

Spokane, WA

Family Guy: 1x03 Chitty Chitty Death Bang

My favorite joke of the series: "The two symbols of the Republican Party: An elephant and a big fat White guy opposed to change."

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Scream: The TV Series: Season 1

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this series, given that I find most of the characters unlikable. But the pacing and suspense really keeps you involved and wondering at what is going on. However, I found the ending to be a bit of a non-sequitur, as there doesn't seem to be much reason for the killer to have killed several of the people. I found the plot tie-in at the end very underwhelming.

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How I Met Your Mother: 9x17 Sunrise

To me, this episode is the reason that the series finale doesn't work. Ted finally got over his whiny little obsession with Robin and is able to move on. But we know that happens from there.

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The Grand Duel

The music from this was borrowed by Tarantino for a musical theme in Kill Bill. Otherwise, not a huge fan of this.

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Arrested Development: 2x02 The One Where They Build a House

This episode has my single favorite joke of the series. The name of the boat...

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Color Film

I watched this in a non-sober state of being, and it was quite enjoyable...

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I'm sure I'm in the minority, but I found this movie mind-bogglingly boring. My wife and I turned it off after 40 minutes because nothing had happened, and we decided we'd rather not waste our lives being bored. We could waste our lives in much more entertaining ways.

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It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia: 2x08 The Gang Runs for Office

This episode seems so much more appropriate during the 2016 election...

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The Factory

Shout by maxwelldeux

This move was decent up until the ending. It was like they didn't know how to end it, so they threw up their hands and said "Aw fuck it - let's just blow this thing up." It makes no sense. I had this as a solid 6/10 up until it ended.

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This movie is all action, and that's what makes it awesome. The writing and plot are complete crap, but the fight scenes make you want to be a martial arts expert. Perfect mindless action movie.

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Bring It On: All or Nothing

If you watched "Bring It On" and thought to yourself, "Wow. Bring It On is a cinematic masterpiece. But what I really want is another movie with the exact same plot, but done a lot crappier," then this movie is for you!

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Major League

Rewatched this one with my wife, who hadn't seen it. She thought it was an amazing glorification of all things "1980s."

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Inside Amy Schumer: 4x03 Brave

The first two skits on this episode are some of her best to date.

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