

Omicron Persei 8

Dark: 3x08 The Paradise

I have no words to describe this season finale. It was just amazing.

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Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.: 1x17 Turn, Turn, Turn

I can't believe Ward is HYDRA!!! T_T

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Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)

is it just me that hated this awful movie?

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Scandal: 4x22 You Can't Take Command

Olivia and Fitz is so ZzzZZzz

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The Originals: 2x22 Ashes To Ashes

please I rather Rebecca's original body, the actress is so much better...

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The Vampire Diaries: 7x12 Postcards from the Edge

Elena is a Traveller, I think she jumped into another body. Maybe she is the girl on the last scene.

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last season rocks. at last, earlier season feelings

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Scandal: 5x03 Paris is Burning

I Don't know why Scandal isn't popular. It has one of the most amazing plots I had ever seen.

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Glee: 6x13 Dreams Come True

There are no words to describe what these two final episodes made me feel. Just AMAZING!
The final song "I lived" made me cry a river! I'll miss this show so much!

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Sense8: 1x04 What's Going On?

the best episode since the begining. Now the show starts

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Supernatural: 11x04 Baby

For more episodes like this one!! Amazing.

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Peaceful Warrior

very emotional. It's a movie about life and overcoming the limitations

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Scandal: 4x18 Honor Thy Father

This episode proved that the series will not fall into sameness and it will continue great and interesting for a long time.

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Scandal: 4x18 Honor Thy Father

Esse episódio provando que a série não vai cair na mesmice e continuará ótima e interessante por muito tempo ainda.

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Diary of a Future President: 2x05 The National Stage

how I'm no seeing anyone talk about this show? there's so heart in it. I'm loving every second of this season.

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The Open House

worst movie I ever watched

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Your Name.

I just loved it!!! everyone must see this movie.

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The Vampire Diaries: 7x11 Things We Lost in the Fire

if that was elena's end, I won't have no more faith on this show.

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It Follows

I'm in love with the soundtrack

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The Vampire Diaries: 6x22 I'm Thinking of You All the While

Soooooo boring. This finale buried the show -.-

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Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)

que filme ruim. nunca que mereceu o Oscar de melhor do ano

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The Imitation Game

filme fantástico, ótimas atuações e roteiro bem escrito. é um daqueles filmes que vai estar sempre na minha lista de favoritos e de recomendações.

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