Dylan Van Richland


TV Land

The Shield

This show will make you reassess your moral convictions. It will have you rooting for the bad guys and despising the good. Great show...

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The Raid

One of the best action flicks I've seen in a while.

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Would be better if this was on a premium cable channel. Very Dexteresque.

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Person of Interest

^5 @ echelon_four... no wonder I like this show so much lol

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Game of Thrones

I need to get caught up on the books before the season finale. This show is awesome!

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Iron Sky

Not a great movie, but original concept. Loved the ending.

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Not a bad pilot. Looks promising.

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Alien Armageddon

If you have this in your collection... delete it. Not even worth the hard disk space.

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Nothing to be envious about... we just copy them and do it better... i.e., Being Human and Shameless lol

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Dark City

Very interesting movie....

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The Firm

Another one with great potential bites the dust...I'm think it was the time slot.

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Snow White and the Huntsman

Looks interesting... Since I'm on a Game of Thrones high, I'm looking forward to it.

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@SpoBo, if you're only on season 1, you're gonna love it from here on out. Season 1 was one of the worst IMO. Glad you're enjoying.

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