4 episodes in. This show is absolute garbage and probably the shittiest Marvel Show ever…

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CGI a little better than the previous episode. I don't know where the plot is going. I keep watching it because I'm a “completist”. Wong very well. The Sopranos thing is incomprehensible.

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I'm done pretending like this show is building to anything resembling a competent story and character arc. That's clearly never going to be the case. Also, I have to say, only in a "woke" show like this can every single male on screen be so insanely and stereotypically terrible.

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This episode just exist to spoiled you about The Sopranos, so with you never watched and want to watch Sopranos, be warned.

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Best one yet. This episode introduced some new faces that were very memorable and the interactions were so much fun between all the characters. And it actually gave the episodic feeling of a sitcom for which the previous episodes left much to be desired. 9/10

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I love the shows that Wong watches haha. I love the sopranos and this is us too! I really love she-hulk so much fun.

Also people if you are annoyed by spoilers of the sopranos it's been done since 2007 can't call it spoilers if you haven't watched it yet that's on you

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Jen whines about men objectifying women, while objectifying men. GG
Jen once again lampshades the bad writing. Still not funny.
At this point, just cut your losses and go watch Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law .
Oh and can we sue Disney with a class action for spoiling The Sopranos?

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I'd honestly be pretty pissed if I hadn't watched The Sopranos before. Random unsolicited spoilers for other things inserted into an unrelated show is very uncool.

The most absurd thing about this episode is the idea that a man who spent the night with She-Hulk would become completely disinterested when he finds out the next morning that she normally looks like Tatiana Maslany. Like... what?

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This TV show is so poorly written that the best super power that She-Hulk has is to make the worst Marvel TV Shows better by comparison.

  1. The sourcerer supreme needs help from a lawyer instead of simply taking a sling ring away.
  2. After becoming public knowledge that Jennifer Walters is She-Hulk, the guys she finds on Tinder don't know it.
  3. The superpowered "off screen smashing" ocurred without any type of physical or property damage, sure.
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Just as I'd settled in that the series can pleasantly but only intermittently hit the low (but change-of-pace for an MCU series) ceiling of pure sit-com mode, here comes an episode that is a very good version of that self. Subjective, sure, but I find this one really has a high joke hit rate, thanks in no small part to Wong's MVP presence. And Wong/Madisynn spin-off pls.

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This show is so much fun and easily matches the vibe of the comics. Also, Wong/Madisynn the unexpected duo, I love LOL

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This is a good/fun show if you aren't some comic book nerd who needs it to strictly adhere to the comics.


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For those who have negative comments on this show I think they don’t understand what the show is trying to convey. It is just a comedic 30 minute joke on superheroes. If you go Into it with that mindset, then yes, it’s a pretty entertaining show. The cgi was a bit better in this episode as well, I think

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One of the most hysterically well constructed half hours of comedy I've seen in a while. Had me rolling with laughter. All hail Madisynn.

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This episode felt like an issue of a She-Hulk comic book, which is a great thing its nice to have a show that feels more episodic from disney+. Definitely my favourite episode yet but still flawed.

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The show is fun and this one is the funniest. Well mostly due to the magician stuff. The dating scenes are cliche.
The Wong scenes steal the show and the girl who gives away Soprano spoilers.

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For those who have negative comments on this show I think they don’t understand what the show is trying to convey. It is just a comedic 30 minute joke on superheroes. If you go Into it with that mindset, then yes, it’s a pretty entertaining show. The cgi was a bit better in this episode as well, I think

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This show is so fun. Goddamn Tatiana is cute. It has to be a fictional world to believe anyone wouldn't wanna date Jen!

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It's getting worse. Omg how can anyone spend money making this?

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This was a fun episode, probably one of the funnest ones yet. Felt very comic booky and also like a true sitcom. Wong was a ton of fun this episode and Jen is a unique and fresh MCU protagonist that I’m mostly enjoying, just having some issues with the character development overall. Jen hasn’t really had to overcome any major challenges which leaves no room for character growth. It seems like her arc is headed down the path of accepting her new self as a superhero, but without any major challenges to overcome its falling a little flat. There’s still time left in the show though so hopefully we’ll get some more character depth and growth.

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I liked it. Sue me :adult:‍:scales:. Yes it's a girly episode again, but this time a lot of the jokes work and pairing Wong(ers) with Madisynn actually did the trick for me.

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HOLY CRAP, i just gasped so loudly. Does this mean THIS IS US is part of the MCU? This changes everything! I've always known Rebecca Pearson was a hero, little did I know she might actually be a super-hero! As a fan of the show I am extremely satisfied about this cameo.

(I've never seen The Sopranos and I don't even remember anymore the name of the person who dies, I have the impression that the only people who care about this spoiler are the ones that already knew lol)

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Feels like Wong is getting his own show in the not too distant future. This show can be literally anything from week to week and Wongers did not disappoint.

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So this was real fun. It actually felt like they should do this and be a series with a case each episode. And it's actually the first time I got to see the a superhero lead that's actually getting a good and engaging personality.

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I'm enjoying that this show doesn't take itself seriously. Soo much of the MCU is so strict in how the story is told, and while it works most of the time, it doesn't need to be serious in every piece of content.

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OMG! This show is so boring and stupid. Wait? Did a mentioned boring? Apparently I did but this is so boring, and stupid. And I really really really hate the breaking of the forth wall!!!

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How the hell does this keep getting worse?

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I can see Wong and that girl becoming good friends, ha.

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I feel like Donny Blaze must hang out with Gob Bluth

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i feel like this Wong is a whole different character compared to the Wong from the other series/movies.

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I don’t understand where the show is going. Maybe this is stuck in one of those unknown dimensions Wong was talking about.

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Yeah this show isn't for me. Can't stand anything or anyone in this mess.

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Madysson and Wong are the only persons I care. For a show about She Hulk 4 episodes in, we still didn't see a proper She Hulk battle. These are based on comic books which are action oriented. If I wanted drama, I'd Watch drama shows.

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i usually hate post-credit scenes in tv shows but the she-hulk ones are charming. Shout out to Madisynn and Wong's friendship

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Okay so here's where it finds its feet... Best episode so far.

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Fair enough
This show sucks and sucks bad,

but this episode sucked the least, it's actually
my favourite one out of the hole bunch of terrible.
Maddisynn was a scene stealer
and the highlight of the episode for me,
I do hope we get lots,lots more of her,
she's Awesome and so funny and so cool,
Take note Jen.
I could watch an 8 episode D+ no problems
if Maddisynn was in all 8.
Wrong is always frickin awesome,
we can never have to much of him,
Give this man his own
D+ show already,
I'm down for that,
Him and Maddisynn well that would
be the gift that keeps on giving.

Didn't care for much else in the episode,
little Demon fight at the end then it's back to
Jens for a one night stand..whatever.
Anyway back to the more important hope we see Maddisynn she would see me through the rest of this boring pointless grind of a show.
The woman is
frickin Hilarious
In a really cool and entertaining way,
Something this
show/Jen is not.

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this episode spoils the sopranos so if you care about that don't watch this idfk

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I'm going to be brutally honest here. This episode was plain bad. It had few decent aspects, was definitely the worst episode so far, and it's gotten me really worried about the rest of the show. I've been a dedicated MARVEL fan for as long as I can remember, and it's not like I'm going to give-up on the MCU or anything, but this show just really isn't interesting me very much. Between the bad writing, the bad VFX and the bad stories, the only thing saving this show are a few guest appearances (like Wong), and a small handful of semi-decent performances.

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Hm ... it's not like the show or at least these last episodes are entirely bad. They are just so incredibly unnecessary. They are little snacks comparable to 90s sitcoms.
I just wonder why must a show like this even exist? Is the MCU not big enough? Why do we need a sitcom inside this – these – universes? The show in general but this episode in particular is so incredibly uninspired and clishee. Without the superhuman elements this would not be anything worth mentioning at all. And at least to me the superhuman elements and nods to all the other films and shows are not sufficient to merit its existence. I almost fear that in a few years every show is only within the MCU or with Marvel characters. Almost.

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I really like it, I do ! I enjoy it, I even think it's hilarious but.. I hate the fact than I can't take it seriously

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At least it's getting better of sorts.

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With shows like this, I want the humor to complement the drama -- not the other way around. And this show is pushing that envelope a bit too much for my taste.

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It would have been such a fun episode but nope, they had to ruin it... new low for marvel. It's my own fault for having high expectations for this show. And honestly, you're mad about spoilers? The Sopranos is older than some of you.
What I'm mad about is CGI.

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70% fun 30% filler.

seems to be their roadmap per episode

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Definitely the best episode of the series, so far. I loathed the first 2, and was okay with #3. Things seem to be improving; I'm glad.

Also, the Sopranos spoilers might irk some people, be warned.

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This just gets more and more lame as it goes on. Of all the shows I'm still bothering to watch this one is at the bottom of my list each week. Rapidly descending into garbage.

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Wouldn't it be a nice twist if the fake magician from this episode (whose name deliberately sounds a lot like another beloved Marvel character, just to throw us off) made the same deal with the demon goat as Wong's constantly drunk new BFF?
This way, after selling out his soul/body, we'd suddenly find out who that goat really was and BOOM:
Rhys Coiro becomes our long-awaited Mephisto.

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Am I the only person that thinks that those demons had the face of Stitch from "Lilo & Stitch"

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that IS the worst épisode writing i have Seen ever just for one WHY DO YOU NEED TO FUCKING SPOIL THE SOPRANOS, specially the DEATH of a character and the worst IS that IT'S JUST SUPPOSED TO BE A JOKE, IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY TO SPOIL A TV SERIE :thinking:
NOW i just to Hope i will forget that spoilers someday to continue watching the sopranos

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First episode I got bored on this series

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Lol. This was ass :rofl:. It's like they wanted to make a show that was a whole lot of nothing.

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Shout by Manuel de la Fuente
BlockedParent2022-09-08T18:55:42Z— updated 2023-10-01T20:17:00Z

This episode felt like the equivalent of putting my brain into a blender.

I found the previous 3 episodes to be okay, save for some really bad moments (like every scene with the Asgardian lady in the previous episode that only produced second-hand embarrassment), but there was nothing good to rescue from this one.

I was just thinking, how did Wong let himself be dragged into this? It's really sad seeing MCU actors being taken from the big screen to shows of this low quality.

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Another terrible episode. Just give us Daredevil...

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