S Collis


Lisboa, Portugal


The recent restoration based on the almost-complete version found in Buenos Aires, with the recording of the original orchestral score that was composed for the movie - that's the one you want. The shorter ones that are on Internet Archive are OK too, but you miss so much. There's still 8 minutes missing from the recent restoration though, but the restored one looks so much better (it even has the original title cards, which are much more ornate than the ones you see on the shorter versions).

The movie is probably the pinnacle of 20s German expressionist cinema, and Brigitte Helm is terrific. It's an absolute classic, despite some overacting, and if you like this then I'd also recommend the 1922 Nosferatu, Cabinet of Dr Caligari and ANYTHING with Lon Chaney (sr) in it.

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Run Lola Run

What if "Groundhog Day" were a late-80s German gangster thriller with a pumping techno soundtrack, a nerve-shredding adrenaline-fuelled premise and a few surprises thrown in? That's "Lola Rennt" for you! :)

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The Three Caballeros

A little bit dull. Half of it is a few Silly Symphony type cartoons stitched together, while the other half is basically Donald Duck perving over every woman he sees, which comes off as a bit weird.

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Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

Spencer Tracy's speech at the end made me cry, just a little bit.

Hell of a film - three of the four leads were already Oscar winners, and Katherine Hepburn won for this as well. And you can see why.

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Dad's Army

Not as good as most episodes of the series.

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The City of the Dead

Slightly bonkers ending, this one. But enjoyable if you like Christopher Lee in full scenery-chewing 1960s Hammer Horror style baddie mode. (Yes, I know, it was made by Amicus, not Hammer...)

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The Fall of the House of Usher

This is a silent movie, incidentally.

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Ghosts: 2x04 The Thomas Thorne Affair

This episode... basically, it's a comic version of Rashomon. At least, that's how I remember it...

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Sherlock Holmes and the Voice of Terror

Quite fun watching this to see Evelyn Ankers (Kitty) lapse into an American accent while shouting "I'm English, I am". Even in 1943, the Dick Van Dyke school of accents was in business :)

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The Great Train Robbery

Very interesting little film. I'm sure I've read elsewhere that this is the first actual narrative movie made (i.e. scripted). Feels a bit stagey by today's standards, but it has all the elements of a modern movie.

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Alice in Wonderland

I looked up the leading actress on IMDB, because I thought she looked too old to be playing Alice - to my surprise, she turned out to be 14 when this was made.

That aside (and despite the sub-par quality of the print I saw on the Internet Archive [https://archive.org/details/AliceInWonderland_343], which didn't help in that regard), it's surprisingly enjoyable and reasonably well made. It certainly manages to hit all the bits of the book I remember, anyway :)

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A Christmas Carol

Fascinating to watch, and I've seen more modern films with worse special effects.

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This could have been so much more interesting. I'll try not to spoil it but it seems like after the first ten minutes there's not really much new information.

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Columbo: 2x01 Étude in Black

John Cassavetes plays an incredibly unpleasant character in this one. The comic relief from the garage owner, especially when he looks at Columbo's car, is fun. Plus Dog's first appearance, too.

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Golden Time

This made me cry. Beautiful, but heartbreaking.

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Honey, We Shrunk Ourselves

Not as good as the first one, but actually not that bad, even if the script is a little bit weak. It feels like it was written around the set pieces they wanted to do. It's... ok. (I wrote this before I realised Alison Mack was in it...)

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I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was disappointed by the lack of coelacanths.

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Slayer: War at the Warfield

Would be vastly improved by removing the nonsense interviews that crop up every ten minutes in favour of letting us watch the concert without interruption. I found them so annoying I was dreading the next one and eventually just gave up watching it.

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Cloud 9

The usual Disney TV movie nonsense. A step up from repeatedly head butting a wall for an hour and a half. But not by much.

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This really reminds me of an episode of Columbo, right from the start showing the crime, the twist at the end. Worth watching.

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CSI: Cyber: 1x01 Kidnapping 2.0

The CSI franchise is bad at technology anyway, so combine that with a weak script and a poor cast and this is what you get - an hour long take on an idea CSI:Vegas had a lot of success with years ago. Add in some horrific schmaltz here and there, stereotypical gangsters and black helicopters - as well as soi-disant "hackers" who need help with basic questions that the average octogenarian can answer after one "silver surfer" course and you have something that is pretty much a disgrace to the CSI franchise - and let's face it, CSI is pretty poor at the best of times these days. Avoid.

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Slick Sleuths

This was made in 1926. 1926. With a music soundtrack (to be synched from record) and in colour, no less. 88 years ago - and it's still pretty funny. This actually made me properly laugh out loud.

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Vengeance of the Zombies

There's an English dubbed version on the Internet Archive: https://archive.org/details/Vengence_of_the_Zombies

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The Pillar of Fire

Of the 531 films Melies made, we've only got about 200. What happened to the rest? The French Army melted them down in 1917 to make Army boots. And the rest, Melies himself burned the negatives in a fit of rage. And when I watch this - just a single minute - thinking about that level of loss makes me sad.

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The Sealed Room

Nice to see an early D W Griffiths film (I saw it on the Internet Archive). Although it's silent, there's clearly a plot hole - they can't "hear" the king raving with jealousy when there's just a curtain there, yet later on when there's a brick wall, he can hear them perfectly. Hmm...

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A Night in the Show

Not what I expected from Chaplin - mainly because it's not a "Little Tramp" film. The version on the Internet Archive is pretty watchable even if there are some weird artefacts from time to time. Obviously, there's no sound but if you can overlook that, and fancy an insight into Chaplin's early career - this is basically a film version of a show he did with Fred Karno in England - it's well worth a look. And still pretty funny, too, despite being 98 years old :)

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Ubu Roi

Bizarre as anything, this is a black and white and very 1960s hip production with big costumes and state of the art (for 1965) TV effects. I can thoroughly recommend it.

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Count Arthur Strong

Just painful. Couldn't make it all the way through the second episode.

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Family Tree

I love Spinal Tap, Best In Show - well, everything Christopher Guest does, so this was a must see. Very funny.

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The Fall of the House of Usher

Not sure this is right. Searched by the IMDB of the version I've just seen - 13-minute American silent - and it comes up with this one, which is clearly the wrong one.

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