Samantha E Xavia


Southampton, UK

Arrowverse (w/ Crisis)

The Arrowverse is expanding with the Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover Event between 2019 - 2020. We have been working hard to create the largest most accurate list of Arrowverse connected Episodes, Shows, and Movies. The Shows have been split into Episodes to further know how the shows are released upon the world.

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Radio Rebel

This is just my Childhood, I love the movie and it makes so much sense as a film maker with great funny lines as well as having characters that have amazing development. Also each character has there own traits like Gary getting worried about flu season. Does anyone else think that this TV Movie was quite highly made for a Disney Channel Production?

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This is a very confusing YouTube List, Sometimes you have single episodes or seasons but others you have just full series / shows. It would only make sense if you had one of those areas instead of all 3.

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Casey Neistat Vlog: 2018x56 HELP WANTED

Just another day of Casey trying to kill Dan

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I'm created a list with more things on YouTube:

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