Although this episode showed what has happened in the real world, and it was cool, it was nothing really new because it was so obvious that it was happening this way. They should have showed something new about it. This was an ok episode, it should've 40 min long, or maybe disney should've aired 2 episodes per week instead of one that barely shows some progression to the plot.

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So Wanda is walking around Vision's reanimated corpse? damn that shit is dark for Marvel lol

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A sudden change into the more standard Marvel fare that many were expecting this to be at the start, but honestly the groundwork laid by the first three episodes made this all the more worth it. And like the best of the MCU, it's grounded in character work first and foremost, with exposition coming second. The cold open is one of the best sequences in the show yet, showcasing the effects of The Blip in more detail and expanding on what Spider-Man: Far From Home only hinted at, leaving Monica as the heart of this episode and making a hell of an impression.

And of course, as a Marvel fan, it was really nice seeing the little things back again. Jimmy's little card trick, Darcy's direct knowledge of CBM, S.W.O.R.D. itself - it rewards longtime fans while also endearing us to these characters again. And when the curtain is pulled back here, Marvel jumps into straight psychological horror again and it's done very well here. Looking forward to even more.

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FINALLY!! THIS is what I've been hoping for. Now, how do they plan on bringing back Coulson? After those first three episodes, they had better bring back Coulson...

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Oh, we're finally getting to the good stuff!!!

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Now, we are getting somewhere.

The 1st episode of this show that I really liked.

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For the love if shit, people. Without the first 3 episodes we wouldn't have this episode. Without the first 3 episodes this one wouldn't be as impactful. It's storytelling and all part of a larger whole. Stop saying, "finally we're getting somewhere," or "this is what the show should have been from the start." Its a journey. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. Holy shit.

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Now it's getting typical Marvel meh. I liked the first 2-3 episode thought.

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This episode was a let-down for me. I've been really digging the old school sitcom vibe and while I knew it had to end eventually, I'm sad that this wasn't reserved for the end of the series. Personally, I don't want all the answers - I love to theorize and to try and come up with what's going on, and this episode spoiled too many of the questions I had and confirmed too many of my suspicions. I really hope it goes back to the sitcom stuff next episode!

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What is this boring Marvel crap I was told there would be sitcoms

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I started watching WandaVision because I am a fan of Paul Bettany since A Knight's Tale and A Beautiful Mind. I am impressed with the talent of Elisabeth Olsen too, I haven't watched many movies with her, but I knew she was good too.

I am probably beyond the age to appreciate series and movies based on comics, that's my limit, but even if the show is becoming more interesting, we are starting to see something we see in EVERY American series these days: people full of themselves hating each other for no particular reason. And I can't stand these scenes anymore, it's like they are written by the same writers for every series.

Monica Rambeau: "Hi, good morning, I work here, and..."
"If you did, your badge would work"

"I'm a chemical engineer"
Dr. Darcy Lewis: "No one cares"

I know it may sound stupid, but that's what I didn't like about the episode. Even the scenes with the FBI look like the same from other movies and shows. The story can be interesting, but I hope to see different relationship between characters.

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well... I actually think the idea of Wanda and Vision trapped inside a sitcom and the mystery around it was far better without this episode. Now it's just another marvel movie/series. not complaining about it because we all know why we came here for, but they were taking a risk in storytelling for the first time with something out of the ordinary and now... it's just the same as ever. I can't understand people who complain about the first episodes. The thing that made this show great was, for me, how it differentiates from everything else, but people seem to think that is quite the opposite. What a pity.

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Shout by fandomgirl08
BlockedParentSpoilers2021-01-29T20:54:47Z— updated 2021-01-31T21:49:17Z

Now we're talkin. Those first 3 episodes led up to this moment so damn well. Never doubt Marvel's brilliance. All these dots connecting has been fanfuckingtastic to watch. If only the episodes weren't so short because I desperately need more. My heart breaks for Wanda and horrifying me with that reality check of Vision seriously made me feel like I was watching a horror movie. Well done.

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I can’t help but feel as though this is the easiest way to get to this conclusion. There wasn’t ever a second when I didn’t immediately assume what’s happening is happening in the prior episodes, so the reveal in this episode is pretty lackluster for me.

I would have been much more interested in this show revealing all information within the realm of the sitcom episodes. It would have created more of a challenging project with more inventive writing. This episode functions as exposition dump as it is now.

And that’s still all besides the fact that I made a movie very similar to this in 2019.

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Shout by Erebos
BlockedParent2021-01-30T12:48:36Z— updated 2021-02-12T15:57:18Z

Again, Legion and Doom Patrol have done this WAY better.
It's sad how low people's standards are just because Marvel/Disney's name is behind this pathetic show.

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holy shit vision’s dead body at the end freaked me out my god wanda wtf

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I got to enjoy three episodes before it de-evolved into the worst story telling known to man, aka Marvel Storytelling. Why did they have to ruin the show with this garbage. Walks into bosses office, boss explains the plot in a conversation that would never happen in real life… and people shit on the first 3 episodes? Went from great to mediocre.

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Well, as it turns out, this series finally got to where all the MCU fans wanted it to go, even though it needed the first three episodes to get there. The funny thing is after I finished watching this, I can remember more about the first three sitcom episodes.

I hope we don't have to tolerate the astrophysicist character for the rest of the story. What a snarky, wiseass. She burns bridges before she starts working a job. Smart.

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OMG!!! These 30 minute episodes are killing me!!! I need thirty more minutes!!! Lol

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such a massive departure from the other episodes, which definitely works in its favor

sure it's much more typical "marvel" but yeah it works

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This is by far the best episode so far! Now we're finally talking :)

A lot of things make much more sense now but Westview is still completely crazy ("So you're saying the universe created a sitcom starring two Avengers?"). I'd've never expected to see doctor Darcy Lewis in this show (I barely remembered her face from Thor and had to look her up to be sure). Sentient Weapon Observation Response Division (S.W.O.R.D.) certainly explains the symbol from the previous episode but I have no idea who/what they are and how they fit into the MCU (it looks like they're completely independent of S.H.I.E.L.D. but IMO that doesn't make sense, at least not yet - and in any case they'd have to at least know each other).

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I had followed through on my promise (to myself) to drop this mess when some folks I trust convinced me that this episode puts things on a track that I would enjoy -- and one that I'd been expecting all along. And boy, did it! I'm glad that they talked me into giving the show a second chance, and it was great to see some familiar MCU faces and names and callbacks. I hope that we see a LOT more of THIS type of episode and a lot less of the sitcom nonsense in the future.

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Damn, that opening scene. This episode shows us what it's like on the outside for the first time and it's pretty cool. I never hated the sitcom stuff, but by episode three it was getting old, so I'm glad things are changing.

New characters? Let's go! Darcey is fine. Jimmy Woo and her have good chemistry, though. I don't like S.W.O.R.D.'s leader, and I think that's the point.

Vision's small blip is haunting.


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Now I have to watch the age of ultron again

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Showed a lot but still revealed little. At first I thought of an alternate universe/timeline (no MCU expert). Wanda controls all this and she might be the only thing real in Westview.
Very interesting plot.

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Now we are finally getting somewhere. Wish we can just binge the whole season. This whole one episode at a time is killing me.

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It's the culmination comic fans expected but it was done super well. Great to see some returning faces from the MCU as well (and I see Agent Woo finally perfected that slight of hand magic).

Love seeing more about the blip and how it affected people. Really all round great episode.

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Now we are cooking with grease. Awesome episode.

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This is the best episode so far! Wow

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Fav quote: “What? I’m invested!”
I’ve shed a tear pretty often, and, just like the show’s “audience” I feel an, “Awww!” whenever they kiss.
I’m sure everyone here can admit (and, obv Wanda agrees): Wanda & Vision’s love story ended too soon! Frickin tragedy in the truest sense.

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Oh, there we go. Finally something.

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Aaaah! Literally was telling my friend last week how I hoped that Maria Rambeau's daughter would return to the MCU in Captain Marvel 2... Looks like we didn't have to wait that long! And I thought that Vision looked weird in the back of that shot before they revealed the vision of dead Vision (heh). Super creepy! I'm really glad we finally got some explanations as to what might be going on, while still keeping us mostly in the dark.

However, some of the dialogue felt stilted, and the character interactions felt off. As cool as the reveals were, the weird dialogue kind of pulls it down a step for me.

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It's sad that some people jumped off after watching the first episode of this, only because it wasn't an action packed epic. Things are finally starting to make sense, and I'm really liking the direction the show is taking.

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A proper, interesting episode!
Last 3 episodes could be squeezed in one or half an episode, but again marvel is treating these episodes like parts of a movie. So...

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I was apprehensive of this show to begin with. Sure, the concept was at least creative, but I wasn't sure if I just wanted a show that hopped through different eras of sitcoms. Either way, this episode revealed a bit more to the purpose of Wandavision and now I'm definitely interested.

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Daamn I wasn't expecting to see vision like that. It hit me so hard :sob::sob:

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So, if it's all Wanda why are we seeing Hydra's product? isn't that weird? or am I missing something? and Jimmy's questions have really got me! why sitcoms? and why it's a hexagon? vision is clearly dead, and Wanda - or whoever's helping her- has kidnapped a whole town just to live a life she always dreamt of! Wow.... just wow.

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All the people with the 5 minute attention span during the first 3 episodes can officially shut up now.
And honestly I think they should just not continue :) They gave up that easily, why should they enjoy this?

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Now things are getting exciting!

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I have to say that I liked this episode. In my opinion the past episodes should have been summarized into only one.
I really liked Darcy's return as Doctor Lewis. Reference to people returning from the blip sets finally the timeline into this show fits. I really enjoyed it and this is what I was expecting from a Marvel show. This is an 8/10 hoping it will continue on this path.

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This episode is for the people bitching that they needed answers “since episode 1.”

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really gotta hand it to this episode for so skillfully draining every ounce of mystery, intrigue, tension, whimsy, and fun out of the show so far.

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Shout by DAVY X
BlockedParent2023-06-13T18:57:02Z— updated 2023-06-23T08:17:34Z

Now that is some solid
writing right there and
how they tie the season
so far in was flawless.
I absolutely love everything
about this show,
not one bad episode
very very slick indeed.
Now that's how you
Do It, Marvel sure
knows how to deliver
and knock it out the ball park
again and again and again.
This show is Awesome
Amazing and Elizabeth Olsen's
acting is off the charts,
give this woman an Emmy already.
This show is
Definitely in my top 3.
what utter joy and
Awesomness it is.
(Wow I got ChillBumps
with Agnus,
"Shall we take it from the top"
I loved that part, it was my
Second favourite part of the
episode only topped by
Wanda flexing and turning
the guns).

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The first three episodes were fun, interesting and different. This one was predictable and boring.

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Shout by wolf.pup
BlockedParent2023-04-02T13:08:18Z— updated 2023-06-11T23:08:05Z

1st play (14 March): English
2nd play (30 March): French Dub
3rd play: English Dub
4th play (12 June): Portuguese Dub

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The episode that made the show better

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Shout by Deleted

Four episodes in and this show has gone from a fun idea to generic Marvel shite. Delightful.

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Darcy! Yay, so glad to have her back. As fun as ever.

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I fuckin loved this eppisode, when jimmy and darcy showed up I got so happy, I loved them in this episode. Also all we saw so far of the blip when they came back was in spiderman, I love how this show is adding to the mcu, I'm so glad they've decided to go in this direction, I was so excited for the mcu shows and this one is living up to my expectations which just makes me more excited for Loki and falcon and winter soldier. The mcu never disappoints. amazing.

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bruuuuuuuuuuuhhhh this show man this SHOW

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Shout by Agent24

Amazing episode. Secrets are revealed although the mystery is not yet fully solved. Love all the connections to previous MCU films. Also it‘s so amazing that they brought back Kat Dennings.

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Best episode finally some sense in this series. I still don't understand the almost 10 minutes credits at the end. And 5 minutes recap.

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Very short episodes for a week of waiting. And the credits are so long.

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It's getting betterrrr! Vision's body was creepy, he's been walking around Westview as a puppet, dead all the time... It's all Wanda, indeed!

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This is the good shit

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Yeah, you can have it as impactful without draging the gimmick. Sopranos is slow and impactful, even relevant and meaningful, where each episode just supports the big theme of the show. This is just your usual Marvel entertainment. Granted, this episode was more fun. I really wouldn't call it mind-blowing, unless you call that videos of illusions.

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It was definitely a ramp-up but delivered a big pay-off. I do love Marvel and what they continue to deliver, sometimes unawaringly so until that instant where things all fall into place. Just wonderful, guys!!!

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I'm not a Marvel fan and I'm usually not interested in superhero movies.
Seeing promos for this show made me wonder what the heck this was about, since it didn't look like the typical (or what I would expect) Marvel thing.
Getting the first "fillers" episodes (even though cringey unfunny) made me stay and watch because I STILL DIDN'T KNOW WHAT WAS GOING ON.
And I knew something was up, it all smell fishy.
So there you have it: I don't want to leave now so well done!

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NOW we're talking. No more sitcom sh*t, yay!

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I have to say this, this is just a piece of clever film making,

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Well this was not expected...

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HELL YEAH that's some goooooooooooooooooooooooooooood stuff

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What a start! I got shivers with the acting of Monica Rambeau... Still watching it but let's see what this chapter brings... Those who didn't like the sitcom style you can be happy, it's getting "real". Well, you know what i mean :grin:

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whose doing this to you wanda, yep revelations.

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