


Game of Thrones: 4x07 Mockingbird

Oh man... Te relief expression in Tyrion's face??
"I'll be your champion"

And it's very odd to start liking The Hound... But winter is coming for us all.
GoT endings are always breathtaking... "Your sister"

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Game of Thrones: 4x10 The Children

You gotta love the poetry in it... Free folk being captured, dragons put into chains... Tyrion kills he's beloved with a "chain"
necklace just like the one he offered her... Arya getting free from the hound going to The Free City of Braavos


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Game of Thrones: 3x09 The Rains of Castamere

By the Old Gods and New... On the Blood of the First Men... The silence in the credits... echos still

The Lannister send their regard

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Game of Thrones: 4x08 The Mountain and the Viper

Everything is crazy on this episode... 2nd time I see and still shocking... From Sansa growing as a deceitful woman to Tyrion a broken man and the last scene surprising anyone with the massive plot twist...

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The Umbrella Academy: 1x04 Man on the Moon

First episode I actually enjoyed. Previous had some amusement, but didn't really catch me. The drama has been just so very normal and boring. Now we finally have some more light on the mysteries but still the characters' story feel all so predictable. Excited to be surprised really, expect to face some unexpected outcome to all of them. Overall is being a nice and amusing comic book show. Music is excellent and actors are doing a fine fine job. The picture and costume is good as well

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Captain Marvel
Game of Thrones: 4x06 The Laws of Gods and Men

@Peter Dinklage has definitely gone a step higher... The last words in this episode are one of those that has such an impact... >I have been in trial all my life

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Game of Thrones: 2x10 Valar Morghulis

A true Season Finale for GoT.
Still have issues with Shae's acting. But the episode was complete and exciting as GoT can be.

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Anne with an E: 1x01 Your Will Shall Decide Your Destiny

Great casting and scripting and the imagination scenes all so hooked on "imagination" for the audience in contrast with the visual reality of the memories...
Superb is indeed a fitting word for it...

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Naruto Shippuden: 8x152 Somber News

One of the most emotional of all episodes

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One Piece: 18x794 A Battle Between Father and Son - Judge vs. Sanji!

l One Piece Episode 794 l

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Doctor Who: 10x10 The Eaters of Light

Good to watch the Doctor and have the feeling he is the Doctor... It's been a while...

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Black Clover: 1x80 Special Little Brother vs. Failed Big Brother

Shout by Hugo

I really appreciate the space mages. But so far has been real dull. This may mark the start of something good. Although the brother rivalry seems obvious and predictable as for the future plot, but I guess the whole plot has this tone.

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The Rising of the Shield Hero: 1x15 Raphtalia

Shout by Hugo

Good to finally hear Raphtalia's background. She is humanizing our hero and he starts to have a goal on working in this World, that's nice to see happening.

He won't be able to grow much if tries to avoid the reality and if he doesn't have a clear goal. We saw that on last wave. The episode in itself was not a big deal, but I appreciate what it represents on the big picture.

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The Rising of the Shield Hero: 1x12 The Raven Invader

Shout by Hugo

I start to feel that the Shield grants some kind of spider sense. The Shield has extra resistance to attacks (he manages to get bit and feel nothing) and also is very perceptive to offenses.

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The Rising of the Shield Hero: 1x08 Curse Shield

Shout by Hugo

Had some higher hopes for the curse finally manifesting. But really excited with this story!

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Spider-Man: Homecoming
Last Knights

It disappointed me deeply... And then it was ok.
The whole middle age attempt was not good, but the movie kind of gets better if you imagine it's a alternative reality
The enemy they face was week and stupid And had no real reason to be feared, ok we hear of a very disturbing past for our knight, but what had he really done to the Gezza before invading the castle?

Morgan Freeman is awesome, but his part was poor and his character simple

I have the feeling the movie takes too much time in dealing with Gezza trying to prove that Raiden is done, but we should have had more time to know the characters

But when the plot twists the movie gets much better and you start getting involved.

But the worst part of this movie is without question this swords... what is it? Katana? Swiss sword? Grill spit?

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One Piece: 18x795 A Giant Ambition! Big Mom and Caesar!

l One Piece Episode 795 l

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One Piece: 18x796 The Land of Souls! Mom's Fatal Ability!

l One Piece Episode 796 l

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American Gods: 1x01 The Bone Orchard

Its a fair start for a TV show. It made me keep going. And there a whole bunch of talking about this and the novel it's based on... let's see where it goes...

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Game of Thrones: 6x10 The Winds of Winter

Ohhh I know it was all about the visual and cliffhangers getting me excited... Yeah the writers played me well, but heck if this show isn't about getting excited donno what it is then.

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Silicon Valley

Awesome show... Very nerdy and funny and real enough for those on this persue to conquer the Tech world. Lovin' it! Be an asshole!

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