That ending m assuming its the swarm character from comics, I am loving the show atm! Elizabeth's acting is impeccable and am preparing myself emotionally for the heartbreak thats coming! ':(

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Is this whole wink wink tease going to go on for the whole season?

I think it ends with color so I hope we are done with that b&w weirdness.

Has covid messed with the timeline? Black widow and eternals were supposed to have been already released when this tv show supposed to have debuted? Do events in those 2 movies affect the events in this tv show or are they independent of each other?

I need a main course instead of these appetizers. I just hope it comes sooner rather than in the season finale. That would be asking for too much patience from the fans. This makes me miss Netflix method of releasing the whole season in one go.:smirk:

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Easter eggs are only cool when there is substance. Can we get some more substance please

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This show will ultimately fall or stand by the answers it gives to its mysteries.
Until then, I’m quite enjoying this as an homage to old school sitcoms.

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the fuck
am I watching

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Same as Episode 1. I wasn't interested. I really liked watching Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie. I am not liking this show, then again I've not watched most of it. Were the opening credits supposed to be an almost exact copy of Bewitched or was that just by accident. It's not right to copy it. I'll still give the other episodes are go and if I end up REALLY liking it maybe I'll watch earlier episodes properly.

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I was totally on the fence but I have to say... by the end of each episode I was still intrigued... I think I’m seeing this through :smirk:

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What the f*ck did I watch.

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Uh, what the hell is going on? So many questions. I’m curious as to who that is on the radio. it kind of sounds like Randall park or Jimmy Woo

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Elizabeth Olsen in that assistant magician wardrobe was really a sight for the eyes.

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After first two episodes, I much enjoy the goofiness of this, especially the way the show still leans into their powers for the sitcom homage plotlines. And Olsen is just radiant here, pure star charisma.

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So far, even into it's second episode, WandaVision doesn't let up. There is so much to love here, and the impeccable ways it finds to not only homage classic TV but also set up all of the elements of the mystery. If anything, WandaVision seems to be leaning far more heavily into psychological thriller then I ever anticipated it will - far slower paced then most Marvel fare but just as compelling thanks to the sheer likability of the cast.

And even then, it still works as a sitcom! The gags? Hilarious, particularly Vision's little gum side plot which is simply genius. As a fan of old school TV, this show is hitting all of the right buttons while also adding in just the right amount of menace. And the transition to colour marks the first time we really get to see what the show's intentions really are. Fantastic stuff again.

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Man, there's a better way to set this up than how they are doing it. Still not feeling this.

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Fantastic episode! Loved the vibe. That disturbing hint of discomfort layered underneath the silly is spot on. I wish all the episodes were released at once as I feel like this is a series that would benifit from a binge watch. I'm getting a kick out of people that had no clue before hand what this show was going to be and are now all scratching their heads. :p

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If the set up of episode 1 gave you an doubts - this should eradicate them. While episode 1 had a lot of setting and staging, this begins to slowly peel back the layers. The sitcom styling feels more natural here and with the additional mystery and the world building and changing - this is one of the best episodes I've seen in a long time.

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...Aaaand, I'm out. The main storyline might (or might not) be awesome and mysterious and whatnot... I don't care. I'm not willing to suffer a minute more of this cringey, dumb 1950s sitcom. Too painful to watch.

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No just no, this is horrible. Slow and over the top nonsense

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Forced myself to watch the second episode but feelings remain the same. This does not belong to the MCU!! If this is an introduction it is taking too long. I think it will loose many MCU fans along it's way. At least it will loose me: 1/10.

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The sitcom plot is even better than the first one! I legitimately laughed out loud at some of the jokes, and even more mysterious events are happening. Again, they do a great job at doing and saying subtle things that seem just a little out of place, but not so much that it stands out... for now.

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Definately not what I was expecting. Althought I am not quite sure what I expected. It is intriguing and I think Wanda does control this, whatever it is, in some way.

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Despite lowering my expectations considerably after the disappointing pilot episode, this one was still another major letdown. And it doesn't help that the ridiculous amount of credits seems to fill far more of the available time than any actual explanations or even passing HINTS about what the heck is going on within the narrative itself. The show is asking for a lot of patience that it hasn't earned yet, and a 15-second plot twist at the very end isn't going to cut it, let alone justify watching the rest of the...whatever it is. I'm usually a complete-ist by nature, but I do make exceptions and this is already REALLY close to becoming another one.

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This is on the way to be one of my favorite shows of 2021.

Elizabeth :heart:

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Ok this is getting interesting and I am very intrigued to know what is going on... Wanda asking Vision "is this really happening" and then her going back in time to recreate the moment with a different ending makes me think this is all her creation... Unable to cope with Vision's loss, it seems she is trying to create an alternative world where she can be with him

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This show is slow and boring, unfunny and not surprising. I am a fan of superhero movies and TV shows but this one is simply not interesting. I think I'll stop here and skip to the Loki show

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Not that I'm not enjoying seeing some new angles of the MCU, but I certainly hope they're almost done being clever and dropping pop culture references and, you know, actually advance the story in a substantial way. Three episodes is usually what I get most series so time is running out.

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Another hilarious episode but now the mistery is growing. Clearly we are not gonna have more of this classic sitcom vide (which will be missed).
One question is on my mind: WHO is doing this to you Wanda?

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A lot more hints at the mystery of it all this episode. Really liking the style and pace of it all.
Also great to have Emma Caulfield on my screen again! I don't think I've seen her in much since Buffy which is a real shame.
Can't wait to see this all develop.
Same logo as last eps end screen on that person's suit at the end there. See my comment on the last ep if you want more info on that.

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This NEEDS to get better. Again its non stop cheese and no explanation to why this is set in the 50s and how Vision is alive. There should have been a much better intro episode

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What did I just watch this show is a absolute cringe fest waist of time

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Well WandaVision x Bewitched... if you didn't catch on to that one, wowzers.

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1st play (14 March): English
2nd play (30 March): French Dub

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it's a little weaker than episode 1 but nonetheless very jarring

wanda looks cute in that outfit btw

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Shout by Dahj Asha

I'm still not sure if I love or hate this. It's both a bit fun and a bit boring. At least we have colors now :) And I like the end credits renderings (based on the RGB filters for the subpixels of e.g. an LCD screen).

I really wonder how many references and hints I'm missing (like e.g. the Strucker watch with "Hydra" on the watchface). Can't wait to watch an analysis of this show.

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Anybody else here see Pleasantville?

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As it the case with the first episode, I'm not a fan of the Vision character or Paul Bettany's acting here. Too manic. Elizabeth Olsen on the other hand, as 60's housewife, is beautiful and the smart one who gets everyone through the typical sitcom situations. The whole failing magic act plot was a little more interesting and there are a couple moments of menace that are likely leading to a more contemporary story line.

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