Happy to recognize some voices, and after checking, the original voice actors are back for Storm, Wolverine, Rogue, Beast and Nightcrawler!

Side Bonus: I learned that the actors who voice Beast and Nightcrawler were both in X-Men Last Stand.

That said, I found this too much like the comic series Claremont restarted, and I really didn't enjoy it; that said, I could be over nostalgic for my rating, I am not sure yet, but it did feel good to see.

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I need to go back and rewatch the original now. This new series looks good and getting off to a nice start.

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I grew up watching the original but this felt a bit corny.
The animation looks worse than what it was 30 years ago. There's no fluidity in the movements.
And what's with the cinematic aspect ratio? So dumb...

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Still down with getting that nostalgic rush every time the theme song plays.

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Cyclops intro was so damn good. Love how he used his blaster to maneuver around. That was new for me. Then to follow it up with that landing with no parachute was the icing on the cake.

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Come on! What's not to like? The animation is very good! The character design is beautiful! The vibe of 97 is there, but it feels modern. The use of each character's powers and abilities is great! It started very well! I hope it keeps surprising us!
I hope this is helpful! Let me know if you have any other questions.

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Wow, color me impressed! After watching the whole original series, experiencing the huge downfall it took, and the rumors that this show was gonna follow along the MCU woke tradition, I was worried for this. Luckly, thus far, this had me completely surprised in the best way possible! They actually ditched the silliness and childhood vibe of the original show and seem to be actually following the vibe of the 90s comics! Even adapting aspects that the original show ditched! And the animation is amazing, down to the perfection of the new intro!
If this keeps up it is gonna be the best Marvel Studios project in years!

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This revival is just perfect it genuinely feels like just a new season of the OG show (but with better animation)

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The animation seems like it's missing a few frames at times. Also, the quality overall looks a bit blurry, I'm not sure how that's even possible.

The original Xmen might look a bit more flat color wise, but it seemed smoother to me.

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Full disclosure I'm biased! Xmen has always been my favorite Marvel team. I've missed this show from when I was young.

Initially, I thought I wouldn't appreciate the modern twist to the old graphics. I would rather it be completely new with the more modern look. However, it didn't bother me much as the upgrade is still a lot better.

Cyclops was never my favorite. However, the way he is done in this show, I'm having second thoughts as to his ranking, in my opinion.

I've watched it multiple times already. Can't wait for the next episodes.

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Real crap compared to what the other series were. How did they manage to make the graphics and movements worse than the older versions ‍♂ Give it to disney if you want to make a shit version

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It's a shame they didn't make a sequel to X-Men evolution, which was this X-Men cartoon that I watched when I was a kid

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Rogue's VA is my favourite VA from the og show, but sadly.. she didn't sound great in this episode. She's just too old for the role.

I wish they added another classic X-Men character to the team instead of Bishop. He should be used occasionally like in the og show, to show up when some time travel shenanigans are happening. Also, changing his long hair look is a travesty.

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Teared up when Magneto showed up at the perfect moment

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Shout by Gloom8

Happy nation sounds positively haunting in that rendition.

Kudos, they kept themes, values and characters all intakt. This series always felt ahead of it's time... and product of it's time. So, X-men being corny is actually spot-on thing. Honestly feels like seamless transition, to how I remember X-men at least, including plot continuation.

I only wish my child self would remember what happened to Charles exactly. I think he was somehow trapped inside Jean's mind... maybe kid's drawings are hint to Jean's childhood? So, maybe Phoenix is in the cards, heh. I like slight adjustment with FOH treatment.

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I never watched the og show but the hype got to me for this one/ and my god this fucking amazing. From the character dynamics to the action and the overarching mysteries being woven together everything about this episode had me hooked. Its just a genuinely brilliant pilot to what's shaping up to be a brilliant show

While I never watched the OG 90s cartoon I am very familiar with the x-men in their original comics and in adaptation (snaps to X-Men Evolution) X-Men '97 even in this brief 30s minutes has already captured exactly what I love about this superhero found family.

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Nostalgic. Amazing. Great Cyclops is front and center. Let's work baby Summers' whole story Arc into the new series.

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I've only (recently) seen first 4 eps of the original series... this does seem like a true continuation (except for Morph's pronouns, and I think we're cool with that so long as nobody's demanding we say ours).

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Its ok start for me will see how they continue the show

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Scott Summers = the worst character

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Loved it. Well done first episode. Significantly better than What If?

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I love the fact that they brought this show back!!! This episode was so on point too!! Great animation and excellent fight scenes that gave me everything the old show had with a modern day feel to it. Voices seem the same too.

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