What a waste of 38 minutes…

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Usually my tolerance levels for marie sue stuff is pretty high, I do not care about “SJW” stuff in my media, but this was borderline unwatchable. Like we get it she’s acting strong and better at everything, she’s so strong she can break the 4th wall multiple times, and she will probably have to fight an enemy that’s gonna tone down her confidence a notch. But that’s it? I feel like it’s so telegraphed, there is no room for growth. It’s like a spin-off of overlord, the genre was fun when it debuted but having OP main character from the get go gets so boring so quickly. It’s sad but I think that’s gonna end up as a background show for me, something I watch while I do other stuff because it does not deserve my full attention…

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A rushed female character that is instantly better than an already estabilished one made me feel like I was watching the last Star Wars trilogy.

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Captain America f:asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol::asterisk_symbol: lol. Full of expositions while still managed to make it entertaining throughout. I hope the show maintains this level of quality and will not fizzle out like some other shows from Marvel (:asterisk_symbol:cough:asterisk_symbol: :asterisk_symbol:Ms Marvel:asterisk_symbol:)

Overall a strong opening episode. Definitely recommended.

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I'm just glad to see Tatiana Maslany again. Phenomenal actress.

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They really shouldve dropped 2 episodes its hard to place my feelings for the show yet

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Seriously, I can’t understand why people complain about this show. I thought the pilot was cool. Quite fun and entertaining, in the best spirit of the original comic.

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It's fine, a 20minute sitcom. makes a change from the usual MCU stuff.

The animation is ropey. SH's forehead is just ridiculously massive, as is her hair.

The fight in the courthouse is just a bizarre little collection of shots.

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I've always loved She-Hulk from the comics (the Law and Disorder story arc being a notable exception), and I had high hopes for this show.

So far I'm not impressed. Breaking the 4th wall, sassy "girl power" attitude and Twitter-feminist whining a la 2017 are much more reminiscent of Ally McBeal than any of the good She-Hulk interpretations from the source material.

I was hoping for a superhero show, but perhaps I should take the main character at her word when she says this is a 'funny lawyer show' or whatever the line was.

It's early, so it could still turn around, but this is not a promising start.

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FUCKING LOVED THIS?! Such a fun bantery watch while still being rooted in reality especially the one of being a woman. Also, Tatiana Maslany is backkkk


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Would be amazing if they turned this into a Harvey birdman type show where she just represented a random b/c superhero each week.

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It was a fair first episode. Way to short and I don't get the "forth wall breaking"-thing. I did not laugh.

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I thought this was an overall strong start to the show. I like how it feels like a true pilot for a TV show and I’m guessing this will be the most episodic of the MCU shows. They did a good job of jumping right into the origin and letting us know that this is going to be a law show so that we can set our expectations. I wasn’t a huge fan of Jennifer Walters breezing right through her training without any struggle but I think this show has the potential to be a really fun time.

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Well, the She-Hulk looks absolutely ridiculous (It looks like the CGI team had to shift directions mid-work which turns out to be close to the truth after reading a few articles) and the last scene was ultra-cheesy.
Somehow reminds me of early 90ies TV and not in a good way.

Doesn't mean the Show is gonna be bad, but it definitely had a bad start which makes me a bit fearful, because I really like Tatiana Maslany and Jameela Jamil who were terrific in Orphan Black and The Good Place.

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Is this supposed to be funny? I got a total of 0 laughts while watching it

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Strong opening episode. Will def watch as it develops

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Not bad, not great. There's nothing much to say about it yet, really. Not a great fan of the main character leashing out on Bruce after he spent years undercover trying to save innocent people from himself and THEN saving the world. Then again also syrange that he just decicded she was gonna be a hero and couldn't just want to love with it. In any case the characters are failing to understand each other's pains. So, only focusing on the humor part then : it's meh. Some jokes are funny, some aren't. Looking forward to see the next episodes anyways.

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I thought it was a good start. Some cheesy lines that didn't fit came up, but the storyline had rythm and made sense. Was nice to see Bruce and see him help her with the transition. The woman power dynamic came through, which was fun to see as marvel is getting better at representing women. The soundtrack was catchy and I found myself bouncing to it here and there. Let's see how it goes

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So much to like here, though the legal aspect seems like a premise that could give many seasons of greatness. The depth added to the MCU with Bruce’s context was really welcome too.

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A little short, but nails the character. Love how it drops right in and unapologetically glosses over revelations that ultimately aren't important to this story, while giving a lot of play to the themes of anger and control. Hilarious and lively, with a great chemistry of familial love and annoyance between Maslani and Ruffalo. I don't get the beef with the FX as I thought the CG looked great, showcased the performances within it, and fit this world. CG isn't bad because you can tell it's CG. It tells the story. It's succeeding. I think it works wonderfully.

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One problem with these Disney+ shows is that they all feel underdeveloped, undercooked, and more or less just jump from one thing to another without caring about whether doing so feels natural or not. This episode was criminally short. There were so many places where they could have expanded on things if they had just taken the time. I mean, how many minutes do we actually get of her day-to-day life before everything changes when she reveals herself to be a Hulk? I'm guessing about three.

It was a reasonably enjoyable episode, but like I said, kind of lacked depth/heart. I really hope that the main character has to work to improve herself, which is the point of any superhero story, and that she doesn't just have everything come perfectly easy just because she's a woman. I wouldn't hold my breath, though. Apparently good character development is a synonym to sexism now-a-days with studio execs.

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Much better than expected and the CGI looks much better in motion (although still not as good as it used to be)

looking forward to next week

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Brilliant first episode,bring on the rest.

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What an absolute pleasure to have Tatiana Maslany on my screen again. Looking forward to what the show could hold. Loving the style so far and before we get any comments about how she's breaking the 4th wall 'Like Deadpool/Fleabag', let's remember she technically did it first :)

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A strong start and already feels very different from the other MCU shows. It's gonna be a fun ride!

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This show literally starts with a fourth wall break "I bet you're wondering how I got here" joke.

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I liked it!:green_heart: Funny how they fooled us with the rock throwing scene in the trailer (making her look stronger from the start). The character only works if she's a different kind of Hulk, not just a stronger one.

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I've had no expectations of this show yet i feel disappointed. Let's hope it get's better when they get to the actual story

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The last two minutes tried as hard as it could to ruin the entire episode.

(The after credits scene is okay.)

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I love Tatiana so much, she's amazing. But what about that ridiculous CGI? Bruce looks fine but Jen doesn't, I don't get it.

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Impressed by seeing Hulk's helmet from Sakaar.
Keep it coming

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did hulk just say bruh

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What in the Quentin Tarantino

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Fun first episode! Didn't have a problem at all with the CGI which, I guess, was my only big apprehension going in. Hopefully, a good story develops in the remaining eps.

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Shout by Hans Vincent Siy
BlockedParent2022-08-18T15:09:12Z— updated 2022-08-22T19:38:26Z

Good premiere episode. Excited for the Daredevil crossover

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I'm convinced she-hulk was written by science bros shippers. i mean tony and bruce spending the blip together on a mexican resort doing science and getting drunk together while doing dbt is such a 2012 avengers fanfic concept. i mean the carved initials on the bar, the subtle jabs at the iron man 3 post credit scenes. the evidence is there.

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I like action in this episode. She is smart and I like the banter between banner and her. Except few mean scenes. The scene where she turns into she hulk and scares people who catcall her was so satisfying at the bar.

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this is actually a pretty decent first episode. pretty comic accurate. one of the only bad things is the magalu cgi, but her relation with the hulk and her relation with her powers is pretty solid.

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I love how this is really tailored to a female she-hulk experience, not a male she-hulk experience. Her basically being better at everything than him aside, the way that his years of research was done on a male hulk and does not apply on a female one. Like basically all the medicines out there don’t work the same on females either :upside_down:

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mark ruffalo you are way too good for this

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Hey anti-SJW-whiners, She-Hulk is an original character created by Stan Lee.

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Well, the runtime explains why there's 9 episodes. Like Wondervision.

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The only reason I'm rating this a four is because Inhumans was so bad, and I suffered through with a fake smile on my face through that one.

The CGI is embarrassingly bad, and I don't care if the Corridor Crew thinks it's good. Jennifer does not look real, nor does the Hulk. They look like a really well animated cutscene from the early to mid 2010s. Her hair in particular moves very strangely, and I feel like I'm watching a bizarre live action version of Fiona run around for most of the first episode.

Furthermore, the company has ruined Hulk as a character. Although I was never really fond of Bruce Banner OR Mark Ruffalo for that matter, this show has made him so much worse.

As for the fight towards the end, the editing is sloppy and amateur at best. This episode is embarrassing. Not quite as bad as I thought it would be, but the only reason this is being defended is because Marvel fans will literally defend anything at this point, especially if the company positions it as representation.

I think I'll just go back to Princess Leia, Wonder Woman, and Wanda.

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Jen has to be the funniest of the new era!

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At the moment, he has not convinced us much, that it lasts half an hour, it is in his favor

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I'm ready to give my closing argument now.

The end credits go so hard.

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A goofy yet entertaining first episode.

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The reasons for the latter are complicated, in the comics Bruce has always had… a sort of split personality, the place where he put all his pent up rage and aggression stemming from an abusive childhood, which manifested in The Hulk when he got his powers Meanwhile Jen not having mental health issues like Bruce means she is more in control, the same goes for most people who suffer gamma mutations like The Master and Abomination, also she has learnt to control her anger due to experiencing things that… happen to pretty much every woman (sexual harassment and the like) and not loosing her temper.

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Team Tatiana since Orphan Black--> my reason for watching.
I think Marvel Studios is doing a marvelous job with this adaptation of Shrek. I'm excited to see more.

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Oh how much I miss Tatiana Maslany on TV weekly. Obviously she's versatile, but I'm so happy this show has her lean into full-on comedy often; loved her whole running gag on Captain America, but especially her delivery of "That ass did not deserve to die a virgin!"

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Shout by BLAQK

I enjoyed this. It feels fresh for Marvel which, with the history of more comedic media is surprising.

4th wall breaks work well. Tatiana Maslany is very endearing. Bruce filled some gaps for us.

…and now we wait another 7 days :cry:

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With great power comes great lawyer show

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Great start. Marvel has some of their pizzazz yet. I had given up hope after Multiverse of Madness and Love and Thunder.

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This show is so funny! CAPTAIN AMERICA FUCKS!

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I really enjoyed it! It has a lot of potential, hopefully it will maintain this level of quality

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Shout by Co

I'll definitely need to see where the show is heading but I liked this first episode enough.

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I was going to say meh, but the after credits scene saved it for me…

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She's a slight bit of a Mary Sue, just being good at everything Bruce tries to teach her instantly, but aside from that it was a fun episode. It seems like it's going to be a fun show.
My main criticism is that the episode just kinda ends as soon as it seems like it's going somewhere. It really doesn't fit only having half hour long epsiodes.

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I had a lot of fun with it. Tatiana is of course great, and I loved all the stuff we got with the Hulk. The fourth wall breaking is fun and I'm glad we basically got the whole origin out of the way in the first episode rather than dedicating an entire season to that like some of the other shows we've seen so far. I do have to wonder what the rest of the show will be though. This felt a bit like a mini movie with its own beginning and ending. I would have liked a little more of a tease of what the rest of the season will be dealing with, but that's my only complaint.

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Did I want to hate it? Yes, I did. I went in with pre-determined opinions and was ready to not watch it after the first episode. Was I actually entertained and completely wrong about what I suspected? Yes.

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Surprisingly fun first episode. Tatiana Maslany makes it hard not to like.

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That was not enough. Why didn’t I get a two hour premiere?

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I'm not convinced yet.
39 minutes before an episode. 1st episode. Bit on the short side. Had the first episode made a pilot and 2 episodes or something.
From lawyer - to car accident - to hulk - to (not) learning to be a hulk. And BAM... suddenly back to the plea and your colleague already knows that you are a hulk and is not surprised.

They really could have done that story a little better at Marvel
Not sure if this is a spoiler. So I'll mark it as a spoiler.

Hopefully next week will be a slightly better episode.

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Added points for that post credits scene

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That post credits scene and the music - yas.

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bruh, hulk just said bruh.

i liked some aspects of the episode like the fourth wall breaking, but im struggling to like her character so far. lets see where this goes.

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loved the tone of the show. i've only seen tatiana maslany do comedy on the comedy bang bang podcast; it is nice to see it realized on screen.

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THAT’S MY BEST FRIEND :sob::green_heart: Absolutely adore the She-Hulk and this is such a strong starting episode. I can’t wait to see where it goes from here.

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Shout by Yash Patel

Hulk says bruh and captain America f:asterisk_symbol:cks

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I wanted to like this but like most of the MCU lately, it's just not clicking for me. The direction towards the end falls apart pretty badly.

Also I really hate Rufflo's Hulk and I'm really over Smart Hulk.

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