Tom Finlayson


The Home of Police Boxes and Consulting Detectives

Much Ado About Nothing

Sublime! Has me wishing Whedon made one of these every time he's in between Marvel blockbusters!

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I'm not a big fan of Formula One but my god that was incredible. The intense races, the relationship between the two titans and the heart-wrenching emotions running through the whole thing!

Daniel Brühl is amazing and Chris Hemsworth brings his A-game here to match Brühl's uncanny performance.

Highly Recommended!!

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Kick-Ass 2

Holy awesome balls that was incredible! Hilarious! Violent! and Heartfelt! Was expecting a film inferior to its predecessor, what I got was an incredible ride through the Kick-Ass universe that thrilled, amused and disgusted in equal measure!

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Spring Breakers

A strange film indeed, both titillating and uncomfortable yet undeniably entrancing!

Franco is superb and the four lead girls surprisingly make the jump from teen starlets to adult stars fairly convincing.

A clever take on teenage excess that makes you question whether you should or shouldn't be aroused by the scantily (if at all) clad young women so often associated with the world of teenage media.

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