It’s Beth Dutton’s world. We’re just living in it. :smiling_imp:

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That was basically fight club lol

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The fight was just so excessive...totally unnecessary. No human can withstand that many blows...and that's not to mention the MAJOR stab wound on the young guy. ... silly.

This show is getting ready to jump the shark...they are running out of storylines if they spend this much time on a simple grudge.

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Beths attitude was kind of fun at first, but now its a bit obnoxious.

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Nooo, don't fire the girls :(((

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Lloyd used to be this wise ass old man and now he’s throwing his toys of the pram because a girl 30 years younger than him has gone for someone else. And he’s resorted to STABBING :skull: pathetic

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Okay, Monica is absolutely nuts. I wonder when Kayce had time to bang another one when all she does is run around whistling? This jealous bullshit is getting on my nerves. She's been complaining about everything since the first episode and even when everything is finally done to make her happy, there's more bullshit. Tiring. Beth's a stale character who keeps saying the same thing over and over again. Jamie is absolutely useless and a coward. No one cares about Jimmy or his journey to becoming a cowboy. And I'm not even gonna comment on Summer.

The only thing that saved this episode in my eyes was that last line from the kid when John was leaving on the hill. "I want to be like him."

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I'm not a cowboy but here are my two cents for that brawl between those two henchmen of Kevin's Costner character, the fight was ridiculous on the other side is Men will be Men.

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Just nothing to really interest me this episode. The Jimmy scenes are boring, all Kayce essentially did this episode was get a new house, Beth’s insufferable routine has gotten way too old, I don’t care enough about Beth and Rip’s relationship, Jamie is being dumb, and what they’ve done with Lloyd’s character just doesn’t work.

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