Apache Firecat



Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Yet another Marvel disappointment! The only character they even get right is the Sorcerer Supreme himself. Not even the teenaged newcomer, America, is done right. The Marvel movies may be good for those who don't know their comic history, but for those of us who do, it always just seems like one massive disappointment after another! I do NOT plan on being suckered into another one! At least the others do stay relatively true to comicbook movies, but this one doesn't even follow the right formula. It's like they took the very basics of comic characters they knew and spun not even a filmed comicbook movie but a B-rated horror movie! Oh, how Raimi has fallen since the Xena days!!

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The Big Bang Theory

A MUST for any nerd, from fandom lovers to major Science geeks! The characters and parings are awesome while remaining realistic, and this is one of those rare shows that both my husband and I completely adore and will always return to over and over again!!! IMPOSSIBLE to get tired of this cast!!!!

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Turning Red

Definitely imaginative, this film has a lot of promise. However, there are certain moments I would not necessarily recommend to too young a viewing audience, and that is a disappointment for all Disney movies should be able to be seen and enjoyed by the whole family. There are also certain topics that have no place in an animated movie, especially a Disney one. However, that being said, the movie certainly does have some awesome moments and is a great depiction of true friendship and the female bond. I so like the thought that they let a boy band have some serious stones -- after all, let's be honest here, how many other bands would have stayed and played through THAT?!

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Doctor Who: Twice Upon a Time

I'm still getting to know the Doctor, but I have to credit this one with definitely getting me hooked! This is now on my Christmas Must See list for every year, and I find myself very much wanting to see more of the First Doctor. Also leave it to the BBC to do such a tremendous presentation of an awesome real life event!!

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Disney meets What Dreams May Come only with a ridiculous imagining of what souls might look like in the before and after lives! This is NOT something Disney has any business messing with, and that's coming from a lifelong, major Disney fan! Not even the cat could save this one!!

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