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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Season 1

1x01 Part I

i LOVE star wars. love love love. this is love.
i love ewan mcgregor playing obi-wan kenobi. i love the kids of anakin. i love the sillyness and the seriousness, all delivered in a new but respectful way.
damn, marvel studios should learn.

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2 things that I disliked: the directing. Hate all the shaky cam stuff.
The child actor. Distractingly bad. Was she the best they could find?

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Helle there…again.
This is where the fun begins.

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I absolutely loved the opening scene when order 66 was initiated. The reflections of the light sabers off the floor and walls was beautiful

Solid episode indeed. Awesome seeing flea as well. Lol at young Leia running tho. That chase scene was hilarious.

The third sister kind of a bitch, can’t wait to see her be put in place by Ben

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Amazing opening recap sequence... such good cinematography, editing, and music, just like the original Star Wars series it represents. The only hilariously bad segment was the Leia chase scene, looked like part of a TV show meant for kids exactly her age, but aside from that, so much tension and undertone acted so well.

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Loved the feel of this episode. Obi-Wan's melancholy and despondence, the monotony of his days, in contrast Leia's vivaciousness and Bail's way of dealing with what life's dealt them (although, granted, he definitely came out better than Obi-Wan did from the purge)... Obi-Wan's clinging to this last task, forgetting his Jedi ways and denying help... Really liked all that very much.

Not so much, though, the way he went around with the lightsabre attached to his hip in the end, right out in the open... WTH, he spent 10 years in hiding and now he's just going to openly show the very recognizable Jedi weapon? He couldn't have hidden it better inside his clothes?

Anyway: I love Ewan McGregor's Obi-Wan. I think he could recite the telephone book and I'd still love that character.

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I’ll give you a cameo give away….
‘Give it away, give it away’…

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Apparently all of the budget for this show went to securing Ewan McGregor. Very sub par CGI, and the acting… I felt like was watching some low budget SyFy movie. Oh what LucasArts used to be…

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McGregor is awesome, as he always is. Rest is serviceable crap, as disney always is.

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Please just stop bringing characters from the animation into live action. It's a disaster! What the fuck is so hard about making a Pauan look like a Pauan?? (Or a Duros like a Duros or a Togruta like a Togruta for that matter) It's not like they had to invent what they look like in live action ...

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Loved it! The Grand Inquisitor seems a bit off, but other than that, this episode was great!

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I had goosebumps when the episode started with the flashbacks and the scene at the temple.
Great finally seeing Kenobi back, even being a broken man. He's full of guilt and self doubt. Didn't expect to see Leia but it is the obvious reason to make him leave Tatooine. Can't wait to see Vader because the Inquisitors, and especially the Sister, is not cutting it.
Since we do know that Kenobi won't die I hope we see a great character journey, to fill in the time between episode three and four.

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For the first time in a long time with Star Wars I feel a link between the old and the new. I have hope with Kenobi

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This was some pretty good to cringe fan fiction, let’s see where it goes

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Other than the god awful performance of the actress who plays the third sister, I enjoyed it. Man she's a shit actress. Wasn't blown away or anything but I had a good time watching both first episodes. Yes the chase scene was bad but little Leia is so adorable I can forgive it. Looking forward to see if this show can fix some plot holes that were created when they made the prequels in regard to what was established in the OT. Probably not but this is the perfect chance. I do hope not all episodes will be directed by Debra Chow though.

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Tatooine looks super nice and I loved to see Obi Wan again. But there are some logic failures. Why for example they are cutting meat and leave everything in the sun as they leave work? The chase of Leia was so badly acted and directed, that it was almost funny again.

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This is Star Wars, so there are going to be some parts that don’t move you like they move others, but this one worked for me. If this turns into the sci-fi/fantasy version of Taken I’m cool with it.

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Wow THAT chase scene is AWFUL. How could anyone approve that!

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-05-31T12:49:01Z— updated 2022-06-08T22:31:14Z

Not much happens. Innocuous family entertainment for the most part. It's not an action packed and violent episode. It's nice to look at. I like the costumes, stage design (esp. the forest/skyscraper city) and little details (like the train, the robots, the animals, the "butcher's shop"). I like little Leia - although the guys who capture her are the worst chasers of all time. She is just a little adorable kid. Although I'm not well versed in the Star Wars canon, even I get the idea that this show is a prequel depicting the events a couple of years before the original Star Wars movie and after Revenge of the Sith. Tbh, that's more than I asked for in episode one (but as I said: I'm not a die hard fan of the franchise - I usually have to look characters and timelines up in Wikipedia). Thus, this show is in a unique position to connect these two movies. That's why I see some potential to tell a good and important story. Let's see.

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those are not humans that are familiar with the woods

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+Great acting
+Good world building to start off the show, using only some of the tired old material
+Above average visuals
+Above average writing

-The villains are super contrived and lame
-Leia parts were dumb, like I get the whole outspoken child genius trope but she just comes off as lame in this episode (also the chase scene was fucking funny, watching full grown men get stopped by branches that they can easily jump over lmaoooo)

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Having waiting for this series for such a long time. This started was quite good for both new watchers and old fans. Building up Obi-Wan's guilt and also introducing Luke and Leia so early is good.

The only bad thing was the forest chase scene and it would have been better skipped.

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When Star Wars is good IT'S FUCKING EPIC!!!

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It was a good start. I thought little Princess Leia was really cute.

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Solid overall save for the Leia chase scene. Reminded me of the battle bots scene in Boba Fett — unbelievable. Almost like it’s a trademark of these series. Regardless, solid start and intriguing story — excited for this!

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Slow, but a good start. Agree with everyone else on the chase scene, that was made for TV, 80’s, no budget for stunt people level bad.

I hope they develop Reva (3rd sister) really well, she could make for a kickass villain. Despite the chase scene, I like how they’re developing Leia as well.

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what happened with the cast? this is horrible and hard to watch.

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Intriguing opener despite the glaring plot hole. Third Sister was smart enough to lay the trap, but didn't just have Bail Organa followed right to Obi-Wan's lair?

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I felt the colors were too washed out. In their other series, the sand has a warm yellow color. Here not, the sky also not blue. I just don't get it why they didn't make it more vivid. I wanted more colors.

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Glad they got tattoine out of the way on the first episode, I and everyone else am happy to see more than desert!

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Of course they cast the evil person as an angry black woman. How stereotypical. Shame on you Disney. Let’s brainwash the next generation of kids watching your bullshit to associate evil/angry with black.

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Reva! i love hate you!

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I did find it a bit ironic than they made a pretty sloppy girlboss scene with Leia and her shitty cousin and then immediately rope her into a damsel in distress subplot. The rest was fine considering this is the first SW content I've watched since TRoS incident.

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This was great. Seeing so many actors from the prequel trilogy in their original roles again was a real treat. Already the starting sequence gave me the goosebumps even though it was only a summarization of the Episodes I-III. I can‘t wait to watch the next episode.

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Great first episode though it doesn’t work that the bad guys knew enough to kidnap Leia to get Obi-Wan’s attention.
They must know he hid her and her importance then too. When Vader didn’t even know his kids were alive at the time.

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Was it just me or was the lady in the opening scene too close to comfort with that lightsaber around those kids.

That chase scene in the woods was hilariously awful who chronograph that lol.

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Dogshit chase scene totally blew away all thevverisimilitude.

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this was insane, i fucking love Star Wars

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Watching this for the 2nd time, Reva is as bad or worse than I remembered. I was hoping it would be better the 2nd watch. She is poorly cast, poorly acted, and poorly written/directed. Lil Leia is just annoying and unneccissary.

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It’s “The Room” of Star Wars.

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So Good
It taken me a
While to get around
to this one due to all
the bad reviews,
but so far I found the
first episode rather Good
actually, no red flags
so far. Loved the
montage (episodes)
recap to bring us all
up to speed if where
we are now, pretty
awesome actually.
I hate that obsessed
Inquisitor woman,
they are not the most
Stable people to begin
with but her she completely
unhinged and I reckon
going to be the biggest
The fight at the beginning
was awesome, that
Jedi looked a complete
badass, Loved her
fighting style.
So far so good let's
see if it holds itself
together through the
rest of the season.

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Pretty nice so far :)

I liked the old scenes at the beginning as recap and to settle in.

That Jedi fight in the temple at the beginning was awesome! Lightsabers never get old, I guess :) And those beautiful light reflections <3

I don't like the inquisitors but I guess that's the point of it.

It's nice that the spirit of Anakin and Padmé live on through Luke and Leia.
Seems like Leia's cousin has no chance against her. That burn <3
I guess Leia won't go into the woods again anytime soon though... :o

I've heard bad things about this show but IMO it's fine so far :) Not perfect but nice.

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So glad I watched this only for forest chase scene. Can't get enough of it, watched it for 3 times and every time I notice some new hilarious detail.

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OK show, at least we know why the three movies have Vader in them.

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Sigh. The usual whining, sulking and not me I don't want to fight bullshit.

Rather boring. Hope the show picks up. If woke Disney manages to screw up Obi-Wan as well it would be really sad.

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Reva "Robin Givens" isn't really doing it for me. She feels very hollow, it's hard to suspend my disbelief if that makes any sense. Whenever she speaks, I don't see the character she is trying to play...just an actress trying to play a character. That sounds weird I guess but I don't really know how else to describe it. She's pretty though!

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very difficult to finish the first episode, I think I've had my fill of Star Wars for a lifetime.

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That bizarre Leia chase scene reminded me of the worst moments from "The Book of Boba Fett"

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It's got an interesting plot hook, but it's far too slow; said plot hook only happens three-quarters of the way in. Also, the chase sequence with young Leia has got to be the new worst chase scene in Star Wars. It's so poorly made, it's actually kind of funny.

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Worst chase scene in any tv show on any streaming service.

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Shout by ragreynolds

Was enjoying this until that god awful chase scene. This Leia storyline is gonna be awful, it's way too juvenile. It took me right out of the show when those guys were chasing her and she avoided them as long as she did. One of the worst scenes in all of Star Wars IMO.

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Okay first episode from a more than competent Star Wars TV director. Too much Leia and that Leia chase scene was God awful. Choregraphed by a child.

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