

Hawaii, United States of America

Rampage: President Down

This movie got a lot right, but it got a lot wrong too. The main character ranted about leftist worries, but was labeled a right-wing extremist in the movie. No, this guy was a leftist. Hollywood loves to label anyone with a gun a right wing extremist. Not only is that wrong, it's stupid.

Other than that, the movie was actually quite good. Well written, and the actors did a good job in portraying their characters. I definitely recommend this movie to anyone that likes action/adventure type of movies.

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Blade Runner 2049

This review does contain some spoilers, so read at your own risk. With that said, this movie was nothing like the original, and lacked the same atmosphere. It does the original no justice. While Harrison Ford does play Deckard very well, and the character is indeed well written, he doesn't have much of a role.

I wanted and expected noir, and got NYPD blues instead. Other than Deckard, the movie was a disappoinment. There wasn't much special effects or the neon lights, it was bland and boring.

I can't say much for the soundtrack, it wasn't memorable either. I don't remember it.

So, to sum things up, movie was a disappoinment, Deckard was the only bright spot, and if you're looking to relive some noir of the original movie, this movie isn't the place to do it.

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Level 16
Black Summer: Season 2
Top Gun: Maverick
The Basement

The Basement is not scary, so I can't really classify this as a horror film. I would classify this more as thriller, perhaps a crime film. Well written, and the actors expertly portrayed their characters.

Very noir-like and very classic to the core, this film did keep me guessing as to what character was going to appear next. The noir tone persists throughout the film, and the soundtrack was very bleh throughout most of the film.

It did although keep me wanting more at the ending, which is unusual for me. For a B-Rated movie with little to no special effects, that's truly amazing. Also, there's a twist. in the movie that I also find unusal, normally movies of this genre don't end in this manner.

Overall, even though many other review sites rated this movie rather low, I liked this movie. I would watch it again, and recommend it to others. I give it 9.5 stars. Purely for the Originality of the film. I can't recall when I've actually seen a decent original film last.

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Death Note