

Sirius, Vega, Altair, Tycho’s star…

Altered Carbon: Season 2

Seems like they spent all the budget on Anthony Mackie.
Terrible plot, and abysmal execution.
They turned the show from a groundbreaking neo noir cyberpunk/cyber thriller to some generic bullshit.
Do yourself a favour and skip this one. (you won't miss much, but if you are still hesitant, just watch the first few episodes and you will understand what I am talking about. Play it at 10x if you still care and want an alternative to completing the show other than painfully watching every episode like I did.)

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Dark: 3x08 The Paradise

I think , once they prevent the deaths and time-travel from being invented, Jonas'(Split Reality 1) and Martha's(Split Reality 2) universes(realities) are annihilated, the Scientist's "Original reality" splits/branches again, to form another "3rd" Split Reality which is the one shown in the end.
Since "Endings are beginnings and beginnings are endings or everything is predetermined and past/future can't be changed", this would make the most sense without breaking the show's rule because if the Scientist didn't try to invent time Travel, there wouldn't be 2 split realities and with that no Jonas or Martha coming to change the past, and if they didn't come, he would invent time Travel, a Paradox.
So the original reality still exists alongside the new 3rd reality. However Jonas and Martha are erased from existence since their universes no longer exist.
Hannah deciding to name the unborn child 'Jonas' was also a nice way to spare us a completely sad ending.
But hey who knows! The series is open for multiple interpretations.

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Love, Death & Robots: Season 2

A couple of episodes aside, It's a pity really;
Such Great Animation is wasted on Such Mediocre Stories.

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Dark: Season 3
The Umbrella Academy: Season 2

This movie in a sentence , "If Bollywood had a bigger budget."

(No offense, but there are way better movies you should be watching instead of whatever this was. Also, Bollywood does make some gems like Article 15, so don't crucify me please. Aight, wash your hands, stay indoors and watch smth better)

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Scam 1992 - The Harshad Mehta Story

I am convinced that The Bull of Dalal St. would give The Wolf of Wall St. a run for his money!

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A generic zombie flick but a very BAD Train to Busan sequel!

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The God of High School: Season 1

This probably is a decent adaptation of the webtoon/manhwa, but unfortunately for us non-manhwa readers; too many shit happens way too quickly without any buildup. Especially in the final few episodes where deus ex machinas after deus ex machinas are pulled out of nowhere .

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A Thousand Suns

A bunch of visually stunning YT Shorts.
ICE - A Thousand Suns / Episode 1 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXaVgAxtYFI
RED - A Thousand Suns / Episode 2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Xunff0lpug
EXODUS - A Thousand Suns / Episode 3 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3RsI1ZuaeA
DEAL - A Thousand Suns / Episode 4 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e52JruYinyA
BUG - A Thousand Suns / Episode 5 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8rWDMXH3ro
"Tomorrow land" - A Thousand Suns / Episode 6 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL6c0FTpZnQ

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Mare of Easttown

It, was good they said.
The first episode was great, I myself admitted.
But of course, but of course!
At times, as clichés after clichés followed, and the apparent cliché to subvert those clichés started falling on their faces, the entire thing unraveled.
Never have I been so angry at a show that promised to be something great, something different, but that was just bait. I curse my own stupidity for not dropping this after the 2nd episode.
'The Making Of' was 100x more interesting.

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12 Angry Men

The Anatomy Of A Jury!

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Scam 1992 - The Harshad Mehta Story: Season 1

I am convinced that The Bull of Dalal St. would give The Wolf of Wall St. a run for his money!

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The God of High School: 1x13 GOD/GOD

Deus ex machinas after deus ex machinas!

BuT yOu NeEd To ReAd the MaNhWa to UunDeRsTaNd the CoMpLeX StOrY!!!!!!
-Yeah, no thanks.

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She Dies Tomorrow

Has some half-baked philosophy that doesn't really go anywhere.
Maybe that's the point but idk, it seems kinda pretentious to me.

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Lovecraft Country: 1x02 Whitey's on the Moon

Yup, another AHS generic shit.

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A Thousand Suns: 1x06 Tomorrow land
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A Thousand Suns: 1x05 Bug
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A Thousand Suns: 1x04 Deal
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A Thousand Suns: 1x03 Exodus
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A Thousand Suns: 1x02 Red
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A Thousand Suns: 1x01 Ice
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Based on The Space Vampires but executed better in PFH's Night's Dawn The Reality Dysfunction


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For All Mankind: Season 2

Yeah sure, let's just turn this into melodrama. Who cares about Space anyway. We already have Moore's name attached. What more do you want!

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Game of Thrones

Note of Denial to self : This show ended after S06.
S07 and S08 don't exist.

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Not really a film per se, rather a collage of vignettes.

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I'm Thinking of Ending Things

So it's true. Charlie Kaufman has finally gotten as good at directing films as he is at writing them.

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One of the best comedies in decades!

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The God of High School

This probably is a decent adaptation of the webtoon/manhwa, but unfortunately for us non-manhwa readers; too many shit happens way too quickly without any buildup. Especially in the final few episodes where deus ex machinas after deus ex machinas are pulled out of nowhere .

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