T12:02:04Z— updated 2022-10-15T07:28:44Z

why is everyone hating on this finale???? i think this is the most fun watching experience since wandavision era

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wow they are running out of ideas to how to use the whole thirty minutes. The 4th wall break would have been funny if it wasn't the only thing that was happening all the time.

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Jen breaking 4th wall like it's nothing

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What the hell was what?? Jesus that was terrible!

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The most stupid thing I have watched in a long time. They just scrubbed whole episode for the 4th wall bs and made even more bs ending to the thing.

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I don’t get where are all the hatred coming from! I agree it’s kinda boring most episodes of the show, but this finale is awesome, solely for the 4th wall breaking! It’s like marvel fans trolling Kevin instead of Jen trolling K.E.V.I.N. The VFX diss (with background wakanda drum rolling), is hilarious.
I mean, plotline wise, it’s a boring finale, but who cares.

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Inspired by the lawyer shows like Ally Mcbeal, with a lighthearted tone, She Hulk is full comedy and not taking itself to serious all the time, is Marvel venting escape, where they can laugh about themselves and the universe Kevin designed and created.

Based on a comic where breaking the fourth wall - most like deadpool - is part of the character powers, this show kept playing it smart every singe episode to finally deliver the joke in this episode.

Very innovative, fun and comic like, The break of the fourth wall in this episodes let us know that not only marvel knows about the critics we’ve saying for a few years now, and is working on them.

Jen Walters is a fun character with a nice roaster of side characters and even Kevin saying she will not go the big screen, it would be great to see her in the theaters and not only on TV.

Nice ending for a pretty good first season that cares not to rush things like other marvel shows.

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Don't miss that post credits scene!

This was such a fun episode, I have really loved this show and we got just the ending we needed.

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Terrible, sad and not clever. Why did they ruin Daredevil? He would have never been seen in daylight. He seems so wimpy now.

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(almost) perfect! the series should be like this completely, this is exactly what I expected from the series proposal. I hope they follow this path in season 2 (and longer episodes please)

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You wanted something different in the MCU, here you have it BOOOM :boom:

Loved it

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Super good fun. Wasn't expecting the 4th wall break to go that far! Loved it.
This show has been a hilarious journey. Tat is perfect casting :hearts:

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There's breaking the fourth wall, there's obliterating the fourth wall.

Then there's this episode.

I'm glad I stuck through the episodes I didn't like in the end.

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Fuck Marvel, this show is its own thing!

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loved every moment of it..

if only the rest of the show could be as good as these last two episodes..

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Everytime she broke the 4th-wall was pure cringe (as in when she spoke directly to the audience), sorry. Though that Kevin bit was funny and unexpected. Looking forward to seeing Hulk (and his son) in his own movie again!! 7/10. Also make sure not to miss the post-credit scene!

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If this episode doesn't teach these "critics" what this show's "cringe" is really about; maybe they should just move on to watch non "universal" content; maybe S.O.M.E.T.H.I.N.G. E.L.S.E. for the umpteenth time!

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All the butthurt commenters must be afraid Jen's lawsuit will damage them lmao

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The ending was kind of amusing and I'm glad they went that way rather than the stupid superpowered villain plotline, but the episode (and the entire show) just felt like a huge waste of time.

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How kind of them to include the online trolls that have been flooding the comment sections all over internet with bitter, repulsive and misogynist takes on this show!

I haven’t been the greatest fan of Jen breaking the fourth wall in every episode, but I can certainly overlook that part if it was building up for this wholesome finale!

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deadpool was one of the only comics i got into long-term as a teenager so i live for every fourth wall break the mcu gives me tbh. also tatiana maslany and charlie cox have such delightful chemistry i had no idea i'd be so smitten with a relationship after less than an hour of content

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Ok that was cool but it’s kind of cheating

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I know the character is all about 4th wall breaking, but I still think they overdid it in this show. The jokes were really hit or miss and sometimes really awkward. The finale has some fun ideas but not all of them stick the landing. I loved the retro She-Hul intro even it's just fanservice. Jen wanting to confront Kevin about her show had me really excited until they made him into an A.I. In fact that scene didn't work for me at all. Jen doesn't like the ending of her show, but after talking to K.E.V.I.N. they skip the scene completely. For me that felt super anticlimactic and left me with this really unsatisfied feeling.

I still like Tatiana Maslany as She-Hulk and I think she just fell victim to really bad writing. I hope to see her return in future Marvel projects and get some sort of redemption by working with a better writer.

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Delightfully absurd AND true to the comics? The fanboys will not be pleased but this was a masterpiece.

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My two main takeaways here: (1) The writers channel a lot of Mel Brooks at the end of this one and (2) Nikki once again steals every scene that she's in. I'm LONG overdue to make that second point and I'm glad that I finally got around to it.

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This was a perfect season finale for this show. The way they went all in on the fourth wall breaking, and literally broke through Disney+, and had her storm the studio was amazing.

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It amazes me some people hate on this series. To this point Disney’s Marvel TV shows have tried to take stories that need a full TV season arc then crammed it into a 6 hour movie. As a result, most of the shows have ended up feeling like rushed, bloated messes. Nothing they’ve done before matches the quality of the best Netflix Marvel shows which understood episodic TV needs a different philosophy.

She Hulk doesn’t have that problem. This show is easily my favorite of Disney productions with the last two episodes closing on a such a high note that I hope it gets a second season. The 4th wall breaks were perfection.

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"When will we see the X-Men?" :smile:

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she Hulk is brilliant. if u don't like it you don't understand very much about comics or fun

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Um, what lol? Eventually into it, but the swerve of the second half plays out like a self-aware-overload meta fever dream. I did like the touch of designing K.E.V.I.N. robot so that it has a baseball-cap-like visor though

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That was peculiar, fun, but peculiar.

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The reference to the 70’s series was brilliant. Though the breaking the 4th stuff sucks you out of the episodes and sucks the fun out of it.

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I haven’t minded the fourth-wall breaking that’s been happening, I’ve actually kinda been enjoying it, but this level of it is detrimental to the show and all the MCU storylines attached to it.

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I hope there is no Season 2. Let Tatiana do work that is worthy of her. This was just a big mess.

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I nearly died in July, but this hurt more.

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So the main vilains of the whole show is a group of completely unrealistic and over the top mysogynistic mens...

The 4th wall was just bad and unfunny

Even daredevil couldn't save this episode. He is completely different from the show. Hopefully Marvel doesn't destroy daredevil any further. Better not bring him back if they plan to completely change him. Their's a reason his show was successful

The targeted audience for this show is really narrow and seems to be teen girls who hate mens.

It's really sad because this show could have been great! The actors are good and they had access to many cameo/actors for the Marvel universe.

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Titania was so underused, like I still don’t know anything about her, let alone her origin story I just want to know why she crashed that day in court.

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Loved it! So unexpected, so left out of field!
Tatiana Maslany is a gem.

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The head writer is the Lottery First Tuesday commercial guy.

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Wasn't into the meta-K.E.V.I.N thing (even though I understand all the meta behind it) but liked it a lot by the end. The X-Men line and delivery got me. However that aside, the finale is essentially non-existent and overall the show as a whole is a mess however. Fun, I really enjoyed watching it but a mess. And this continues a trend for me in 2022 with Marvel, where I'm in no rush to watch these programs. Also Skaar looks terrible.

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I liked the show overall but this episode was bad. Not the actors, or the writing or the action. THE STORY IN THIS EPISODE WAS STUPID. There is breaking the 4th wall and there is making the show pointless. They screwed this up, oh boy. Showing up at the writers table as she hulk, changing the story….c’mon man! Oh boy.. Very bad way to end a first season of a new show..

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IT'S OVER! IT'S FINALLY OVER! What a piece of crap everything about this show was. Horrible dialogue, horrible plot, horrible "humour", horrible CGI and horrible forth wall breaks. Sadly even the acting from the otherwise lovely Tatiana Maslany was horrible. This show will scar me for years to come and has actually put me off from seeing upcoming MCU movies.

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This episode was such a roller coaster; it went from really bad to really good to extremely sad. The ending leaves more questions than it answers, leaving me asking...what happened? I can't complain too much without giving away spoilers, so I will mention that there was a pretty creative twist in this episode that I applaud the MCU for even attempting, even if it ended up being a pretty gross vehicle for some pretty cheap ends.

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Super fun episode. Totally loved it. A nice break from the usual punch punch big villain fight MCU type finale.

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On a whole, I didn't hate this episode, but we were so SO close to having pay-offs for everything the show set up, and the writers were like, "This show is almost enjoyable? The arcs are almost being resolved in a cohesive way?! S#*T!! Can't have that!!"

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Doesn't land every hit, but the ones it does are so gloriously hysterical and ambitious, and I was rolling with glee at where they went. If anything, I do think the narrative climax suffers a little in the wake of how strong the satire soars, but it didn't leave me disappointed. This was a blast of a season, a blast of a take on the character, and I absolutely can't wait to see where it goes from here.

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The credits confirm wong would be in the post credits lol

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I loved this so much. Definitely hoping the mentions of season 2 weren't just for the 4th wall break.

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Anticlimactic as Fuuuuck !!!
Let's skip the ending so we can talk to a fake CGI robot.
The writers group supose to write what if kevin do the script.
Let's film CGI Kevin cuz CGI Shehulk cost too much ???
They all turn into hulk's with inibitters ???
She clear of charge cuz the obvious hoax was an obvious hoax reveled ???
Bad guys arrested cuz he made a website ???
This ending was a JOKE (literally and not literally) !!!

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The K.E.V.I.N. part was unique!

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the fourth wall breaking was creative and cheeky, ill give it that. the show knows its painfully awful, the MCU has been repetitive and follows the same formula. fight scenes were alright i guess.

the primary villains of this show - josh & todd and intelligencia. yep, just an Internet group - that's the only big bad of this show. its so bad that the show knows who to point the fingers at, and still wants us to feel bad for jen. yeah.. no thanks

edit: i also realized josh never shows up after that, LOL.

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Shit climax. Totally disappointed. That was just lame in a nutshell

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Shout by Kaito

Oh wow, this sucked. The ending itself, well, it's fine. But the constant fourth wall breaks are not funny, Intelligencia is a bunch of incels as you would expect, and made up for an embarrassing villain, what the hell is this even. They also made an elaborate fourth wall break just to trash on their own movies, which is to be fair, yes, Marvel movies tend to have similar endings. But that they actually don't have the guts to stand by their own works and trash them just for a "flashy" gag, wow.

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fuck everyone this show is GOOD!

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A bit of a mess in its conclusion, with a hard lean into the meta.

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Clever finale but not good. Maybe if they’d gone with less fan service the ending wouldn’t feel so forced. At the end of the last episode I thought we’d get some real drama about dealing with her problems but instead they punted the whole plot for gags and it kind of made everything up to that point feel pointless. Oh well, at least they tried.

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This show is a disaster! She-Hulk tries to pull a Deadpool trope by breaking the 4th Wall...This never worked as shown in this episode! Let's hope there'll never be a season 2.

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I love that breaking the 4th wall here. So crazy. F**** Kevin!

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Sure it was something different but what’s the point of a TV show if it throws plot out the window in favour of cheesy 4th wall breaks when the writers can’t come up with anything creative?

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Weak AF
No..No and No again
So that was a monumental cluster Fcuk
and a complete waste of my time.
utter Garbage
and complete
I've covered how bad this show/episode
is on YouTube and that's me done,
my time has
been wasted enough and
I've said all I need to.
Thee Marvel Guy

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did we really need the fourth wall break? ik deadpool and all that but that whole scene took up like 10 minutes of this 35 minute episode

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Well, I wasn't expecting that Blazing Saddles bit at the end.

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Season finale. That intro tribute to the incredible Hulk series from the 70s. They say that in the comics he does these fourth wall things, it seemed like WTF to me

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Kinda good to have a pay off to the whole fourth wall breaking. This was fun and for some reason I liked Jen Walters and She-Hulk as a character. But I think it really didn't explore that intensively and vision-directed as this finale would like you to believe. But rarely a Marvel series does.

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I think K.E.V.I.N. has a hat.

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I honestly can't believe how much praise this episode is getting. I love when marvel tries new things, I've liked almost everything recent from them even if it was more of a back to basics type thing, I even enjoyed some episodes of this show... But this??? This was absolutely awful, insulting really. I can't even consider any of this canon because, like, how? It's not because she hulk is a woman, it's not because it followed another formula, it's because it was BAD and it showed signs of how bad it was from early on. I was fine with the 4th wall breaks until now but man fuck, this just made me think the entire story, from iron man till this moment, was all one giant joke in this studio's eyes and I'm not sure I want to see any more of it if that's where all this has been leading. Props to the main actress here, she did a great job with what she was given, but seriously fire these writers or let us know now that none of this will ever be for non children ever again.

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Loved this show! Really hope there’s another season.

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There isn't much going on in this finale, feels as if there won't be another season or something :thinking:
You have almost nothing to look forward to IMO, no cliffhanger..

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Shout by Woffingshire

A season finale that was going in the direction of really good before doing a U-turn and jumping off a cliff.
I actually really liked the big 4th wall break where she broke out of the show to go and complain to Kevin about how stupid and samey to every other marvel thing the ending was. That bit was actually very clever, self aware and well done.
But then after she complains about the ending and gets another one, the one that she replaced the original "stupid" ending with is just straight up bad. It basically just skips over the actual ending as if it still happened but they didn't want to show it, and then ends with "see you in court" and her having sex.
They could have done the ending of the episode so, so much better than just nullifying the entire story up to this point and calling it a day.

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The best thing about this episode was to learn that Jennifer Walters can now smash this entire season and improve it's IMDB rating with some 4th wall breaking

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The last episode was the hope to some action, but no the useless tv ever. It is MARVEL not Suits.

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I loved the part where the Trix rabbit strangled She Hulk and Andor right after she hulk broke the 4th wall and finished out that drab Andor seasons by delivering Andors sister to him. Nice tie ins. Comics and Star Wars are for kids you silly Mouse. God I am glad my sub is finally ending.

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Why does Disney keep pumping out garbage and calling it Marvel this is one of the worst ones yet I think I'll stop and stick to the movies

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She didn’t just break the 4th wall she obliterated it

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A series that had a lot of fun sticking to or playing with sitcom tropes found a way to really surprise in its finale! Top tier of the Marvel Studios tv shows, stands along WandaVision and Ms Marvel and best of the class.

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Feels like they should have done more with Skaar instead of just POOF, here he is lol. Nevermind the whole Planet Hulk thing yada yada. And Skaar would be maybe less then 10 years old lol??? I'm ok with that but I think in the comics Skaar is older. Fun.

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Wtf did I just watch? This is shameful. They have completely destroyed the MCU as we knew and loved it. I won't even begin with what they've done to Daredevil...

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Meh, I guess this was alright, it just wasn't working for me.
I am usually all for the fourth wall break but however extreme it was in this case it just wasn't as clever as it thought it was. It's like a person who doesn't know she isn't funny but thinks pretty highly of her humour. It was also clear that they wouldn't actually include Kevin Feige so to me that twist was pretty expectable. But the actual problem why it didn't really work for me, is that all this selfawareness and selfirony was clearly directed at hard-core MCU fans who know all these backgrounds and I don't know what, which I am not.
The actual ending then wasn't much of an ending it simply took things for granted and that clishee family BBQ was all but interesting.

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Tatiana Maslany deserves so much more.

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