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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Season 1

1x02 Part II

the quality of star wars shows is getting worse with every new show. they are going for quantity. silly writing, mediocre sequences, and weak storylines.

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I hate all the "cute kid talking like an adult but acting annoyingly" stuff. I hope she won't be a big part of the rest of the season.

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Really like this episode, the ending kicker of Obi-Wan not knowing Anakin was alive was great. The reveal of Anakin being able to feel Obi-wan through the force was a good way of relaying the fright of Kenobi and the anger of Vader. So far so good.

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i love ewan mcgregor, he's really everything. obi-wan kenobi is the greatest. this show is a great addition to the star wars canon - at least in this beginning, let's see how it'll end.

for me, this episode was almost perfect - i just don't engage with the script making leia, a super smart child, run from who clearly wants to protect her - let's be honest, she only ran so they could show obi-wan using his powers. kinda reminded me of the original films, when the writers sometimes did leia's personality dirty in other character's favours. but oh boy, i'm loving this. i love star wars.

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The action scenes are terrible

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If you ever find yourself in charge of a tv show or movie and you think to yourself “you know what would make this better? A precocious child actor!” then please think back on this comment: Precocious child actors never make anything better. Never.

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I don't like the black actress, I guess all can't be perfect!

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Leis as a kid annoying as fuck.

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Such a great episode in an amazing cyberpunk setting, with fun and imaginative creatures, and Obi-Wan who is trying to rediscover his old self. Love the "Jedi" Haja and little Leia. Only wish, Star Wars would stop the Parkour things.

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Honestly the episode was great, but there are some issues. I assume the then grand Inquisitor wasn't the same as the one in Rebels and the fact that Reva knew that the person behind Vader's suit was Anakin just seems off. To finalize, that moment when Kenobi uses the Force to prevent Leia from falling to her death makes Kenobi look weak. A Jedi master with years of experience shouldn't lose his touch with the force that much, even after 10 years of hiding...

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The action sequences are far too clumsy. I've seen ewoks taller than the leia character, yet she must have +500 Force Evasion (running) stats to evade as good as she does at the age of 10. Yes .. they say shes 10?!?

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Reva is ohhhh so intimidating….. not. She’s more obnoxious to watch than anything. Trying way too hard. And the list of terrible sith characters continue. Is this Star Wars or some kind of weird parcor competition. Dumb. Again, all of the budget for this must have went to securing Ewan.

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Great for the kids, but Mandalorian type quality it ain't.

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Honestly the action on this show is really bad and clumsy. Does Deborah Chow direct all of these episodes? Because if so then things do not bode well for this series. Also people just knowing Vader is Anakin Skywalker seems pretty dumb

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Bit of a disappointment so far, which seems to be a reoccurring theme with these Disney+ shows and their IPs. Maybe some better showrunners? I came into Obi-Wan pretty high on Deborah Chow, but maybe I was wrong. Some things have felt fluid, and others really clunky (the woods chase is as bad a scene of choreography, as I remember). The actress playing Reva feels like someone desperately cosplaying as an Empire based character.

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child leia is a marvelous partner to obi-wan... her wit and charm came through

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I can't stand that Third Sister (Reva) character in the slightest. Ingram's acting abilities are an embarrassment to this show.

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The look of the planet reminded me of the Underworld project by George Lucas that never saw daylight. That's a nice recognition. But everything looks kinda small. I mean, I know they are filming in the Volume but it looks actually like you can see the walls.
Little Leia is a bit of a loudmouth but it goes along with what she's been in the trillogy. Hearing the voice of the clone almost made me shriek but it couldn't have been Rex, could it ? That would be to much of a coincidence.
Still don't like the sister who comes along as a pretender, a wannabe. To be given the task by Vader to find Kenobi seems like a long shot.
Ewan is carrying this so far and I guess everything is gearing up towards the meeting between Kenobi and Vader. And that will be the make or break moment for the entire series.

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I thought this was a great beginning. I am really liking Baby Leia and the Third Sister so far. I am not sure why fans constantly complain of childishness when the OT was a coming-of-age story and the PT was essentially the same, though with a darker end. I think the light moments with Baby Leia are well-balanced with the dark moments of Obi-Wan's fear and trauma. His struggle with his Jedi abilities in the midst of a Jedi genocide makes sense. He's had to bury that part of himself, literally, and it's traumatic for him to have to return to it. I really like that exploration of his psyche. Ewan as Obi-Wan is great as always, can't wait to see Hayden in the next episodes. That brief flash of him was already terrifying. Overall, looks like this will bridge the PT and the OT well. A delight to see Obi and Anakin once more!

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Little Leia is such an annoying little shit.

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It took me a while to realize that Leia doesn't remind Obi-Wan of Padme, but of Duchess Satine.

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The series is good. This episode is good. The acting performance is good. The plot is good. Obiwan is excellent.
But: More needs to happen. Otherwise, it ends in a pure fan service.
Anyone who may have ever wondered why Leia knows Obiwan and why he is "her last hope" in Episode IV will get their money's worth.
In my opinion, Disney still dares too little.
The end of this episode makes the hearts of fans of Rogue One beat faster and shows what everyone has longed for. Great cliffhanger!
Let's wait for EP 3.

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The cinematography with the city backdrop look so good. I am all in, excited to see where this series goes and what it sets up.

Awesome to see Temeura as a clone bum on the streets as well. I was like if this is Rex I’m about to lose my shit

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For a show supposedly about Obi-Wan, Little Leia is stealing the show so far. She's a sassy little shit and it's awesome. Hopefully the action improves going forwards. So far the Inquisitors feel like fools, especially Third Sister. At least in Rebels they felt somewhat dangerous for a time.

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What the helll! This is it. No more Star Wars for me. Disney has totally destroyed this. I am out of words.

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I enjoyed the second episode more than the first one. The interaction between Obi-Wan and Leia was fun.

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Kumail is welcome in all franchises, in my opinion. I expected the logic of the plot to start wearing down in this one but it’s still holding up amongst some of the show’s cheesier moments.

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I already find child actors annoying in general and leia manages to annoy me even more. The interactions between Kenobi and leia are annoying af aswell. The acting of fake jedi is really bad and annoying aswell. Every single cliché has been utilised and I don't know if I have the strength to watch this show further, it annoys me so much that I'd rather be back in school and listen to a teachers 2 hour monologue. If you want to experience star wars besides the main movies, go watch clone wars and Rebels, because those are actually good shows.

I was to lazy to form real sentences and write a real review because the show doesn’t deserve to waste another minute of my life

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I liked this episode. Leia's a typical well-adjusted headstrong child without being obnoxious. And Obi-Wan cut himself off from his powers - which is why he doesn't even know that Vader's still wreaking terror on the galaxy.

The 3rd sister's a bit too bullyish/bountyhunterish for my taste, hope they won't spend too much time on her instead of on Obi-Wan. And Vader... let's see what happens, especially how they're going to put the inevitable confrontation in the context of New Hope.

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This episode was more fun with all the chasing and running around. The little Leia is a likeable, precocious child, and the scenes with her were the best in the episode, Obi seems a bit too boring and pompous, as if he was concentrated more on feeling depressed about what happened in the past than acting in the present. The city where they were doing the hiding and running looked interesting, though it made me really miss the Belt from "The Expanse", I stopped watching the show after reading the novels since I already know what happens, but watching this made me miss "The Expanse". I wish Obi and little Leia were teleported to the Belt in some fanfic.

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A bit clunky and def some mockable elements but at its core I like obi wan and Leia getting to interact and this time period of him and Vader having that weighted history. Damn good moment with him finding out he's alive.

Also wondering if this time spent together and the bond they make is the reason Leia calls her son Ben? In retrospect it makes a lot of sense.

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I guess I'm one of the few who actually likes Baby Leia. I keep seeing flashes of Carrie Fisher in her. I'm not a fanboy or anything. I think the last three movies sucked.

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Awesome city. Awesome costumes. Adorable kid. But why those lame pursuits? She is a ten year old kid. Why can nobody - not even a Jedi - catch her? It's not a great episode. It tells a concise, traditional story. Too simple. I would have loved a more complex story - but then it were Star Trek I presume ;-)

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this episode stinks and writing was bad from the beginning tbh but this one takes it to whole another level. i will still watch it ofcourse, what other choice do i have. slave of the franchise.

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I enjoyed the most of this episode. Worth a 9 out of 10! But what the F*** happened to the Empire Inquisitors at the end??? Why are they so stupid? Why can’t they sense Obi-wan using FORCE???

The STAR WARS universe is not a child’s play. Please take it seriously!

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Shout by ragreynolds

I was really excited for this show, but I'm so annoyed and disappointed because LEIA IS RUINING IT. Every scene she's in is bad and makes the show way too childish. Her acting is bad, and it's beyond laughable that she keeps managing to last in these chase scenes. I can only hope and pray that they end her storyline soon and that we don't have to see her anymore, because at this rate, this show is going to go down as one of the most disappointing shows I've ever seen. I came for Obi-Wan and Anakin, and instead, I've gotten young Leia. I'm really not liking Kumail Nanjiani in this either. Wtf is going on with this?

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Reva is annoying and this is stupid. She is not a good actor and who wrote this crap? She could feel Obi-Wans presence at the space dock but could not feel him on Tatooine?

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Shout by Acoucalancha

Great first two episodes! The Leia / Kenobi dynamics were annoying most of the episode but by the end of it I began to warm up to it and it's nice to see Kenobi as an uncle figure. I'm not a fan of the Third Sister character (and the actress) although I admire her creativity at finding Kenobi. Can't wait to see more of Vader.

Not sure what they were going for with the apparent death of the Grand Inquisitor sinse we see him and most of the other Inquisitors (except for the Third Sister) in Star Wars: Rebels which is set in the future. Looked like a pretty bad injury but I guess he survives.

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This Leia storyline sucks. Why does she run so funny? Why is she so annoying? The stunts are not good. Reva running across the rooftops looked terrible.

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Stories revolving around children are always so frustrating.

This episode also has a bunch of motivation inconsistencies.

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2nd watch, I hate Lil Leia

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Good episode,
Lots of running around,
Reva with all that parkouring
was a little silly and
unnecessary and than
to turn as she did, well
I expected more
(what a waste).
Why didn't Reva just
jump onto the ship,
with all them many
flips and spinning
around metal poll,
you would have thought
Flipping onto a large ship
would have been nothing
to a vengeance consumed
back flipping force wielding
psychopath like her.

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Some nice neon lights (reminds me of Cyberpunk).

Kumail Nanjiani <3 Not sure about him in the Star Wars universe but I absolutely love his accent so this was still a welcome surprise :)
(And I obviously recognized him as soon as he started speaking :D)

That spice came in quite handy: "Well, everybody bleeds."

10 years old Leia is absolutely adorable!
And super smart of course.
Looks like the army she's waiting for is actually a one-man army (aka. Obi-Wan).

And Obi-Wan finally knows that Anakin is still alive.
Looks like Darth Vader is still in bad shape though... :o

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flea should concentrate on being a rock star. I won't disrespect the guy because he's a legend but dear lord...

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Great sync between Obi-Wan and Leia and the mention of her mother being the same made me like this episode. A bit confusing and rushed the whole episode but it didn't hurt too much. The story is pretty rapid going through their events.

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Hmm :thinking: This is not what I thought it would be. I Can't figure out who (age group) this is made for. Seems very childish, which is supposing.

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:O I wasn't waiting Darth Vader to show up so soon. :O

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Some terrific visuals, even if we've seen them before in various skiffy settings. And Munchkin Leia is showing us just how hard it can be for a kid to be a cute little prodigy while NOT being an annoying jackhat at the same time. And lastly, Reva REALLY needs to stop chewing on the scenery. Dial it back a notch already.

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Please can this be the last of the cringy Leia foot chases? This one and most especially the one in the first episodes are horrible. I am not very impressed with this series so far.

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There are some leaps in logic, some disbelief that needs to be suspended, but it's a small step up from the first episode. Kumail Nanjiani's character was as great as I'd hoped he'd be. I hope we get to see him again later, because there's so much potential in his character.

Also, why is it that a little girl can outrun everyone she comes in contact with? She doesn't need Obi-Wan; she can just slowly duck and weave her way back home by the look of things.

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Does makes sense that Leia knew Obi-Wan before A New Hope. Since she does send a transmission asking for his help.
The Star Wars shows are great but have wasted the cartoon or comic characters. The Grand Inquisitor was wasted.

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That ending was dope, I can finally enjoy the themes of the prequel in a modern context
Obi-wan is cool

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I hope the action scenes get better, they are so clunky and slow. I guess that’s the consequence of using tiny digital sets. Honest Trailers is going to have a field day with this.

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Child Leia outrunning everyone 2 episodes in a row is absolutely ridiculous. Also, who came up with the idea of giving a child this kind of dialogue? It's absurd.
The sad thing is that some people are attacking a 9 year old child actor over her acting abilities while the actual problem is how they wrote Leia and the scenes she's in.

The fact that this show is sitting at an 8/10 rating on every major website is making me doubt my sanity.

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The episode was only saved by the little girl and Kumail Nanjiani in the last part where he still pretends to be a Jedi. ROFL The rest is still crap, like how they kill the Grand Inquisitor(that only serves as shock value in writing, fucking trash idea!)

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Please let me see live action Cal Kesits in this show!

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Reva, you are evil... and i love

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I agree, major slow start which is always like that lately. Only 6 episodes they should have it start with at least kenobi acting like such a weak Jedi who forgot all his training.

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