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What We Do in the Shadows

Season 4

Still a funny show, but this was definitely the weakest season so far. They really need to stop giving separate stories to each character and have them do more things together like in the first two seasons.

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Far and away the worst season of the show yet. I think it needs to end - a lot of the bits are getting old, and it feels kinda repetitive.

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so far so good. still funny even without the energy vampire boring jokes lmao.

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Humor seems off this season. Baby Colin isn't really funny and a lot of episode time is spent on jokes involving him, the latest episode (Private School) is completely dedicated to him and his plot. Hope the future episodes are funnier.

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Season 4 is still funny as ever. The Baby Colin Robinson side plot is hilarious and spot on. Vampire night club is a bit obvious, but still works. Looove Guillermo this season too. Pretty happy to learn more about him.

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Another solid season, though definitely not on par with the hilarious season 2 and doesn't reach the heights of season 3, but is solid throughout. I wasn't that enamored with the baby Colin storyline, especially as it took Laszlo away from Nadja and random hilarious antics, and the vampire nightclub was a little haphazard and inconsistent as a plotline. The one episode where they try to get Colin into private school was an absolute treasure, though.

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What if we took arguably the funniest/best character of the last season(s) and turned him into a one-note joke

-The writers of season 4, probably

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