

Inman, South Carolina

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

There isn't many things that bring as much joy as the opening sewer sequence of this movie. The music, the panning through the sewers, the turtle banter, the shadows of the turtles and then finally the title screen with the turtles jumping into frame for the big reveal. The costumes are perfect and I could eat my weight in that pizza, perfect movie.

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The Goonies

If I was rating this based on how it made me feel and the nostalgia it wraps around me like a warm blanket, it would easily be a 10/10. However, objectively it's still just a great feel-good adventure movie, and hits especially close if you grew up with a group of friends similar to the Goonies. Love this film and always will.

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The Last Kingdom: Seven Kings Must Die

Was just ok, I didn't really feel like it was needed, but a nice send off to our hero all the same.

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I Think You Should Leave with Tim Robinson

This show just wasn't funny at all to me. I think I may have laughed a total of 2 times through all three seasons. I didn't want to finish, but felt I had to. Don't recommend, but seems you either really love or really hate this show so ymmv.

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Can You Ever Forgive Me?

It didn't work for me, but I think the acting by both McCarthy and Grant was fantastic. The rest of it was rather dull.

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Guardians of the Galaxy

One of the best the MCU has to offer. Comedy that hasn't yet become extremely annoying, an awesome soundtrack, great action, and an awesome cast.

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The Iron Claw

A fantastic and devastating film.

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Thor: The Dark World

Great special effects and cinematography. I didn't really enjoy the story or the main villain at all. It was just pretty boring overall.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III

I hated everything about this movie. Everything about it looks cheap, the costumes, the writing, the jokes. I’m sure there’s some deep lore out there about how this turned out so horribly, but not sure what they were thinking. Ruined a trilogy, don’t recommend.

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Iron Man 3

Edges out Iron Man 2 for me, more character growth for Stark and tons of huge action packed set pieces. Great Sunday popcorn movie.

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Secret of the Ooze

This one pales in comparison to its predecessor, they decided to abandon the more serious tone of the first one and I think the film suffers because of it. Super Shredder, Tokka, and Rahzar are all pretty cool, as is the ninja rap. Back then, and even now, I wish Tokka and Rahzar were replaced with Bebop and Rocksteady. I really disliked Keno and I wish April wasn't recast (the new one did a good job, but just not the same). Still a fun watch, basically feels like the old cartoon brought to life.

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Blade Runner 2049

A good continuation of the story, a bit too long, and I didn’t like every narrative decision, but it was a beautiful film nonetheless.

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The Fighter

Great acting all around, but Bale definitely stole the screen in this one. A little hammy at times, but I think this was a decent underdog story.

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The Avengers

All of our heroes assemble for the first time on screen. Tons of action and Hulk is generally terrifying, turning a few of the scenes of this movie into a horror film. The Marvel humor/quirks are in full force, but damn the movie was a bit more bloody/violent than I remember. Overall, not a bad way to spend 2 hours.

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American Pie 2

Just as funny as I remember. This is the perfect hit of nostalgia and sometimes you just gotta indulge.

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Captain America: The First Avenger

I actually enjoyed this more than I did when I first saw it in 2011. Always thought I hated it, but it's actually one of the better MCU films. Go figure.

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The Green Knight

A beautiful movie, a lot of the scenes are such a joy to look at. I did have to read parts from the poem to provide myself with some context, but the movie did a great job of making me WANT to learn more.

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Blade Runner

I adore retrofuturism and this is obviously full to the brim and overflowing with it. The themes and what the film tries to convey have been discussed to death so I won't rehash all that. I think the movie was superb and definitely will be due for rewatches in the future.

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Next in my MCU rewatch, decent action, weird set/location, and a lame and cringy love story thrown in. Nothing special, but not totally awful. One of the weaker MCU films.

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I enjoyed this one a lot. The score and visuals were great. The movie had me emotional a few times throughout. The story/theme isn’t anything new, but it’s something that sometimes we all need to be reminded of. To try and not spoil, the movie reminds us that the juice is worth the squeeze, no matter how painful it is/will be.

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First time seeing this after hearing about it for years and years, I really liked it. I’m not quite sure I can put my finger on why, but it just clicked. The anxiety, the winter hellscape, and the juxtaposition of it all. Man this was such a good film.

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They Cloned Tyrone

This movie was awesome, I really enjoyed it. My only complaint is the way it was shot by Netflix, there's a lot of parts in the movie that are too dark, and the awful amount of film grain they added all combine in some scenes leading to a tremendous loss of detail. Besides that the movie was fantastic, shame it was probably overshadowed by Barbenheimer, it deserves your time!

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Tom Hardy was so good in this one, it definitely felt like two entirely different people playing the Krays. Pretty much everything else in the film was mediocre. I still enjoyed it however and I think Hardy's performance alone bumps it up an extra point or two.

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Iron Man 2

Shout by Rusty
BlockedParent2024-01-16T16:06:10Z— updated 2024-02-08T20:13:06Z

Not as good as the first, but Whiplash did have some great one-liners.

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After watching Predator (2018), this is like finding a huge glass of ice water in the desert. Good film, good kills, good pup.

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The Predator

Bad plot, bad cgi, bad acting, bad movie. Big pred was the only redeeming part of the movie. Do yourself a favor and skip this one.

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Alien: Covenant

Not as good as it's predecessor and the twist was super obvious, but the awesomeness of the universe/set and Alien itself, paper over those flaws.

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Shout by Rusty

Started out so great, it started to fall off towards the end when the main character suddenly became a video game character that learned he had plot armor/respawns. Cinematography was great, loved the one-shot feel and the moments of tension it added.

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The Batman

I loved the movie, but I also kept thinking about how absurd it'd be to see some dude dressed like this fighting crime in real life.

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Deadwood: The Movie

A conclusion to one of the best television series of all time, 15 years later, HBO didn’t have to give it to us, but I’m glad they did.

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