Vadim Dovganyuk


East Ukraine

Good Girls

Started watching Good Girls out of boredom, nothing more than that. However, as I finished episode 1, I continued watching, and after episode 2, I couldn't stop watching, until I binge watched all 10 episodes. And as I have seen them all, I have to admit, I really love this series, and I am really glad to have heard that there will be a second season. It's not truly that original in terms of story, and I don't know how to tell about it without spoiling anything, but it is done in such a way that it keeps you hooked, at least, it did for me.

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Altered Carbon

Before watching, I expected this would be a good cyberpunk, but no...
In reality, Altered Carbon is weak, extremely weak even.
To the point I actually have to say that I would suspect the majority like this series based on the reason why it has an M-rating, which is the nudity.
Sure, it doesn't follow the amazing books of Richard K. Morgan in quite some ways, but far more importantly, it is actually quite boring.
I could give a long explanation, but I know I can expect people to be against me for saying this regardless, so let me just be short about it.
Among the problems are: scenes that feel unfinished, too many filler scenes, sloppy acting, and explanations that feel to be repeating forever throughout episodes.
Also, missing the understanding of the importance appearance, like the impossible way how certain wounds are apparently healing throughout the episodes...
Of course, it has also good parts, like the amazing special effects.
But to me personally, the bad parts outweigh the good parts.

That are my 2 cents about Altered Carbon. Maybe you don't like it either, maybe you do like it. This is just my opinion.

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The Darkest Hour

I watched it... Yeah, that's all I truly got to say after watching this movie.

It's one of those movies that has an incredibly good idea behind it, but once executed, it is worthless.
The two major problems about this movie is horrible acting, especially by the younger "actors", and a lacking story-line.
Because of this, the movie feels bland, and at times even boring.
Add to this the fact that during the most boring parts special effects are quite heavily used, and you could probably already guess the result, which is that the special effects become worthless. I was basically focused on the mistakes at the visual aspects, focus that was caused by the movie itself.

It's really too bad, as the idea in itself is great, and it's also great to see an American movie where Russians are not the enemy, but it can't be denied that the experience is not the same as watching a B-movie, let alone an A-movie, that while the budget is technically that of a B-movie... Really too bad.

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London Has Fallen
The Magicians

Started out this series without good hope of it being something great, and the first episode at first confirmed this by being boring and rather anticlimactic, same goes for the second episode.
However, I didn't say that I started out the series this way, as oh boy was I wrong about this series.
As the first season moved forward, it became great, as great that I would classify certain moments as truly scary.
To not spoil anything, if you like the wizardry Harry Potter world style, I would advice skipping this series.
Yet, if you are like me and like magicians, like the ones tricking you in real life, or if you have an interest in the more occult part of our world(also like me), this is a highly recommended series.
If you need to compare it to something, it is probably best compare this to Grimm TV series but instead of being focused on the Grimms' Fairy Tales, it is focused on magic.
Currently I am only at season 2, so maybe it will get less as I watch even further, but for now, I love it. :)

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The Experiment
Maze Runner: The Death Cure

I loved part 1, I liked part 2, and I have mixed feelings about this part, the third and final part. To not spoil anything, there are just far too many questions left unanswered. Although, this is more often the case.
In comparison to the 2 other comparable youth movies that were of the same time as the first Maze Runner, which are the Hunger Games and the Divergent series, this one is the only one I can say about that they can be proud of having delivered a great movie experience. After all, the last Hunger Games movie was far below standard of all the other movies, although this has to do with sticking closely to the books, while Divergent is going to be finished by a TV movie with close to, or even fully, none of the known stars of the big screen movies.

It is why I love Maze Runner the way I do, as they basically were the underdog when the announcements came of it being filmed, while in the end they are the only one who have delivered quality from start to finish. One of the best youth movie series in the recent years.

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An important message which a lot of Americans aren't aware of, yet should be aware of, as it's one of the reasons why there is such a hate towards the USA from the majority of the world.
Sadly, the movie is too slow, actually boring, and lacks in depth.
It's something that would have been great as short film or as an episode of a TV series, like a similar series as the British Spooks, but no, this isn't actually worth the watch, as it's likely you will either fall asleep while watching, or just plainly discontinue watching, which makes you miss the point of watching this completely...

I am still rating it 6 out of 10 based on it daring to bring across a message most Americans are avoiding to even notice, and even though the movie is just bad, daring to do that does deserve some respect.

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In itself, this film is great, however, watching the trailers destroys this film, as they literally show the ending... I don't know who thought it wouldn't spoil anything, but okay...
It fits the scene of today, looking forwards to possibilities of smartphones and literally integrate them into our daily life.
There are, however, things that bother me at this movie, which is primarily caused by inadequate acting and lacking the ability to truly make an ending to this all (the ending is quick and rather dull when I am honest...)

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I liked it, and then came the end...

This series was amazing, until the final season, in which they basically destroyed everything they could have done with this series.
It does not feel complete, and in fact is not complete either, many questions will remain unanswered, without any understandable reasoning why.
And the last season just feels dull, it totally shifted the whole atmosphere the series had to begin with, and takes everything to the extreme.
My feelings is that the story was written while the series already was being broadcasted, and when they came to the last season, they felt like they needed to end it quick, especially looking at how short the season is.
The ending itself was actually predictable, as that seems the exact way all movies and series want to end their story, with not a true happy end..
I still gave this series 8 stars, as the first 3 seasons were amazing, but I actually do not recommend even watching this, it is a dissapointment...

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Orphan Black

I love this series. Straight from the start it is fun to watch, and most of all, it is interesting.
Something that is very noticable is that all the way back from episode 1 was the attempt to focus on setting a story that has not been seen before, and it is a success.
There a few small downsides, like it sometimes is too slow in pace or too fast, but all in all, it still remains my most recommended TV series.

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Into the Night

I watched this at the release. The first 2 episodes really get you into the story, wanting to binge-watch the rest of the series. However, from the third episode onward, it actually gets quite bad. It all feels really rushed. At the big moments, it feels like they want to get through it as quickly as possible. While during the small moments, it all takes far too long. Beyond that, the acting... Urgh! The actors for Sylvie, Rik, and Ayaz did a great job. But the rest, no, just no. Also, there was the problem of calling some locations "West" even though they were East from Brussels (first episode). Then there is also the bad Russian of the Russian mother and son. And last but not least, going to Russia for hospital treatment? I left Russia with my son for his treatments as Russia lacks health experts (same for Ukraine where I now live again)... It reminds me of those American TV series and their lacking understanding of Russia, while this is a Belgian TV series, and Belgian TV series are usually known for their quality...

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Black Mirror: 4x02 Arkangel
Ultimate Beastmaster
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets
Kingsman: The Golden Circle

Overall I would rate this equally as the first one, just as excellent.
However, this one hasn't the horrible acting of Samuel L. Jackson, which made the first movie extremely hard to watch.
I still don't know if he did that on purpose, as he usually is a great actor.
Anyhow, because of that, this deserves a very worthy 9 out of 10, as it's a genuinely fantastic action-comedy.

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South Park: 21x04 Franchise Prequel

2 words: Horrible episode.

It is clear that they went into making this episode with just 2 ideas, which were fake news and Facebook, but boy, did they screw it up big time...
It was plain boring and annoying, nothing more I could make of it.
Which is really disappointing, as there was so much South Park could have done with these subjects, and I expected even so much more, but instead this is actually the worst episode I have seen of South Park...

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Stitchers: 3x07 Just the Two of Us

One of the things I hate about action movies is that they all focus too little on setting a story, and rather everything is focused on the special effects. Hence I did like this movie. Sure, it isn't the most impressive movie, but the story is good and is not seen in hundreds of other movies, like too often happens. It is recommended if you like action movies at which story does have an importance, but if you really into just seeing action scene after action scene, then skip this, as that's not what this movie is, which I am really happy about.

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Dark Matter

This series starts out weak.. really weak actually, to the point that I have had to start over 6 times with the first episode as I stopped watching before actually finishing that one...
The first season actually felt like I was pushing myself through it, however, as the second season came, I started to enjoy, and at the current third season, it is fun to watch.
The main problem for this series is that it doesn't get through a real punch in combination with other running series in the same genre, like Orphan Black being far more compelling sci-fi to watch, and Dark Matter being more true to the "outer space" theme.
It's fun to watch for me as it's a sci-fi, and some episodes are actually spectacular to watch, but with Orphan Black being soon done, I hope Killjoys will push to be more compelling, as how it is right now, it won't be able to hold on, as it classifies itself in the same problem area as Dark Matter, which is that it is slowly becoming boring to watch...

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Spooks: Code 9

This is a series you should avoid at all costs.
It is a spin-off of the amazing British spy series "spooks".
In all honesty, I have already stopped watching before the first episode was over.
The first episode felt like a TV series for children of about the age of 7 to 9, and yet the targeting age was 16 to 24.
Because there is a lack of understanding of their targeting audience, it bored me and misses all ways of letting me continue watching this.
I feel like in ways it is disrespectful to their main series, as it is just one of the few series that is not effective at anything to me...

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