

Omicron Persei 8

Altered Carbon
Titans: 2x13 Nightwing
Marvel's The Punisher: 1x08 Cold Steel

After this episode: Never in my life I wished somebody dead as much as Billy Russo... Please let him die before the end of this season!

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The Good Doctor: 1x12 Islands (2)

That was one hell of an emotional rollercoaster

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Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams

Judging by the cast, the directors (see IMDB), the trailer and the fact it's based on the legendary Phillip K. Dick's shorts, I am so hyped by this!

--Edit after watching episode 1--
The hyped feeling was for a reason..

Keeping in mind there are still 9 episodes to come, all with completely stand-alone stories, so far it seems this might be a new masterpiece! Throughout the whole episode I felt like being swept away by the story. The story was brought to life by a lovable cast, great sets and decor lots of mystery and questions in the storyline to demand your attention and tickle your desire to keep on watching.

As I want to keep this review spoiler free, I can only urge you to watch and be (hopefully) positively surprised, just like I was. I am really looking forward to the next episode with a new story, new cast and new director. If they do a tribute to Philip K. Dick's work as done in the first episode, the next ones are also gonna be really satisfying!

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Resident Alien: 3x04 Avian Flu

Harry falling in love - I was not prepared for that. Definitely one of the most hilarious things that has happened in this show :joy:

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Winnie the Pooh: Blood and Honey

Just the trailer, wow.. So this is what you get, when the copyright of a popular childhood character expires? :thinking:

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Succession: 3x09 All the Bells Say

Since season 1, I've been having the feeling Greg is somehow, at some point, gonna be the ultimate winner (and/or even 'the' successor) of this show. I mean, just look how far he has already gotten from absolutely nowhere. And the fact that Tom brought him in on Logan's good side, at the end of this episode, also only works in his favor! Just hope I am somehow right, really have respect for that dude :smile:

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Titans: 3x03 Hank & Dove

Seeing how my rant about the horrible S02 finale became top comment for that episode, I'm now very glad to write that the quality of the first 3 episodes of S03 is an enormous improvement!

Yes, like always, there are some flaws (I mean How could Hank not see that trap coming from miles away). But overall, since that S02 disaster it has continued much, much, much better than I had hoped beforehand.
Hope they keep this quality up for the rest of the season!

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The Good Fight: 5x01 Previously on...

For a moment, I was afraid the animals in the credits were gonna explode :scream:

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The Leviathan

Proof of concept teaser for The Leviathan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-45NTlgp-o

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The Good Fight: 6x10 The End of Everything

Quite gonna miss this show, but has been a great ride!

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Supergirl: 4x09 Elseworlds (III)

Much, much better than the previous crossover, which was a disaster in my opinion.. Still often spit on it with my friends, during DC TV shows discussions for real, haha.
Actually noticed I felt a little excited by the Fall 2019 continuation announcement at the end of the episode!

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Castle Rock: 1x04 The Box

Cause I'm currently to lazy to write a detailed, serious opinion about this show, I am just gonna keep it to the following: I just love how some moments in the show just make you feel like "What the fudge?" in such a satisfying way!

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Black Lightning: 1x13 Shadow of Death: The Book of War

I liked most of the show, even though some episodes were a bit 'meh'. But this season finale was just horrible... I skipped half of it, because it was so cliche, badly acted, predictable and just not in any way entertaining thanks to all this stuff...
Also, who the f*** thought it was a good idea to cast James Remar for one of the main side-characters? Throughout the season his acting has been the worst of all actors by far.

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A Discovery of Witches: 3x07 Episode 7

Beautiful end of the show! Great respect for how the cast was able to stay so cool in the (beautiful) final shot of the episode, must've been an emotional moment knowing its the last one (at least, I'd think they shot it last also?). Would love to see the on-set footage from right after that cut, where that emotion must've come out.

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See: 2x07 The Queen's Speech

Must've been my favorite episode so far!

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Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams: 1x10 Kill All Others

F**k Ethan!

Genious episode. At some point the ending might have become predictable, but nevertheless I loved it a lot.

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The Good Fight: 4x01 The Gang Deals With Alternate Reality

This sounds like they are gonna broadcast (edited versions of) the original first episodes? From what I've understood, this show was written with the assumption Hillary would win and were forced to do a lot of last-minute re-shoots, when the 'unexpected' happend. Ever since they've been obviously bashing the ridicule of Trump his time as president: season 2's episode titles are the (ridiculous amount of) number of days Trump was in office, on the day of broadcast.

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Sex Education: 2x08 Episode 8

Even though the ending was waaay to cheesy, I still say: #KillTheCripple :angry:

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The Good Doctor: 3x05 First Case, Second Base

Love how Carly is like: You just wait.. At some point, I'm gonna pull that naughty doctor out of you, my dear Shaun:smirk:

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Avatar: The Last Airbender


Overall not a too bad adaptation in my opinion. Quite decent CGI (most of the time), especially considering everything was shot inside studios. And the action was quite pleasing too. The script writing/directing doesn't seem to have been too bad either.

Could have mostly done with a stronger cast. And knowing the original story, I think season 1 could have used a few more episodes to give more time for better, more in-depth storytelling. It now sometimes felt like they were really trying to rush through everything, at the cost of some of the charm and fun/interesting details the original story and characters have.

Wasn't so bad that I disliked it. Might even watch season 2.

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Black Lightning: 1x08 The Book of Revelations

Especially during the final seconds, I was really thinking: Poor mom... xD

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The Frankenstein Chronicles: 2x01 Prodigal Son

Has this episode been rescheduled or something? Can't find any sign it has been actually broadcasted, even though IMDB also has the same airing date.

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Outlander: 4x10 The Deep Heart's Core

Shout by Zythean

No- NO- NOOOOO!! Don't do it!

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