


Infinity Train

Shout by AnotherWarrior
BlockedParent2019-09-12T17:04:11Z— updated 2020-09-04T12:47:05Z

A short, well structured cartoon that respectfully deals with topics rarely seen in children's media. Tulip is a refreshingly unique main character and the mystery surrounding the train kept me watching to the end. Can't wait for the next season!

EDIT: Each and every season the show keeps getting better! The last episode of Season 3 had the DARKEST scene I've ever witnessed in a show with a PG rating. My only criticism is that the humor isn't great, but this definitely isn't a comedy anyway. Still highly recommend for any age as the topics it covers are universally relatable.

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The Promised Neverland

Shout by AnotherWarrior
BlockedParent2020-05-01T12:49:25Z— updated 2021-05-04T15:12:17Z

I really liked this first season, it reminds me a lot of Death Note with how it feels like a game with the stakes being lives. Each episode created new developments and by the end of the season I was breathless. The characters were likable enough that I genuinely cared about their safety, which is crucial for a show like this. My biggest complaint would be that not a whole lot goes on in terms of animation. Not saying the animation's bad, it's quite good, but as it's mostly dialogue based there's not much happening on screen. A must watch if you like big brain strategies or being way too stressed out over the outcome of a fictional scenario.

EDIT: I stand by the fact that the first season is a masterpiece, but don't watch the second season. I have never seen a show be ruined so quickly firsthand, though I've heard legend of such things. Only watch season two to see how NOT to continue a show, and read the manga instead.

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Mob Psycho 100

"If I'm just a normal person and you were beat by me, then what does that make you?"
This has to be my favorite anime of all time, and Mob has to be my favorite character ever. Mob is a boy with incredibly overpowered psychic powers, but he would rather develop himself as a person than rely on his powers for everything. This is the core message of the story, and one I felt like I needed. Mob doesn't want to be defined by an overwhelming strength in one aspect of life, but rather how he is in every facet of reality.

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Adventure Time

It's been several months since I have watched this show, and yet it's always in the back of my mind. There's no better way to describe this show in my opinion other than art. The later seasons provide so much in terms of themes and abstract ideas that I found myself pondering each episode long after I watched it. This is not a show for everyone, as the plot goes all over the place, and the early seasons can turn a lot of people off or create false expectations later on, but this show really leaves an impact on you if you're willing to think about it.

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The Truman Show

I went into this movie expecting a strange experience, and I was certainly not disappointed. The Truman Show explores one of the most interesting premises ever conceived: what if someone's entire life was a simulation made for TV? It's so bizarre but done in such a grounded way that it really makes you feel for Truman, and by the end of the movie I was uncomfortable for both him and myself. It's almost a horror film in how it fills you with a strange sense of paranoia. Excellent idea, excellent execution, and deep enough to keep you thinking for a long time afterwards.

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Attack on Titan

I'd hesitate to call this show an action anime as its real appeal is in its mystery. The first season bombastically introduces us to the world of Attack on Titan, where everyone is boxed in to protect themselves from giant mysterious monsters. As the story continues in the later seasons, the story matures like fine wine, answering mysteries while bringing up new ones in a completely believable fashion. The plot twists in this show are so well done that re watching is basically a must as you get an entirely new feeling after knowing what is actually going on behind the scenes.

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Avatar: The Last Airbender

This cartoon is leagues above any other western animation I have ever seen. It appeals to both children and adults, as its story is not only simple to follow, but also extremely good. Each character is unique and endearing, and their interactions with each other are even more so. The plot flows perfectly, each story beat hitting its mark and culminating in an epic finale. This is a show that people are still talking about over ten years after its original release, and I think they still will be for many years to come, Netflix adaptation notwithstanding.

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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

If anyone were to ask me what anime they should watch first, I'd tell them Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood every time. It's got something in it for everyone, action, drama, intense and detailed plot, great characters, it's easier to think of things it has than what it doesn't. Both the English dub and the subtitled Japanese version are great performances. This is definitely a must watch for anyone who wants to call themselves an anime fan.

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Hunter x Hunter: 2x116 Revenge x And x Recovery

This is easily the best episode I've seen of anything ever, I was on the edge of my seat the entire time and I have never truly questioned whether or not someone would die the way I did in this episode. Gon felt truly out of control and I wondered if he would go into a full on muerderous breakdown. Every aspect of the episode, from the soundtrack, visuals, and voice acting, came together into an episode so good I was in a daze after it ended. I truly don't think there will be a way to top this episode in my book, no matter what show it is.

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How to Train Your Dragon 2
How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World

The How To Train Your Dragon Trilogy holds a place in my life that helped define who I am. Suffice to say, having now grown up somewhat I was eagerly anticipating this film, and did not expect it to be as emotionally impactful as it was. There are many criticisms of this movie, many of which are valid, like it really doesn't make any sense why they would leave all the dragons. Like, no one cared enough to want to keep theirs? Did they forget that their goal was literally to move in to the Hidden world with the dragons?! . Despite these things, this movie helped me get through a rough time in my life, where I felt my childhood slipping away and being replaced with a dreary emptiness, and this movie helped me to cope with those changes. So while nothing can top the first film, this one definitely deserves a place in my favorite trilogy of all time.

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The Legend of Korra

As the successor to Avatar, I feel like many people had their hopes up that it would be the greatest thing ever. This is not the case, and that's OK. The characters tend to fluctuate in their quality, sometimes seeming to develop one way, only to then change in another way. This gives the show a teenage drama-esque feel to it that some may appreciate and others loathe.
The villains are representative of flaws in society, from oppression to too much governmental control vs. too little. That being said the issues the villains bring up are never really resolved. The biggest offender of this is season two when the political conflict is completely forgotten to instead focus on giant spirit laser beams .
So while I still think this is a good show in its own right, its definitely no Avatar. But who can top perfection?

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How to Train Your Dragon
Hunter x Hunter: 2x131 Anger x And x Light

This episode surpasses every episode of everything else I've ever seen. There will simply be nothing of its type ever again that will even come close to the perfect balance of darkness, drama, and intensity I have just witnesses. It takes common ideas of shows like this and twists them to become infinitely more impactful both physically and emotionally for the characters. How can the story progress from here?

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This is an awesome list, it helps me find what to watch on Youtube!

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One Piece

Shout by AnotherWarrior
BlockedParent2019-09-12T16:59:33Z— updated 2019-11-06T15:10:55Z

A slow paced show which will require a lot of recap skipping as time goes on. Do I recommend it? Absolutely. This show isn't long because it resets every few episodes like a sitcom or poorly written adventure (Pokemon). Rather it relishes in long-term storytelling, slowly building up the world and characters to the point where you can believe even the craziest of things are realistic in-universe. This show has made me audibly gasp, cry, laugh, and all-round enjoy myself too many times for me to say I wasted my time watching it.

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Shrek Forever After

After watching Schafrillas Productions video on this film I was convinced to give this movie a second chance, and let's just say it's way better than people seem to think it is. This movie, unlike the third, has real heart and soul, a message it wants to get across and it does so brilliantly. The villain was fun, the alternate universe was cliche but intentionally so, and Shrek gets his most interesting character arc since the second film. I unironically consider this movie incredible and comparable to other Dreamworks classics like How to Train Your Dragon and Kung Fu Panda.

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Hotel Transylvania 2

An enjoyable movie nearly all the way through, though I thought the ending was rather rushed and weak. Was really hoping the kid would turn out to be a human after all.

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After hearing about how great this show was, I was a bit disappointed. It's by no means bad, but it didn't feel special in any meaningful way. We follow an overpowered protagonist who plans to take over the world with his band of faithful minions, most of which are more intelligent than him, not that he would tell them that. There are lots of side characters that give us a perspective on just how much the protagonist is affecting the world, and while some of these characters are interesting, others are not. I'd recommend it if you want a good fantasy, not so much for a good story.

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My Hero Academia: Season 4

This was another good season of a decent anime. The Overhaul arc had some great character moments, though it could be argued that it went on for too long. The festival was much more enjoyable than I was expecting it to be, and La Brava is the best villain in the entire series.

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This is a fun little show that helps expand the How to Train Your Dragon Universe. I don't think it's a must watch for fans by any means, but if you're obsessed with the movies like I am these make a good companion. I do think it's a bit disappointing that this show could have been more but wasn't, the animation isn't all that good, and the story is nothing special, but I still think it's passable.

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