I don’t know what Hayley Atwell did to deserve a weird clip show that has the pacing of Rise of Skywalker’s first act, and has mostly terrible performances across the board. I mean, was the voice director not around when Sebastian Stan was recording his lines?? Most of the dialogue was stilted and stiff as well. This whole thing was just really off. The idea of Captain Carter is so fucking exciting, but they really missed the mark for me.

I still have hope and am excited for future episodes, especially since it seems like they won’t be playing 2 hour movies at 4x speed, but this wasn’t the greatest of starts.

It looked really pretty though!

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Yeah, it's alright.

It tries to hit the same beats as "The First Avenger," but it's nowhere near as good. The fast pace is a nice change from the slow burn of the recent MCU series, and the art style is BEAUTIFUL when it's static but a little ugly in motion. The characters seem to be 3D, but the effects are 2D, so it's nice to see that Spider-Verse left an impact on the animation industry. The montage had terrible music and was worse than "The First Avenger," in my opinion—I prefer that one all the way!

Although I will say, I don't buy Peggy and Steve's romance because these characters are different multiverse versions, so the emotional beats don't land. I also didn't feel anything when Steve "died," so that's a bummer. Otherwise, I appreciate the background art during the credits, and I think this show is a nice distraction. Also, there's a scene where Captain Carter saved people—yes!

It's a solid half-hour of entertainment!

SCORE: 6/10

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This episode was fantastic! My goodness this single episode was so much more better than any bad batch episodes so far. Im shocked legit shocked DO RECOMMEND!

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It was okay, but I wouldn't have started with this episode. It's like watching a cartoon bootleg version of the first avenger with not enough difference. I wanted to see more of where her journey took her, not the same movie she was already in. Not a strong debut episode in my opinion.

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Fantastisch new series ! Very fun to watch. Very beautifully made animated visuals. Superb sound effects. I love that a lot of the voices are actually portrayed by the original cast. Little confused how they got a iron man suit in the 1940’s since Stark made one 70 years later in 2009.


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Not sure if it’s just because I’m not a massive captain America’s fan but I found this really boring. So Howard stark could have made an iron man suit that whole time but he just….. didn’t see a need for it?

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So, feminist crap for starters ? Hope the trend stops with this chapter

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I loved everything about this and desperately need more Captain Carter in every facet of my life, please. Now excuse me while I continuously play the "Giant Woman" song in the background.

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I love alt universe stories and this divergence was awesome. Great elements and portrayal of events, especially the parallels. Captain Carter was amazing. Really really enjoyable.

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Why there is an Iron Man suit in 1945! I expected something would be different from the original story, but it is almost exactly the same. 6/10

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`i love how josh keaton is credited as "skinny steve rogers" lol

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A good first episode, felt like some of the older movies, kept the essence.

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It was pretty underwhelming. Basically the same story but with a female Captain and also now Iron Man too.

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Feels like watching someone play a Telltale game

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Why did I expect Disney+ to put out anything that wasn't all about Virtue signaling?!
What a joke. Smh.
Even my girlfriend called this cringe!

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For a concept that has so much promise, this first episode of What If felt a little forced. It wasn’t terrible but the 30 minute format meant cramming so much into it and I just kept thinking this feels rushed. I’ll still give the series a chance tho.

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Episode 1 of the new What If series revisits Captain America: The First Avenger - with Peggy Carter receiving the Super Soldier serum and a new ally named the Hydra Stomper assisting. What If touches on many of the same beats as The First Avengers. There are moments and plot points that are repeated here, and even when something is changed, it's cocooned around the same setting. Looking at some of the other upcoming episodes, they appear to provide more variation, though whether that will occur is yet to be seen. At times this episode is fast, too fast - and at others it's too slow. I would have appreciated a few more minutes between Peggy Carter and her romantic interest, Steve Rogers as with the role reversal, the love story doesn't feel as applicable.

For those worried about how this would fit into the MCU, I've heard that eventually the big plan regarding this show will come to fruition and that these are not just stand alone, for the sake of stand alone episode. That reassures me. Easily better than the majority of The Bad Batch.

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a minute slay. I love tfa so this reimagining was so up my alley. i especially love how much they changed while staying true to the themes of the og story. plus the steggy moments were sweet.

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A pleasing sharp visual style, really comic like.

Story feels a bit rushed as it is basically covering the whole Captain America first movie in half an hour, but with some significant changes.

Still contains the Steve/Peggy flirting and a similar time freeze sacrifice.

Nothing super original, but it's fun.

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All this did was prove steve rogers' captain america is lame.

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Felt too rushed and the emotional beats didn't hit because of it, but it's a fun first episode overall!

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This was a good, fun, direct, and unassuming change of pace for Marvel series.

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Great execution, terrible concept
Stop messing with the old and gold Marvel stuff and try to invent something new for a change

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The animation was superb, but I would have liked to see another story, more of Carter’s development. For the first episode, it’s good, though! Excited to see more!

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I liked it. I'd watch an Avengers version with Carter. However, I do hope that the next episodes slow down a bit cuz this pacing... oof; it's way too fast.
Also, not taking up the chance to create a future antagonistic force in Steve Rogers was such a waste of potential. Like, imagine 2 episodes exploring a Winter Soldier and Civil War version with Carter and Steve Rogers. It sounds amazing to me.

On a side note, I love Carter' suit design. Much better than Captain America's.

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Fun stuff. I really dig the animation; the style is fun and so is the action. However, the story feels far too rushed. I'm kind of surprised it was only 30 minutes long instead of the typical 45 minute length of the other MCU shows. If it had had that extra 15 minutes, not only would there be more breathing room, but the cool twist on the plot of The First Avenger could be more fully realized. Instead it's simply a fun action romp (which isn't necessarily a bad thing), but it's hardly anything more than that.

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I loved the art, and also loved her character, I hope they make a series about her.

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Breezy and fun enough (always a good time to see Peggy take central stage), and I liked that they take advantage of animation's freedom for its action scenes, but I hope future episodes are less film arc remakes with a few element/character switches.

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Lovely style, quick and zippy, What If is what Marvel should have been doing from the start. Original without feeling bound by the MCU, What If is setting itself up to be a great spin off.

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The animation was pretty cool, but so much of this just didn't feel like it was a multiverse branched off from the MCU. Peggy's action scenes where she was jumping from planes in the air just felt so off, even if it did look cool. Steve couldn't do that, neither could any other Super Soldier we've seen. Why could Peggy?

Some of the dialogue was a little rough, but overall not a bad first episode at all. Just don't expect the same feeling we all got with Loki and WandaVision

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The ludicrously fast pace delivers as many great moments as it does completely naff ones. While the pace is definitely a positive, it does slip into feeling rushed more often than not. The episode could of done with an extra 5 minutes to give key points a bit more room to breathe. But none the less an entertaining 30 minutes, but if this is the style of the whole series it may get old very fast.

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It was a nice watch. Very cool spinoff on shell-shaded animations. But something in the story was a bit cheesy. 6.8/10.

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