Gabriel Carvalho



Halt and Catch Fire: 2x05 Extract and Defend

I felt really bad for Gordon, having to deal with everything all by himself. The main characters are so busy with their own problems that they don't see what's going on in each others lives.

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Shameless: 3x02 The American Dream

Aaaa, Lip is such an asshole. He goes through a whole season doing nothing cause he doesn't even want to finish school. Then he comes back just to blame Fiona for Monica, and leaves her to clean everything up. And the first time Fiona tries something of her own, he wants to shit rules at her? Why doesn't he want to do the shitty jobs she has to do to support everyone, then? She has to do all the work, but he should be in charge of the decisions, and thinks he is entitled to lecture her? Fucking prick...
And when you think Frank couldn't be any more selfish...

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Halt and Catch Fire: 3x07 The Threshold
In the Flesh: 1x02 Episode 2

I really enjoyed how the show presents the dichotomy between human rights and punitivism through the perspectives of the multicultural metropolis and the rural cities.

It all gets more interesting because of the lack of clarity regarding the sexuality of the main character (and of his "best friend"), which allows discussions not only about prejudices towards diseases (and the people affected by them), but prejudice as a whole.

Regarding prejudice, I find it appalling (and very realistic) the way "tolerance" happens in Rick's circle. They choose not to see something in a beloved, but keep condemning that in other people. It's easier to divide things between "us and them" when it's with the other one, but inside your house, with one of your one, it complicates things. It isn't so black and white anymore.

It only worsens things, though, since the need to be accepted only generated self prejudice (at least in Rick's case).

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The Twilight Zone: 1x05 Walking Distance

Shout by Gabriel Carvalho
BlockedParent2017-01-17T07:52:18Z— updated 2017-01-20T14:58:59Z

"You've been looking behind you Martin, try looking ahead."
A touching line from a profound episode.
It's amazing the effect the past has on us, the nostalgia it brings. We rarely know how that time will be important, and how it will be missed. Only later we'll perceive the significance of that period, and how we should have enjoyed it at its fullest.
It may be such a potent feeling, we, like Barbara, from the previous episode, decide to go live in the past. Or, like Martin, we tend to only look for happiness and joy in that known place from the past, instead of finding new sources of pleasure in the present.
It was certainly a heartfelt episode.

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Queer Eye: 6x09 A Legend in the Baking

When I heard Sarah Lynn, all I could think was the Bojack scene:

Right, Sarah Lynn?
Sarah Lynn?

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Ozark: 3x02 Civil Union

Marty is being so selfish and annoying. He always complains when Wendy makes unilateral decisions, but his problem seems to be her making any decisions at all. The fact that he's paying their therapist to "be right" all the time, hacking Wendy's phone, and going as far as getting Frank to blow the other casino, while he's hearing his wife being threatened if not closing the deal... WTF? He talks about not wanting risk, but he seems to be wiling to take all the risk necessary to undermine Wendy. I used to like him, but he's being too much of an asshole.
Loving the team Wendy + Ruth though!

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Togetherness: 2x06 Geri-ina

So sad the show got canceled, I am really liking this season.

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Veep: 3x06 Detroit

"I want for your comfort to make you aware that today I purchased 'ear pligs'. Not every country likes to evesdrop." LOL
Really like this show's humor.

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Humans: 1x01 Episode 1

How creepy was Anita's half hour laughter? hahaha
I got a bit reminded of "Her", especially in the George's storyline.
Anyone else?

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Barry: 4x05 tricky legacies

Oh no, I hate time jumps. They just destroyed Hank's relationship in the previous episode, and know this... I loved the previous seasons, but I'm really not liking this one.

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Barry: 4x04 it takes a psycho

Hank to me seems like a whole different character. After the previous seasons, it makes no sense to me that he would just let Christobal be killed like that. And Christobal's reaction to Hank's killing felt too exaggerated, and not very believable. I didn't like what they've done with Hank, who was just an awesome character.

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This was so bizarre.
The synopsis seems kinda silly, but as the story develops, things get really intense.
The documentary seems to take place in an alternate reality, It feels like a thriller and a big conspiracy theory. It took a lot of gut for this guys to pursue this after all the threats and everything they started to figure out.
The feeling left afterwards can only be described as:this is so Black Mirror.

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The Brink: 1x09 Just a Little Crazy Talk

This episode finally brought back the kind of humor that was missing on the last episodes. Those single lines, that even though far fetched, kind of resume some absurdities about the current international relations.
I just hope that if the new Pakistani president fuck up (which is very likely), they show a bit of the consequences of the irresponsible interference of US in other countries, and don't just show up the middle east as the crazy, and them as the good guys. Maybe show US acting for their regional interest, like oil, or at least use the need to side with Israel with more critic, like in Veep.

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The Killing: 2x10 Episode 10

The fact that Strange was the officer was already predictable. I couldn't think about any other suspect who would have hesitated to shoot Lund. But I am glad they found a way to make it interesting.
I got very sad with Buch's final choice. There is nihilistic tone regarding politics in this show. The good guys always get turned around in the end.

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New Girl: 1x03 Wedding

Wow, the men in this show are so selfish, this episode was a bit worse cause Jess is basically there to serve them and be criticized the whole time. And this sexist humor is awful, it's not funny at all. Does this get any better?

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The Brink: 1x08 Who's Grover Cleveland?

The main reason for me to still be watching the show is its humor and funny single lines, like the one about Baghdad, from a few weeks ago. I've been missing it in the last episodes, and it all seems excessive to me, with almost all the characters looking stupid. But, even tough not that deep, I detected some critic on this show, and that gives me hope for the next episodes.
And I also hope for more dark humor.

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Veep: 3x08 Debate

I really liked how everything worked out in the end.
And I love the single lines in this show.
"I don't enjoy touching children's faces and neither should you"
"If there's a dirty trick I cannot stand it is honesty"

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The Brink: 1x03 Baghdad My Ass

I am still missing a bit on the critics, but man this show has humor.
There were so many funny lines it's hard to talk about just one.

"I'm gonna ship you off to Baghdad. Enjoy being stationed to a city so thoroughly stained by its charm people go there now just to blow themselves up."


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Magnifica 70: 1x01 In Boca do Lixo

I didn't like the way the flashbacks were shown. It devalued them.
It would have been better to treat the caracters' past with a more slow paced approach. Something more like it was done with Vincente's.
I hope the historical context be more value in the next episodes, and presented in a less didactic manner.
Despite all, I think the show has potential and seems pretty interesting.

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Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: 2x19 Transgender Rights

I laughed a lot at the CNN's video, the ostrich shootage and the jokes about it.
Great episode!

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