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Obi-Wan Kenobi: Season 1

1x03 Part III

Was this an actual real episode? It felt like fan service with no substance and too soon. Was Vader playing and making sure that Obi-Wan could appear in the movie Star Wars (1977)?!

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This is bad. So so bad. Stupid plot and really annoying versions of the characters from the movies. Young Leia is just stupid and so is many of the new ones. Why should I keep watching?

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What bad action scenes they had. Deborah Chow this is the worst yet to be seen from you as a director.
At 39:25 was funny as hell stormtroopers just shooting and missing all their shots on one android is fucking hilarious!
I bet in the next episode little Leia will outrun the black Karen Inquisitor.

Terrible show.

I'm more eager and enthusiastic for the upcoming youtube essays on how bad this show is after it ends.

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My two favorite scenes were the ones where Ben and Leia try to open the laser-barricade when they just could’ve walked around at the side and Ben confronting Vader, thinking then "running" away like the Flash. Vader dragging Ben through the fire was cool but shouldn’t Ben suffer more bad injuries at this? And why can’t Vader stop the Loader droid from saving Ben? Intentionally? Overall it’s cool seeing Vader being Vader of course but still no good show.

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I actually didn't mind Leia this episode, though I'd still like there to be less of her in the show. I'm also really really really hoping that Reva doesn't turn against the Empire - I've had the feeling since the beginning that she would, and I just really don't want that to happen. I don't really like her character and plotline as is, and turning her good would just be a predictable mess.

We finally got some Vader/Kenobi stuff, which is the reason most of us are probably watching this show/were hyped for it. The scene of Vader walking through the town and killing people was great, but I found the actual confrontation between Vader and Obi-Wan to be rather underwhelming (although it was certainly pretty to look at). Regardless, this was definitely the best episode yet, and I hope it continues this way.

I'd like to give it an 8/10, but dumb stuff like Reva managing to get ahead of Leia without any rational explanation prevent me from giving it higher than a 7.

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This was basically a sequence of illogicality in terms of character placement.
How is the Third Sister faster than Leia who was on her way much longer. Even if she took the faster route: Why would Leia not have been taken the fastest one??
How doest the sleeper agent know where Obi-Wan is, but none of the inquisitors does? How does she get there so fast? And why the fuck did she not cross path with the Third Sister??
Not to speak of how incredibly unfounded and unrealistic it was for the Third Sister to immediately find the entry in the beginning...

Sorry, but as much as I want to like it. The later half did not suspend my disbelief in the least.

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My confusion is if Leia and Obiwon did this big journey at the age she’s at. Then why in Star Wars - A New Hope is the hologram Leia send to Obiwon seeming like she never met him other than hearing of him through her father?
Clearly Leia old enough to recall all these events for her future self

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This episode was kind of a fan service. No surprise, that I was getting enthusiastic as Darth Vader was shown, but the story itself has moments with now sense, what are as annoying as hell!
- Why destroying the barrier when they can just walk around?
- Why is Ben talking about Yedi, when the driver can hear every word?
- Even Vader could just walk around the fire!
- Why can Reva be faster than Leia?

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This episode has Venom 2 vibes. Great talent wasted with poor writing. Leia, Vader and Obi-Wan all deliver good performances, but the situations and context keep failing to let them do anything solid with them.

And I really hope the bloody Third Sister dies soon. She's so damned irritating in the worst ways. Pointlessly ambitious and always doing whatever she wants against orders only to immediately stumble onto their path again? She is so dreadfully written.

No idea if it's the actress or the script that makes her so annoying, but given what the known talent have had to work with, I'd say it's likely the latter.

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The longer these characters spend together the less sense any of this makes in relation to the other films. Did we just witness Obi-Wan become decrepit?

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The part where Vader wanted Kenobi to feel the same he did back on Mustafar...

Absolutely loved it!

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What have you become?

I am what you‘ve made me!

The years have made you weak!

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Third episode in and my only issue is getting confirmed more and more: building suspense around Leia and Obi-wan doesn't work. From a storytelling point, it's great seeing events unfold that we previously were not privy to, but... We know their fates. We know where they end up, we know how they die. So unles s Disney suddenly aims to rewrite that, trying to put them in situations where their lives are supposed to be at risk just doesn't really do anything and is a waste of time and effort. While, of course, on the flipside, playing the same game with the sidecharacters is a gamble because can we even be expected to care for the footnotes of history at this level?

So yeah, it's no wonder they bring in "the big guns" so soon and in such dramatic ways. There isn't much else to do to keep people engaged.

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At this point I feel like it might be better to just stop watching as Obi-Wan, one of my favourite characters in the SW universe, will be forever linked to this lazily written show.
I guess Disney thought all the viewers wanted to see is some iconic characters back on screen not caring about how they'd have to do it because people would eat it up anyway. And the worst thing is, they were right.

  • Horrible dialogue
  • Leia still ignoring ANY direction
  • Reva finding the secret entrance right away
  • Tala giving up on her promise to protect (and stay with) Leia 2 minutes after promising Obi-Wan she would
  • Magical tunnels (somehow Leia is beaten to the end by Reva while having a MAJOR head start. Reva also never runs into Tala who was going back)
  • Everyone knowing where to be at just the right time, including a droid
  • Vader being held back by a bit of fire and 2 molehills


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trash. sadly. so illogical and all for "suspense". jeez.
the most obvious: obi-wan being to inept to hide from vader and being to slow to run from a walking vader, who at a simple fire just gives up. come on! that's not star wars that's baby tv. barely coudn't stop laughing.

and reva, getting ahead of leia without any explanation felt just like disney cheaped out. again. they really prefer to bore us with panning shots showing boring scenery than actually telling the story.

but hey at least there's great acting from obi-wan and leia. an great cgi and great landscapes. just no story.

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oh for god's sake...

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''I am what you made me'' -Darth Vader

Great acting from Ewan McGregor. Loved the visions of Anakin that Kenobi has prior to his encounter with Vader it gives off a feeling that something is lurking in the shadows. I wonder if that was a bad effect of Vader getting closer to him or because they were on the same planet. Did we just get a Quinlan Vos mention from Kenobi... and it seems like he's on the same planet! I really hope we get to see him!

Amazing entrance from Vader but it was followed by a not so great confrontation with Kenobi. I thought it looked very amateurish and underwhelming. Kenobi stayed in the fire for 5 seconds and they just called it a day and he just lets the robot rescue him. Just stares at it and says to himself ''eh i'll just let him go''. He spent how many years searching for him... And what the hell was up with the Third Sister did she replace Ezra Miller as The Flash

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We need Dave Filoni :pensive:

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Was wondering why Obi didn’t just take the cruiser and then didn’t shoot the last three enemies that came off the other cruiser but i guess they had to do it for the inside person to reveal there self. At least the writers know what they’re doing. You’d be surprised how tvshow nowadays are written to make no common sense

The fact that Obi had problems turning off the laser barrier when they could have walked around it lmao

Why would Vader just let the Robot take Obi :joy: guess he used up his force juice

Htf did the third sister get to the end of the tunnel before Leia

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Shout by Alexander von Limberg
BlockedParent2022-06-03T20:24:10Z— updated 2022-06-08T07:37:20Z

Looks still good; the kid is still adorable. Best part: the truck and its driver. The actual plot is still not very complex or important in the grand scheme of the Star Wars universe. The latter impression can't even be changed by the surprising appearance of Vader (who apparently can't find his way around a 30 meter long fire cordon. Run around the fire!) Now they both play hide and seek. Is that the whole show? The girl is being chased in every single episode?

PS: Thee episodes in, it is fair to say that the soundtrack is very mediocre. It's a super generic Hollywood soundtrack. Perhaps in line with the style of the movies, but I liked Ludwig Göransson's Ennio Morricone inspired western score in Boba and in The Mandalorian so much better. Boba sucked but the score was actually awesome.

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Bruh even Darth Vader was boring in this episode which is something impossible to do so kudos to the show runners on making the most boring Star Wars show yet

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I think the problem is with expectations and potential. Obi-Wan Kenobi is a sequel (to 1-3) and a prequel (to 4-6) that could potentially tell a big part of the story. They decided for a miniseries instead of a movie, that it’s perfectly fine but the bar is still set very high.

What we get so far (up to episode 3) is a slow moving and a bit low budget looking traditional TV series, an Obi-Wan Kenobi that has lost his grip and faith and just dragging himself around with a child (Mandalorian anyone?). The confrontation with Dart Vader was cringe worthy, hopefully we get another (better) one later. Other cringe moments were the laser barrier (why put it there if you can go easily around) and the Third sister waiting for Leia (Beam me up, Scotty?).

Dart Vader himself was very well done and probably the best highlight of the series so far.

So for me not bad but not what I was expecting/hoping for

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This one was very good
+Again great acting (might stop saying this at this point lol)
+Great pacing, didn't feel drawn out but also built up to the big moments at the end instead of just bombarding the viewer in short spurts
+I enjoyed the interactions with the Stormtroopers
+The Fight at the end was pretty damn good. [spoiler]The burning was a very good idea even if the geometry of Vader pushing him all around with the force but being stopped by the fire made absolutely no sense [/spoiler]

- [spoiler]The Third sister getting away with murdering their leader was so dumb lol. Like it's obvious she did it not Obi Wan, and she is like vying for the leadership after just letting Obi Wan get away because she's a moron. GTFO.
-The whole tunnel thing took way too long and kinda wasn't explained if the third sister got around them because it was a labyrinth in there or something. Maybe it was the victim of bad editing idk.

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OB1 is kinda f'ed up... He should've retired.

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Please let Deborah Chow stop directing action scenes. The fight with Vader was a trainwreck,
Felt like lefties fighting with their right hand

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With Leia running in each episode, I’m surprised they didn’t cast Tom Cruise for the role.

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Shout by Jim222001
BlockedParent2022-06-02T19:42:06Z— updated 2022-06-15T02:12:37Z

Would have been better probably if Bryce Dallas Howard did some episodes. With that said the show is still bad ass. It just needed to change up the directors, like the Mandalorian did.

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the star wars crew knows how to do a show! it's great. this episode seemed kinda slow and pointless to me, even being beautiful and interesting. i particularly don't like the stupid decisions or conveniences in the script, but the qualities overcomes the bad things imo

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This was a significant improvement over a good but not great Episode 1 and a meandering Episode 2. This was one of the best episodes of Star Wars TV so far - up there with The Mandalorian, and superior to the lackluster Book of Boba Fett. Ignoring the unjust racism against the Reva actress, I hadn't been a big fan. She felt like a poor actress cosplaying as an Empire character. But even here she was really good - though she just feels evil for the sake of it. A great episode and I'm back on the Star Wars / Kenobi train.

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Shout by FinFan

He's back ! Vader enters the picture and immediately the heat is literally turned up. One shot, one breath of him has more weight as ten minutes from the Third Sister.
I had not imagined that him and Obi-Wan would meet that early. And now we have the question of continuity. There has to be another meeting because that one could not have been what Vader was describing in Ep IV (with Obi-Wan being the Master and he the apprentice). Yes, those things matter to me. But as one-sided as the duel here was it had me on the edge of my seat. The lightsabers in the dark, the musical score, Vaders voice - that was an amazing sequence.

How on earth did Reva get past Leia ? There is one tunnel leading to where the pilot was waiting and she had to pass Leia to get there first. Yet she was there waiting, the pilot already dead.

All in all by far the best episode. Obi-Wan talking about Padme and his memories of his own family was another great scene.

Now I'm hyped.

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That was seriously some of the best star wars i have seen TO DATE. PERIOD. BAR NONE. This show is fantastic!

how bright was the lightsabers my god. My oled tv and those lightsabes *chefs kiss

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I am entertained, but as a fan from 1978, I can't help but feel like I am looking at Obi-Wan's Facebook feed. Perhaps I don't really need to know all the details or backstory of him. A New Hope as been my bible. Leia seeks Obi-Wan because he fought alongside with her father Bail Organa during the clone wars. No mention of how he rescued her before. Continuity errors? Yeah well. I really don't feel like typing a novel right now....

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Shout by Agent24

An outstanding episode. The stakes were much higher than in the first two episodes. The scenes with Vader were just breathtaking. Also Obi-Wan seeing Anakin as Vader for the first time was so heartbreaking but what a powerful scene.

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Darth Vader afraid of fire? really.

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Good episode
with some scenes I
had to suspend my
The episode 3
revenge of the sith
comes a full
underwhelming circle
in episode 3
in this show.
still enjoying it but
The Mandalorian is still
my favourite and still
the best Star Wars D+ show.

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It's getting a bit too unrealistic (in a too obvious way)... :o I still like this show but Obi-Wan's "escape" seemed particularly unrealistic. Darth Vader didn't really try at all...

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Oh, absolutely loved this episode, Obi-Wan's shock at what's become of Anakin, Vader's cruelty... perfectly executed (although, the buildup and separating from Leia stretches credibility a bit and costs this episode it's perfect mark).

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Ewan McGregor is saving this show. It kind of feels like they had the budget for one or two good actors... But seriously stop complaining, it's star wars and it's good even with sub pas acting (except for McGregor, he's really good)

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Darth Vader certainly took a leaf of Sauron's book, modelling his residence on Barad Dur. The scene when he tortures Obi is intended to be reminiscent of Sauron doing similar things to Gandalf in Dol Guldur? This is how it looks from a Tolkienist point of view, especially as I know little about Star Wars. However, he is plagued with indecision as initially he intends to kill Obi but then just leaves him to his fate, maybe thinking Obi would die of his wounds? Though the main reason he does it because they are both in the movies so neither of them can die.
The episode is full of illogical things but I derive some enjoyment from making fun of it ;) The woman who was supposed to watch over the princess left the tunnel and went to try and save Obi, while I supposed she would be going back the tunnel because she heard some noises in there. It was quite irresponsible of her and now that the princess is caught again everyone will go back to square one.

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There's a 9 foot wide wall of fire we can either walk around or, oh damn we just lost the guy we're on an intergalactic hunt for!

This series relies on everyone, including the most well equipped army in the galaxy and the biggest badasses, to be Three Stooges level incompetent to progress the story.

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This is going rapidly throughout the story. Was I a bit shocked that we got to see Obi-Wan and Vader already meet in this episode? I first thought it was only in his head until it got real. But it kicks the story a life, to say the least.

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I think I got it! What keept (and keeps) annoying me. This feels like an animation, the way the explain and comment on everything. And the terrible child and villain fits the mold. :thinking:

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Definitely the best episode so far, and that was before Darth Vader wiped the floor with Obi-Wan. Some good tension, and good performances all around.

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I'm completely blown away! :O How so?? :O Already??

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How does it enter some underling's mind not to bow to Lord Vader after having received his instructions!!?? At this point in the Star Wars timeline I don't think Vader would let it pass. But this is what happens in this episode.

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an improvement from the prior two episodes. However, you cant just toss in "that guy" and expect me to forget everything i disliked prior. Lets see if they can finish the season out better than it started.

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im kinda actually down with this, ngl

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My feeling towards this show is ok, but not as good as Book of Boba Fett and nowhere near as good as the Mandalorian. I find it damaging for the continuity of Episode IV that Obi-Wan meets Vader. Apart from the fact that he seemed stronger as an old man than he does in this show.

The laser barrier scene really made me laugh. The chopped up stormtrooper and the fact that they could have just walked around it

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Obi-Wan trying to disable the lasers barrier when they could have walked around it cracked me up. This show is unintentionally funny.

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Darth FUCKING Vader!!!! That is all.

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the amount of anger emanating from vader on that scene as he's burning obi-wan.. amazing! wonder what holds him back... the fact that other people showed up (making it less personal for vader) or was it anakin still having feelings for his brother-in-arms

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Shout by Isaac


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Thank the force, episode 3 picked up steam and was great! The "encounter" was just right, not to much / not to forgetful. Although the child acting was really cringe, she also picked up steam. Apparently fear is a good motivator :ghost:.

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Shout by Pongpeng

First episode feels like an unnecessarily protracted set-up. Next ep is much better, although the writing of Leia is a bit annoying (like how the scene where she ran away from Obi-Wan is written). Ewan is still great in this role as usual.

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