lmao i like the Ed Norton recast joke

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This has to be the worst episode 2 in TV show history.

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Sweet but short. Too Short.

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I just watched one of the most boring episodes of MCU TV.

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That was wayyyy too short! 20 Minutes? Seriously Disney?

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Concise and moved the plot forward without unnecessary filler.
Also anyone else clock Jen's phone wallpaper? That's America's ass right there :wink:

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I actually like how concise it is. There's so much bloated one hour tv out there that this is refreshing. Still not feeling the fourth wall breaking. It feels forced and too sporadic to have a point.

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This show is certainly notvwritten by the sharpest knifes in the Hollywood drawer and that says a lot.

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Am I the only one that don't like this new marvel serie? The story is not interesting, the humor isn't funny (why should it be funny in the first place), the cgi is realy bad, her parents and family are just stupid .. omg.
I guess I am watching this to keep informed about the marvel big picture and up coming movies).

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Wait. What happened to abomination? Why did abomination escape? And where de actual frick-frack is Bruce flying to? Could it be a wink and toe-in to Guardians of the Galaxy?

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It's okay. It's definitely more fun than recent MCU entries like Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel and the 30 minutes did fly by. The CGI is still pretty bad to me, though Tatiana Maslany is doing a great job under the circumstances. There was a scene with the family that lost me but otherwise this is enjoyable enough.

Disney still doesn't have a good gauge on episodes and episode run time for these shows. Most shows have been 6 episodes and its far too little. This show is 9 episodes, but 25 minutes may be too short. Episode 1 and 2 should have been released together as well or as just 1 long episode.

There's a great line about Hulk previously being played by a different actor. Also there's a Wolverine reference!

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I really like how the MCU deals with the world-building with some of its tv shows. I enjoy getting to see this part of the world develop with superheroes needing it’s own legal division.

I’m really entertained by this show. Tatiana is a fantastic actress, and the end credits clip of her helping out with house chores and errands was pretty funny.

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It’s more about the comedy than the action. Ally McBeal with She-Hulk. Though it at least has plenty of Easter Eggs to also make it entertaining. As well as teases of what’s to come.
It’s nice that Thunderbolt Ross was mentioned. William Hurt did a great job making you hate him. I hate it to say it but they may need to recast so we get Red Hulk eventually.
As well as Liv Tyler back.

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The episode felt way too short and like not much happened, but otherwise I’m really liking the tone and themes they seem to be going for. I thought I would hate a less serious spin on Abomination but I actually really liked what they are going for with his character in this episode and found it enjoyable. Also I’m so excited for what seems like that world war hulk setup.

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wow marvel way to be subtle with the edward norton joke lol

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I’m done, not a good tv show

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This is not good. A 20 min episode? WTF? And that forth wall breaking is just so cringe.

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Now THIS is more like it!

Despite the shockingly short runtime of this episode, it was 100% better than the first. Much better flow, very little waste, it conveyed so much using so little.

And it went the direction I have been hoping against hope it would go. A street level view of what happens when Superheroes do super hero things from a legal perspective. And not in serious, badly executed DC way, but in a self-aware Harvey Birdman Attorney at Law way. I already want this series to have additional seasons because the source material for such antics would be never-ending. I just hope they don't waste the whole first season on Abomination.

The humor felt so much less forced this time, and most of it came off so naturally. Instead of just a constant back and forth of quips and sarcasm, it was situational humor and a perfectly placed Edward Norton joke. (And an even more perfectly-placed Anthony Hopkins quote.) Now I'm impatiently waiting for the next episode.

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Ok, better than the first. Still not funny, tho.

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"Ma'am, this is a prison!"

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This was much better than episode one

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We liked it more than the first, let's hope it continues at this level

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It's entertaining enough... kinda. But it's also pretty cringey and the writing isn't good at all.

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Filler episode and only 20 mins long. This couldn’t have been trimmed and added to another one.

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Josh Sagarra!!! bringing Lance vibes!!!

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Way to short. Should be better an extension to the first episode ...

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30 minutes, of which 10 minutes look back at the previous episode and intro and credits. So 20 minutes an episode. WOW how bad. Surprised this episode still gets a 6 from viewers here.

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I love Jen's relationship with her family. Obvs her and Bruce's banter is adorable but the entire ecclectic cast is so endearing especially her dad. The overall low stakes episodic nature of the show is grreat

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this episode wasn't as strong as the first but it was decent enough. i'm glad that the show knows it's a show and creates hooks and small and big plots. it's already more than some of the marvel series.

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So for 20 minutes this show has just pissed all over anything MCU that's come before, took the piss out of all male Superheros trama and loss of family
and turned Blonsky into
Trevor 2.0.
A chilled out
Hippie Dippie character

By the way their is only one Trevor
and only one
Ben Kingsley
who can pull it off.
The 4th wall break in distracting and annoying as most of the time she's not even looking at us, she just mumbles away. Her talking over and over the guys in that yammering fashion is annoying as Hella and
this is meant to be a comedic show...
Well I Don't Find It Funny
In The Slightest.

She's not enjoying being She-Hulk are whatever she wants to be bloody called and with the knock on effect and her resistance to all things Avengers/Superheros, I'm bloody not enjoying it either.
I'd rather invest in someone who actually wants to be a
Someone who has respect for that life that chooses YOU.

(what is going on with the wonky cgi it's terrible).

I'll grind episode 3 out and see if the show picks up.

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I really can't believe Marvel released a 21-minute long episode. This was basically nothing! We need to be fed dammit

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:white_check_mark:82% = :thumbsup_tone2:9 :thumbsdown_tone2:2 = Great!

:white_check_mark:GREAT: 6
:pray_tone2:GOOD: 3
:expressionless:DISAPPOINTING: 2

Episode 2 is seemingly where this series hits its stride, with more focus on Jen's life and her new dual persona. By this time, we realize that this series is taking the attorney thing seriously, and using it as an opportunity to feature various cases and guest stars for Jen to interact with. There are some cleverly written jokes in here as well, such as the "I'm a completely different person now ... literally" line. I'm bummed that the fourth-wall breaks have been fairly simple so far - nothing of the sometimes creative breaks that appear in Byrne's comic run. (+4) (-1)

Tatiana Maslany is good at keeping her two personas separate, yet intimately connected, and both Jen's are equally fun to follow. Tim Roth is back as Emil Blonsky, making his largest (and funniest) appearance since The Incredible Hulk. The episode presents him as a misunderstood anti-hero, who has come to terms with his past. (+4)

The lighthearted take from Episode 1 continues here, even if the humour remains subtle. (+1) (-1)

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Shout by Deleted

Gonna be hard not to think about the World War Hulk setup off the bat. The stage is now fully set for the series to come and Bruce won’t be around the corner to be nosey moving forward.

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So excited after all this time of waiting that they've finally introduced Mark Linn-Baker in the MCU!

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That was a nice reference to the Wolverine being alive and around in the MCU world.

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