Ireney Berezniak



Bird Box

I’ve never been a Sandra Bullock fan, but I found her performance in Bird Box rather incredible. In fact, the whole cast was superb. Great execution. My favourite thriller of 2018.

The ending was quite excellent, hinting subtly that perhaps things were not what they seemed. Did she make it, or were things just too good to be true? The idyllic paradise in the midst of the apocalypse, survivors lounging on the grass, enjoying carefree conversation? Oooooh, I don’t know ...

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The Handmaid's Tale: 2x09 Smart Power

This has been one of the best, if not THE best, episodes of the series!

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Rather underrated, which is probably the reason for cancellation, but this well written show does many things right. Whether it’s the quirky sci-fi mystery, occasional suspense, great performances by the talented cast, or tense action, Fortitude offers fine entertainment. So it is a shame that it could not get more traction, and remain alive for a few more seasons.

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Night Sky

Excellent series. Enjoyed the character studies, the performances, particularly from Spacek and Simmons, and the sci-fi twists. It is a tragedy that Amazon pulled the plug so quickly. The last couple of episodes introduced additional mysteries and characters that I would have loved to explore in subsequent seasons. The cancelation is a real disappointment.

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The Dark Tower

This has been a run-of-the-mill Hollywood action film targeting YA audience who have probably never read the books it is based on. It lacks the character development and intricacy of Stephen King's source material. Rather disappointing.

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The Handmaid's Tale: 2x13 The Word

Fine ending to a great season. I enjoyed this second chapter much more than the first!

So June had the opportunity to get out of Gilead, but decided to remain. That she could not leave her eldest behind, Hannah, is a given, but judging by one of the closing scenes, and her resolve as she drew the hood over her head, it felt as though writers are hinting at a greater conflict to come. No longer will June merely survive the regime, she will work to undermine it. After an oppressive 2nd season, perhaps we can expect the onset of a rebellion, and perhaps a reversal, or at least improvement, of fortunes for some of the characters.

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Not bad, though the writers of this adaptation certainly took liberties with the source material! The closing episode(s) involving Chicken George and his family were nothing like Haley's novel this is based on.

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Mad Max: Fury Road

Simply the best action movie in years. Light on story, rich in frills and thrills.

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Star Trek: The Next Generation

It has been ages since I've sat down and watched an entire episode of TNG, or any Star Trek series for that matter. I purchased a single episode in HD just to see what has been done to "bring it into the modern age", and I found myself drawn into the series again. I've since purchased season 1 in Blu-ray and have been enjoying the experience.

This is probably the weakest season of TNG, some episodes are downright campy, but I have been loving it. HD remaster itself is far from perfect but definitely a huge improvement over the original SD version to be found on DVD or Netflix.

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