⁺₊⁺ dⒶwtmaytr¡k☭!

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Omicron Persei 8

The Walking Dead

I watch this show because I hate it and I'm hoping the idiocy of the characters will finally bite them in the ass and kill them. None of them are fit to rebuild civilization. Honestly, this show has the most incompetent batch of writers ever assembled.

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Ichi the Killer

A movie I could love, were it not for the extreme changes of pace.

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Sacco & Vanzetti

Those last moments really squeeze my tear ducts. Every. Single. Time. :'(

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Great premise, but aside from the first few minutes and a couple of scenes in between this movie's a complete snore-fest.

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Dark House

Watched with some friends while high. Was hilarious.

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Helden - Wenn Dein Land Dich braucht

Absolutes Highlight: Yvonne Catterfeld wird in ein schwarzes Loch gesaugt. Jaaaa bla, Spoiler ... Anders kann man die Großartigkeit dieses Films aber nicht in Worte fassen. 11/10.

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Jupiter Ascending

I'd bet the Wachowskis just got shitfaced one evening and thought it'd be fun to waste 176 million dollars. That, at least, is the only thign they succeeded in. On the up-side I bet there's some way to turn this trainwreck of a movie into a drinking game.

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I swear they only cast the older brother for his huge schlong, because his acting sure was terrible.

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Eyecandy, but thin story and scientifically bullshit.

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Like Alien, but with cows.

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