The CGI on baby Colin Robinson's face is better than young Eleven in Stranger Things this season. :joy:

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Last season's finale set up quite a few intriguing scenarios that to see them skip those and revert back feels somewhat deflating, even if the cast's chemistry remains as good as ever. Plus Baby Colin is such a wonderfully uncanny-valley creation.

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Season 3 was the most I liked, maybe the only one I really like, from this series. And now Season 4 opens with most of the uncreative and boring developments given the previous season ending.

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Mmmm I feel like last season’s finale set everything up for a change in the group dynamic’s and I was excited to see those changes but it’s like nothing happened and we just skipped past through that. Also there were a lot of interesting story lines cramped into 20 minutes, like imagine if we get an episode revolving the flipping houses brothers.

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Love, love Nadja's obsession with a vampire nightclub! I truly hope we get to see that happen.
Fourth season kicking things off already in full gear, sweet!

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OMG !! Boy is just creepy!!!

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i absolutely cannot with adult Colin Robinson's head superimposed on a toddler's body, god help me if they're gonna do that the entire season

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First of all.... Guillermo poor you !! really ! Why the fuck are you doing this to yourselffff. However I'm happy that your role has finally decided to open that mouth wide to scream your discontent !! Yes sir !
Second of all.... Fuck me that house is a real danger ! Guantanamo cannot compare loool :rofl: Fix it quuuiiccckkk
Last and best of all.... COLIN ROBINSON !!! His head over a kid's body is so hilarious. I remember it in the last episode of Season 3, I laughed so bad after that second of "WTF am I seeiinnnngggg"

This is promising. Getting my imaginary :popcorn: and :juice to watch this piece of madness art hihihi. Thanks !

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'What, you let him swim in the sewers?' - 'It helps him shake off the sillies.'

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OMG this show is back. 2 more days. Can’t wait.

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