Jerry Fisher


Sioux Falls, SD

Emerald City
The Wailing

This movie started out interesting but it seemed to break down with multiple plots that didn't really make sense after awhile. It was hard to take the main plot seriously enough to suspend disbelief. I stuck it out, but came away disappointed.

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Family Guy: 16x11 Dog Bites Bear

I think this is the finest episode I've seen. It has a simple but profound message that resonates. I actually shed a tear at the end.

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Midsomer Murders

I can never get enough of Midsomer Murders. I was hooked years ago when it was on A&E. The photography is always rich and the plots are engaging. For some reason, nobody can match the quality of British mysteries like Midsomer Murders -- but no complaints from me!

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Everyone knows Psycho. It is ingrained in our collective minds in such a manner that the climactic music or the shower scene has become universal shorthand for vulnerability and horror. Yet, what went into the creation of this very short scene from Psycho and why does it resonate with us decades later?

This documentary goes a long ways towards answering those primary questions with a wide cast of people. It makes for a fascinating documentary. If only the dumbed-down or dull-as-dishwater documentaries of today were are engaging as this one. It doesn't patronize, it doesn't dumb things down or race through things at breakneck speed. Instead it respects you the viewer and intelligently lays everything out, sometimes with a knowing wink, other times times with a broad smile.

This documentary only increases the respect I have for Alfred Hitchcock and the people he worked with.

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Robot Chicken: Special 13 The Robot Chicken Bitch Pudding Special

My God, what more can I say? This is hands down my favorite character in her own special episode. We all need a little Bitch Pudding in our lives from time to time. If you enjoy schadenfreude you will love this episode.

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Ten Little Indians

This Soviet production of Agatha Christie's "Ten Little Indians / And Then There Were None" is probably the best of the movie versions of her book. It is dark, tense, atmospheric and moody. It is set in the same time frame as the original story with scenery, sets and costumes to match. The cinema photography is generally good, the acting is great and the best part is that the original ending of the story was retained. All but the recent BBC production usually tacked on happy endings as a sop to audiences, ruining the story. Thankfully this movie faithfully follows the story, ending on a dark note.

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Dementia 13

This was an early childhood scare for me. Before you snigger, keep in mind that children were a lot more innocent compared to today.

Sure this is a B-grade horror at best, but it's still an entertaining way to spend a slow afternoon. As long as you keep your expectations low, you'll be entertained.

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Channel 4 (UK) Documentaries: 2016x33 Sun, Sea and Supersavers

Ah First World problems. Almost from the start of this episode I couldn't quit grinning. I understand the motivation of a stubborn lady who wanted to remodel her new home. Her tongue-in-cheek protest had me chuckling with delight. This is one of the more humorous episodes that pulls back the curtain on real world petty squabbles between the rich and famous.

[spoiler] In my opinion if neighbors got to do the basement upgrades they wanted, they're hardly in a reasonable position to complain about their newest neighbor wanting to do the same. I believe the word to describe the naysayers would be "hypocrite". [spoiler]

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Lemon Tree Passage

I wanted to like this movie, but a big plot hole ended up leaving me disappointed. Maybe I missed some subtle but important cue, but by the end of the movie, I couldn't suspend my disbelief and enjoy the movie.

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I... I can't begin to describe what to think of this movie.

The premise has some promise but the plot becomes sloppy, the acting is lacking and the movie lacks any coherence. There is no real explanation about where these scarecrows came from or at least how they came to be. There are vague hints about who they might've been but again, a complete lack of how or why they exist.

I mentioned the acting. To be fair, many movies of this era (the 1980s) had laughably bad acting. You can almost tell from within just the first minutes of many movies that they originated in the '80s and this one is no exception.

This is one of those B-movies that I'd recommend only if you have a taste for schlock. Night of the Scarecrow this movie isn't.

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Channel 5 (UK) Documentaries: 2017x24 Pica Syndrome: The Woman Who Ate A House

I watched this episode and my heart ached then utterly shattered. It roused horror and outrage but ended with a sense of cold comfort and deep sympathy for the families of those precious little girls.

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America Undercover: 1x51 Death on the Job

This is a profoundly heart-wrenching episode to watch. It is less about the storms and more about the people affected. Survivors remember loved family and friends lost in the storms. It reminded me of how fortunate I am to have much of my family still around. When we hear about numbers with deaths, those are abstract. To hear the individual stories of people is a reminder that those numbers were in fact people of all ages who had dreams and aspirations, fears and triumphs, in short, very much like you or me.

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Storyville: 2017x06 Murder in Italy

This episode drew me in completely. It is an emotional and thought-provoking look at one of Italy's most infamous recent crimes. There is no happy ending, only lingering questions of "Why?"

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This isn't an epic or a complicated story. It is an enjoyable yarn about a gay couple and their various friends and acquaintances and the story of a killer real estate agent who's out to convert their neighborhood into a trendy young LGBTQ destination. If you're looking for something different from the usual Hollywood comedies or blockbuster superhero flicks, this movie might fit the bill.

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Smithsonian Channel Documentaries: 2014x40 Elizabeth I: War On Terror

This is a fascinating detective story, so very relevant today. It is probably the harbinger of what will be coming in the future. God help us.

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NHK Documentaries: 2016x06 Walking Together: 5000 Messages to Tohoku

My heart broke over and over again until it was atomized. I cried so much. I want so much to reach out and hug every person. This documentary was simply human. There was no cynical grab for heart strings. This was honest, raw loss and coping as seen in many different people of all ages. My thoughts will be with them.

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PBS Specials: 2013x09 Girl Model

This was a wonderful, relaxing video tour of one of the largest national parks in the United States. Great music, fascinating facts and superb cinema photography from start to finish. I'm only sorry it wasn't longer.

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Bunshinsaba: Ouija Board

If you pay attention to the plot, it'll pay off at the end. Sure, it is a somewhat predictable revenge ghost story. But it doesn't lend itself to being spoon-fed to Western audiences with short attention spans. Unlike the outrageous blood and gore fare that American horror movies are known for, Bunshinsaba, like many Asian horror films, relies on a complex storyline to carry it along, not special effects. For that reason alone, I would recommend it to some friends and not others. If you have a good attention span and patience, this movie will pay-off nicely.

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BBC Documentaries: 2015x292 The Lost Mona

It is amazing what technology coupled with historic research can reveal about the Mona Lisa. It is hard to see it now as an innovative painting that underwent an evolution from its start as a regular portrait into something that almost mystical without being overly familiar with it. To the credit of Andrew Graham-Dixon, some of the mystery is peeled back only to reveal new and fascinating details that were hiding in plain sight.

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BBC Documentaries: 2015x297 Coming Oot! A Fabulous History of Gay Scotland

I always find it fascinating to watch how attitudes toward the LGBTQ part of our family has changed. It is heartening to see that people have relaxed and realized that no matter who we love, we're all in the same boat with all the same dreams, aspirations and issues.

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American Super\Natural: 1x03 The Legend of Julia Brown

Like the other episodes of American Super/Natural (Weather After Dark) this episode is a bit hokey. It is probably more dramatic fantasy than fact, but it is a kind of guilty pleasure.

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PBS Specials: 2006x03 The Blitz: London's Longest Night

This is a great documentary about one of the forgotten battles from the early years of the World War Two era. Today we are used to thinking of the Soviet Union as being taken by surprise by the invading Nazis before it mustered the manpower and weapons to repel the Nazis (with a lot of help from the legendary winter weather). What so few seem to recall now is that the Soviet Union tried to bully Finland and strip territory away with a dubious defense claim. The surprising Finnish resistance shocked the Soviet Union and infuriated Joseph Stalin. Finland fought against the stacked odds and merely delayed the inevitable, but it also demonstrated the fierce dedication to remaining independent of Moscow, earning a begrudging respect that prevented it from being annexed outright as the unlucky Baltic States were.

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BBC Documentaries: 2016x266 Capability Brown's Unfinished Garden

Documentaries like this one are why I prefer to watch the BBC. Bunny Guinness is lively and engaging as she explores the history and surviving gardens of Capability Brown.

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Tales of Terror from Tokyo and All Over Japan: The Movie

I really wanted to like this show, but it was so underwhelming. None of the vignettes presented really fleshed out their characters or presented much buildup, background or tension. It was just a quick flash of terrified people that left me a little bored after awhile. Most of the stories would have benefited from having an entire episode devoted to them as then they could develop a back story that would give the ending more sense.

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SBS Documentaries: 2012x01 Leonardo da Vinci: The Restoration of the Century

While this is a little dry in spots, as a rare close look at one of the few surviving paintings by Leonardo da Vinci, this documentary is still a must-see. There are moments of academic tension and humor, but I'm still glad I watched it. Who knew the art world was so dynamic with the personalities presented here?

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BBC Documentaries: 2016x292 The Incredible Story of Marie Antoinette's Watch

Maybe I am just a sentimental fool, but the end of this incredible documentary moved me to tears.

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Joanna Lumley's Japan: 1x01 Sapporo - Fukushima - Bullet Train

I know I'm in for a treat whenever Joanna Lumley goes on a trip or quest somewhere and takes viewers along. Her enthusiasm is infectious!

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