I thought this was perhaps the worst episode yet.

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Yikes... That was painful to watch.

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After the marginal improvement we saw in episode 2, I was hopeful that we'd continue to see an upward trajectory in episode 3.

I should know better than to hope for things.

I think I've figured out what annoys me the most: The writers don't appear to have any faith in Maslany's acting ability. The 4th-wall breaks feel forced and uneccesary because they are... Maslany has sufficient skill at her craft to be able to convey basic emotions using her facial expressions. But the writers don't trust her. They have her explain the emotions to us instead. This results in the character feeling flat and emotionless, instead of real and relatable.

It's not Maslany's fault, she's a capable performer. It's not the character's fault, She-Hulk is fraught with inner angst and conflicting emotions.

It's the writers. The Gailes' either have questionable skills or they have no respect for the material, the cast and the audience. Or perhaps both.

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While the 1/2hr storyline format is enjoyable, its no excuse for the reduced quality of the cgi which is poor by 2010 standards, and spoils the show! ps- being English & living in the UK, I have absolutly no idea who Megan Thee Stallion is, thankfully.

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That scene where it's revealed that the guy thought he was dating Megan Thee Stallion had me chuckling HARD

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Tony snapped so She-hulk could clap.

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CGI very bad.

When she breaks the fourth wall it feels very forced. Fleabag did well.

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Is this show the greatest thing in the MCU? No. But so far it’s innocent fun and this episode made me laugh a couple of times.

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Harley Quinn is also a comic book show that comes out on Thursdays and it’s way way better than this. Not trying to be a hater, I really want to like this show. But watch that instead

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Very good episode. The best of the three so far for me.

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The Majority of MCU fans who wanted to see She-hulk twerking with Meghan Thee Stallion Is now satisfied.

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Overall I liked the episode (Wong!) but gotta say the 4th wall breaks felt incredibly forced. They were neither funny nor clever and the weak ending didn't help either. 6/10.

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My question is; who is Megan Thee Stallion?

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What juvenile, low IQ hack is writing this crud. It's not funny, the story sucks. The only reason I watch this is for the FX and even that is mediocre at best.

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please just show charlie cox already

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It is a really good episode with some on-the-mark jokes! The first actual (not setup) episode, and if that is a sign of what is coming next, that will be great.

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Worst thing the MCU has ever put out

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Well, and now its confirmed... this serie is not my thing at all. All the things I like about marvel movies and series (loki and wandavision), are missing. And whats left is nonstop thor humour.. This is not funny at all. All acting is just weird and far from how people behave in real world. One thing I like though... I only have to watch 27min.. (and yes I am watching this only for fear of missing out... on marvels universe big picture).

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They got my bestie She-Hulk twerking with Megan Thee Stallion :sob::green_heart:

Definitely laughed a ton this episode, keep it coming!!

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Getting worse each episode. I'm just watching this for Charlie Cox at this point.

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Shout by Erebos
BlockedParent2022-09-01T14:13:05Z— updated 2023-02-16T17:27:55Z

The writers are still using lampshading as their Get-Out-Of-Bad-Writing-Free card.
It hasn't worked yet.

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Worst episode so far in my opinion, but Tim Roth and Wong were great.

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I started with the seven stars I WOULD have given this episode, then subtracted one star for every time they featured a character twerking. And THEN I subtracted one more star for the fact that I just used the word "twerking" in my review of an MCU property. I'm starting to get worried.

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I honestly was open to this show and hoping it'd be good unlike these review bombers that give it a one without even watching it, but unfortunately it just keeps going downhill. After a semi decent first episode, the past two episodes of been going more and more downhill becoming more cringy. I don't care if there's a powerful female lead in a show or movie, but the constant all men are bad in this show is becoming a little bit too much. A couple times is fine, but when they're constantly jamming it down your throat every other scene is becoming very annoying and it gets worse every episode. On top of that the lawyer scenes are very bad, and also can't forgive how badly they ruined the Abomination. I love his new design but his voice is so bad, they're definitely gonna make Abomination the villain when he breaks out but I doubt they'll change his voice back.

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At this point whatever
Am past caring.
This show continues to take the piss of all MCU achievements and people's sacrifices, the cgi gets worse. I don't find any of it funny at all and jen is starting to annoy me now.
Thank heavens for the short runtime.

(The pain is real)

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I enjoyed the episode, but all the Meghan Thee Stallion scenes were totally lost on me. Here in the Netherlands most people (including me) don't even know who she is and I think that will be the same for a lot of other European countries.

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I fucking hate this show with my entire being. Stupid ass plot(s) and the decision to have forth wall breaking must be the stupidest choice ever. The fact the run time of every episode is so short starts to be a blessing.

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This seems to be going nowhere quickly. The first episode made it seem promising but other than something to pass the time, there's not much substance, or plot. I've reached the point of just wanting to see how it ends and ties into the greater MCU.

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The more this goes on the less it's my thing. It's not bad, it has it's funny moments, but doesn't go much past passable entertainment IMO.

From a comic authenticity perspective, the approach really works, it's just not so much my thing. For me this is the lowest MCU series so far, along with Falcon & The Winter Soldier. I'm finding the CGI really hard to get past in a lot of the scenes, this has really gone downhill since the first episode - lip sync is way off and movement flow is sometimes really unnatural.

All the above being said, the scene where Pugliese puts Jen on the stand to testify for her former colleague was the moment of the series for me.

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I don't know how is this relevant or what it is trying to accomplish. I gave the benefit of doubt for 2 whole episodes even after reading how people were downvoting it before it the first episode even came out.

I'm a few minutes in and the 4th wall was broken in such a bad and forced way I absolutely lost interest in it. I'm just going to "watch" as a mean to fall asleep.

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Writers knew exactly the reaction this show would get online from 'those' fans and wrote it into episode 3. Flawless.

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what even is this show? ally mcbeal with green skin?

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She Hulk or how to try and fail to do what they did so good invincible title credits.

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She-Hulk twerking tells you all you need to know about how bad this show is

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I wish they would use orchestral music for the credits and not this Hip Hop crap. Those "songs", noise would be a better word, were terrible.

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Very painful to watch and the jokes aren't even funny! They made this show a comedic relief just like Thor: Love and Thunder can't they do anything serious anymore? What even is the story anyway? There's no real plot it's just joke after joke and a few cameo appearances.

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Who is Megan Thee Stallion? Is she popular in the USA?

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3 episodes in I have to say the hate for this show is kinda forced. I can understand not gelling with the procedural vibes or the humour but the vitriol i saw about it in 2022 had me convinced this show was scum of the earth pure garbage when it's just light fun.

its the exact type of superheros in mundane sincaroes media i absolutely ate UP in my Avengers fanfic days in middle school and given the continued popularity for this type of storytelling (see the insane readership of Wayne Family Adventures) I think there's a mass audience for this. maybe its not the exact four quadrant blockbuster audience the movies are going for but its there.

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I had a good time with this episode. It fits in the marvel universe while not trying to do anything super. It’s just a dumb comedy and I enjoyed it.

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she-hulk twerking with megan theeeeeeeeeeeeeee stallion was not something i needed to see today

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I don't think some people are not getting the jokes in this; but that's alright, I don't get the joke of watching one show over and over again either!

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WCU Wong Cinematic Universe! He’s the one who holds the mcu together

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A 10 for Megan Thee Stallion

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'Thor's inspirational speeches are not admissible in court.' skahsjak

Still not over the hilarity of this episode

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Yeah I didn’t rush to see the twerking episode. Plus why did Jameela Jamil (The Good Place) get second billing ? She was quickly beat up and never shown again, in the first episode.
After seeing the episode. The twerking scene is in the credits. So it doesn’t kill the episode itself.

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:white_check_mark:89% = :thumbsup_tone2:8 :thumbsdown_tone2:1 = Great!

:white_check_mark:GREAT: 4
:pray_tone2:GOOD: 4
:expressionless:DISAPPOINTING: 1

Episode 3 puts a surprising focus on supporting characters in Jen's law firm and their cases, thus truly delivering on the show's initial premise. This is the episode most centred on Jen's work yet, with less focus on her character. There's more fun fourth-wall breaking coupled with genuinely funny gags. Also a plus for the deeper connections to previous MCU projects. (+5)

Tatiana Maslany and Tim Roth are on top form here, with Roth stealing every single scene and the entire Abomination hearing made hilarious thanks to them. Megan Thee Stallion is a running gag (and subplot) here, and everything revolving around her is the only thing I found somewhat weak. (+2, -1)

The big thing of the episode is the She-Hulk vs. The Wrecking Crew fight at the end, which kind of appears out of nowhere but is fun nonetheless. (+1).

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Shout by Deleted

I would watch this same basic episode of television so many times before it became old. This show could easily be what Agents of Shield tried and really walk through the MCU as a companion long term.

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That legal defense. That crappy demolition team

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Shout by Co

Anyone who dislikes this show is weird to me. It is pure fun. The comedy is really good. I was dying laughing numerous times. The show also provides a pretty interesting grounded look into the MCU for a more regular person. This is pretty easily becoming my favorite MCU series of the year.

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Shout by Gloom8

Everything worked pretty well as usual until the 4 ill-prepared thieves showed up which downgraded the episode slightly.
Granted Marvel not good with the Plot in their shows, unlike easy to get behind characters and easy going versions of original genres of certain tv shows. So maybe it should worry me more, but so far... it's alright.
And I thought that the famous person was a fictional one. Post-credits scene indicated that it wasn't the case... well, maybe it would have worked better if I knew who it was. Oh, well.

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Wait...is this show actually good? From the MCU? Yes. While Loki and FATWS were more serious about the heroics of their heroes this is much more regular show about a lawyer who's also a hero. And while Daredevil is also that, that was also a very serious show. I'm enjoying how lightweight this show is and while I don't know what the end goal of the show is (other than to be an origin story) I'm not unhappy with the progress. Hawkeye, while I love the hero, felt a bit plain and this feels better. I liked the A/B story for no reason other than that it was fun, the Megan Thee Stallion cameo, and the lawyering portion of the episode. The only part I felt was odd was the actual fight - felt very uncoordinated and fake. Those of us who are unhappy with how casual and comedical this show is, or is trying to be, need to realize that Marvel has always been the serious at serious times and funny all the rest type of canon. DC is where you go for the dark undertones control the plot type of situation.

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I'm loving the tv show, and Tatiana is delivering it! While I felt the twerking scene in the post scene was unnecessary, it's still in character.

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A bit better I'd say, but, ffs, it gets really annoying sometimes. The whole Abomination hearing was good. But the 4th wall breaks and the comedy gets really in the way in what could be a pretty effective and somewhat deep show. But, of course, it'd have to be framed a lot better too.

And stop trying to respond to controversy surrounding it. It's better that way. The only hard fall from Marvel Studios was after Iron Man 1. I'd say anyone that didn't realize MCU was plagued with terrible scripts and bad narratives since the beginning is really a doofus.

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this was so fun lol and i loved that cameo!!

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Not a bad episode. Kinda fun. The mid-credits scene is the best part. Absolutely LOL-ed.

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31 comments and nobody has even mentioned the awesomeness of the Wrecking Crew finally being part of the MCU! I LOVED that group of baddies as a kid, and they're always hilariously stupid with their schemes.

Story wise this episode feels a lot like a classic Byrne She-Hulk comic, fourth wall breaks and dumb villains galore!

Fun fact: both wrecking crew and Titania were part of the original secret wars back in '84. Wonder if they'll join in on the fun coming up in a few years time?

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I have only laughed once so far and it was with the fistbump-handshake mixed up, lol

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This show is so much fun --- loyal to the original source of Dan Slott's great series... batting 3 out of 3 so far!

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yadiyadiyadiyadiyadiyadiyadiyadi, the short run-time hurts the show, but it still manages to be fun, just need a little time for moments to breath, stuff goes blazing fast

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a good episode the only problem is the time, only 20 minutes, really??

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CGI aside - cause it really sucked this episode, I'm starting to really like this show. Probably the easiest to watch show since the Disney+ era and the most enjoyable since Loki and that was well over a year ago. The ending was really forced, though a throwaway line finally inserts some mystery into the show. Though tbh, I don't need an antagonist or a villain - could just watch the procedural week-to-week, and I don't like those kind of shows. Good stuff here.

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