Robin Abrahamsson



Black Mirror: 2x01 Be Right Back

Loved this episode. The final scene should've been cut though.

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Rambo: Last Blood

The story beats are as basic as i don't know what, the ending is laughably predictable and the performances barely passable. Seen strictly as a revenge movie however, it's immensely satisfying. It's Home Alone for grown ups.

The fact that it's quite gory doesn't hurt either.

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Absolutely Amazing! I'm at a loss for words regarding why people dislike this movie so much. It's insane! Krampus might not be a masterpiece the way Trick 'r Treat is, but it sure ain't that far off. 9/10 - Superb!

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The Leftovers: 2x04 Orange Sticker

One of the things I love about this show is that they've never explained whhat exactly happened and where all the people went on the 14th. Hope they never do, but being that it's co-written Damon Lindelof, creator of- and writer on Lost, you never know. The Smoke Monster might be right around the corner. ;)

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Doctor Sleep
The Shannara Chronicles: 1x01 Chosen (1)

Wow! The Shannara Chronicles make Game of Thrones look like direct-to-video material in comparison. Incredibly impressive! This is how I wish the Warcraft Movie looked like. The VFX work is amazing and definitely on par with the effects of big budget movies. I hope the quality stays the same through the entire series! Great work MTV!

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 3x10 Maveth

Awesome episode, but the ending totally fucking sucks!

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Absolutely amazing from start to finish. Love this movie so much! Should've won the Oscar!

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Trick 'r Treat

Watched it twice in a row when I first got the Blu-ray. (the second time with the audio commentary) I love it and watch it every Halloween.

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Chucky: 1x05 Little Little Lies

Love the non-stereotype gay characters. This could do wonders for young gay kids. Really well done!

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Bridgerton: Season 1

Feels like a mix between Dowton Abbey and Gossip Girl. Extremely bingeable and quite sexy.

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Homecoming: 2x06 Needle

Great episode. However, it's hard to ignore the obvious continuity error regarding the cell phone at the end. She dropps it on the ground, doesn't pick it up as she jumps into the boat, yet have it in her hand as she wakes up. That's another thing: how likely is it that she would still be holding it in her hand while she was unconcious?

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I find this movie to be incredibly hard to grade. I mean, most of the movie that follows the cringe-inducing, super-cheesy opening is pretty damn good. But the mind-bogglingly stupid decision of an ending totally ruins the taste of what came before it. Should have ended with Ray bringing Joanne and Peri to the narrow-minded cops locked up in the garage/shed, showing them that he wasn't fucking lying. Infuriating as fuck! Watch the masterpiece that is Session 9 instead. Brad Anderson at his best. "...and where do you live Simon? - I live in the sick and the wounded."

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Better Watch Out

Was going to give this an 8/10 but that ending took it down to a 7. That final scene shown during the credits really doesn't help. Should have ended with the cops leaving and Luke standing in his window with a smile on his face. Fuck Ashley! Hehe! ;)

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Halloween Kills

Loved Michael Myers, Carpenter's Score and the brutal kills. As for the rest of it: Cringe as fuck!

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Wow! Just wow!

So close to being the masterpiece is probably deserves to be. If it were but for one tiny little scene. The scene in question is an annoyingly superfluous montage two thirds into the movie that explains what is already blatantly obvious. Underestimating the audiance is among the worst sins you can commit as a filmmaker. As for the rest of the script, the cinematography, the score, the cast and its director; breathtaking, epic!

Joker does not glorify violence more than any other film in its genre. It would be super silly to say that a film all about the Joker goes out of its way to glorify violence. Violence is what the character is all about.

As for Phoenix vs. Ledger; well,... I truthfully would not be able to choose. Phoenix is THAT good.


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It Chapter Two
Zoo: 1x11 Eats, Shoots and Leaves

This show is absolutely hilarious! No other show on TV have as many cringe worthy lines or as many cliches.

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The Northman

I really liked this film, although, it's not my favourite Eggers film. That being The Lighthouse. There are like three or four instances where it is unintentionally (?) hilarious. We had a hard time stopping laughing during a couple of those. Would be interesting to hear if anyone had the same experience.

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Army of the Dead

Loved the movie. Would've loved it even more if it weren't for those dead pixels ruining the experience. No one in the production saw that? Have to be a quick fix problem for the VFX crew. Blatantly obvious on an OLED display.

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The Florida Project

Loved this movie, but that final scene and the music accompanying it felt extremely jarring and didn't really gel with the rest of the movie.

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Great show, but the ending is quite disappointing.

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Godzilla: King of the Monsters

Wow! I don't think I've ever laughed out loud so many times while watching a movie in a theater before. And for all the wrong reasons. I love Mike Dougherty, but the script for this movie was bad; really bad.

What's up with everyone sacrificing themselves in this movie? I lughed so hard when Watanabe' character did it. Hehe

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Tomb Raider

Really good work by all of the actors, especially by Vikander and West. The music is great and the visual effects look amazing. Tomb Raider is actually a quite competently directed movie with a number och great action sequences. It's an all-through entertainging movie that moves on with great pace. The script however, is a bit of a mess. There's some really cheesy dialogue here with more than a couple of cringe-inducing lines and some badly timed exposition. "It's a colour puzzle!"

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Monsters: Dark Continent

It's quite a slow moving film, but I personally loved it. Not as much as I loved the first film, but Dark Continent features more than a couple of scenes that are really memorable, the actors are great, the atmosphere is thick and the VFX are better than I'd hoped for. 8/10 = great!

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Loved it, but the ending really sucked.

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Loved the trailer. Huge fan of Trick r' Treat. Can't wait to see this film! :)

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The Babadook

One of the best horror movies ever made.

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