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Younger: Season 6

6x08 The Debu-taunt

Well then. No more secret it seems.

I knew something was gonna happen with Pauline! I couldn't help thinking "who's this person pretending to be Pauline and what have they done with the original one?". She was being waaaay too nice and friendly to Liza. But then, true to character she had an epic freak out.

For the life of me I'll never understand why everyone on this show always feels so personally attacked when they learn Liza's true age. Like, I get she lied, but is it really that big of a deal to warrant full on meltdowns?

However, gotta admit I LOVED how they dealt with Diana finding out. Like, her complete freak out at first was understandable and totally in character. But then, she came around so fast! And that's a true testament of what a smart, logical, understanding person she is. She truly loves and appreciates Liza, as hard as she tries to hide it, and I'M HERE FOR IT! (What's the girl version of a bromance? Cause that's totally what's going on!) Diana is the most mature of the all, she's a total queen and ILHSM

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